What is Psychology definition/concept
Every science has an object of study . In the case of psychology, it is a science that studies human behavior . In other words, psychology is an area of study that also helps people to know themselves better. Interestingly, there are many students who study psychology at the university not only for the fact of exercising this profession in the future, but simply for the desire to get to know themselves and others as well. After all, what they really seek is to be happier.
Psychological knowledge aims at a better understanding of human behavior patterns, personality patterns , character traits, emotional processes and the plane of consciousness and unconsciousness. (In this area, Freud was one of the professionals who most studied the power of the unconscious). Psychology
However, it is worth noting that there are many different branches of psychology and that each has its own method . Psychology is the science that studies the greatness of the human being, a being marked by enormous dignity and that differs from others by its intellectual side and its will. Human beings have the ability to reflect on themselves. Psychology reminds us that each human being is unique and exclusive, unlike others.
From the current point of view, the role of the psychologist is encompassed in the health area, since, when a person suffers from an emotional problem, they undergo psychological therapy to find out the root of their problem. The psychologist is the appropriate professional for some specific cases, for example, in cases of depression. Every human being has an inner world. Psychological therapy positively deepens this inner world, creating a suitable environment for introspection through assertive dialogue.
Throughout the history of psychology there are different psychological schools that valued the deepening of psychological knowledge. It is important to highlight the excellent work done by Wundt’s experimental psychology, on the other hand, the influence of Freud’s psychoanalysis reflects in our days, and special mention should be given to the behaviorist psychology of John Broadus Watson, as well as cognitive therapy by Aaron T. Beck. Humanistic psychology also looks at the greatness of the person. Human beings aspire to be happy by nature, for that, psychology also becomes a science that reflects deeply on happiness.
An example of a thinker who reflected on the power of happiness is Victor Frankl, founder of Logo therapy and author of the book “Man in search of meaning“. As this writer and psychiatrist explains, man is happiest when he finds a meaning for his existence.