Applied Linguistics

New teaching methodologies/importance/Benefits/5 methodologies

What Are The New Teaching Methodologies?

New teaching methodologies are combinations of concepts, techniques and innovative tools used for the construction of knowledge.

To better explain, the methodologies provide support to establish the objectives and paths of the teaching and learning process , expressing ways of seeing this dynamic, as well as the role of teachers and students.

Traditional methodologies prioritize logical and restricted teaching, guided by the transmission of specific information through reading, lectures and copying of content.

The evaluation of students is carried out with the application of tests and knowledge tests, which aim to measure student performance , approve those who reach the average and retain those who do not achieve good grades.

The student, on the other hand, is seen as a mere receiver and, therefore, must recognize the master’s authority and strive to obtain a satisfactory performance in the tests.

Therefore, it is necessary that you do the exercises, memorize information and study hard before the tests, in order to remember the themes seen in the classroom.

New ways of learning , on the other hand, have very different views on the way knowledge is constructed, the format of classes and assessments.

They seek to break with old paradigms to facilitate and enhance learning, making it more attractive to students – and to educators.

What Is The Importance Of New Teaching Methodologies For Learning?

The new teaching methodologies have the mission of facilitating learning , employing principles such as student empowerment in this process.

Instead of simply fulfilling their tasks, children, adolescents and adults are encouraged to propose solutions to problems, research, debate and experiment.

In this way, they become aware of the importance of their participation to expand knowledgeassuming more responsibilities in this dynamic.

Teachers also assume new roles, acting as facilitators and not the only holders of knowledge.

They present different ways to improve and adapt the learning tools to students, recognizing their peculiarities.

It becomes simpler, then, for students to develop their own ways of retaining content and, more than that, to visualize its application to problems during the routine.

In this sense, institutions and educators that opt ​​for new teaching methodologies support the student body so that it acts as a protagonist, reinforcing a proactive behavior in the search for learning .

The ideas about the simple transmission of knowledge are put aside, and the reflections towards the sharing of knowledge come into focus.

An adult who proposes to study, for example, accumulates a series of practical information, but chose to improve it or, who knows, organize it to improve the professional result .

This prior knowledge should not be ignored by the teacher, but used to improve the learning dynamics, relating new content to the universe that the student already understands.

The same reasoning applies even to children and even babies, who will have an easier time assimilating new information if they are presented taking into account familiar games, objects and words.

Benefits Of New Teaching Methodologies

As the expression suggests, new teaching methodologies are not restricted to a single option or format.

But they all provide greater flexibility , having some advantages in common.

Below, we discuss these benefits.

Greater Autonomy For Students

In the topic above, we mentioned that one of the most significant differences between the traditional method and the innovative ones is a change in the role of the student .

Included as an essential part in the construction of knowledge, it takes a proactive stance that increases the chances of learning more and better.

Increases The Pleasure Of Learning

Adopting new methodologies implies changing study objectives, leaving grades and measurable performance in the background.

There is an appreciation of issues such as participation in debates, collaboration and application of what was shared in their daily lives.

The tendency of this is to develop an appreciation for the dynamics of learning , seen as something pleasurable and simple, rather than boring.

Gain Attention In The Classroom

Attracting and keeping students’ attention using the traditional method, which consists of long lectures , is becoming increasingly difficult.

That’s because students need to overcome a series of distractions to focus on the exposed content, a challenging task when their smartphone delivers several notifications per minute.

But, betting on new techniques and activities, it is possible to conquer and retain the attention of the class , which will be engaged in the composition and development of the class.

Strengthens Self-Confidence

By empowering students, new methodologies end up reinforcing their self-confidence, revealing that they can facilitate their own learning .

In addition, it is not uncommon for the techniques to propose practical tests and experiments, through which children, adolescents and adults can make mistakes and correct themselves, until they find the right formulas and components.

In this way , they will be learning to look for new solutions to the demands that arise and will increase their confidence in themselves with each small victory.

Promotes Preparation And Professional Growth

Many higher education institutions have employed or plan to employ new teaching methodologies.

And that doesn’t happen by accident.

These methods favor the formation of more flexible professionals , with the ability to create connections between different subjects and assess complex scenarios – essential skills in a job market as volatile as the current one.

The applicability of new techniques is another interesting benefit, as it enables professionals to resolve immediate issues.

What Are The Top 5 New Teaching Methodologies?

The most current teaching methodologies are based on the concept of innovation which, contrary to what many people believe, is not restricted to the use of new technologies .

Innovate can be defined as solving a problem in a different way, encompassing both the tools and the paths that lead to this solution.

That is, innovation includes techniques that challenge the status quo and propose different strategies for learning.

You don’t have to stick to textbooks, classroom and homework assignments, and memorized content.

It makes more sense to focus on ways to make learning simpler and more natural , prioritizing student needs and wants.

These are some of the characteristics of the methodologies that we explain below.

1. Active Learning Methodologies

Earlier, we commented that the traditional school sees teachers as transmitters of knowledge, while students are mere receivers.

Active methodologies challenge this idea, placing the student at the center of the learning dynamics through resources that awaken them to action .

Hence the name of these methods, which favor an active posture on the part of the student, instead of the traditional passive behavior.

For this, practices such as the inverted class are used , which alters the moment of presentation of a new content.

Instead of the first contact with him happening in the classroom (or during a virtual class, in the case of Distance Education – EaD ), it occurs before that.

Generally, prior material is released to the class through e-mail or platforms such as virtual learning environments (VLE), with basic guidelines on the subject studied.

Videos, audios, games , infographics, practical exercises and texts can integrate this first experience, which will be improved during the class.

Upon arriving in the room, students bring their doubts, debate and compare answers on the proposed topic, making this period more dynamic and fun .

Case studies , problem solving and challenges are other techniques that are part of the list of options within active learning methodologies.

Activities in teams are also common , starting from the division of the class into groups so that they find collaborative solutions and strengthen team spirit.

2. Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

You may have heard of, or even taken, an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test to measure your brain’s capacity.

However, science has already pointed out that there is more than one type of intelligence , and any analysis should inform which type is being studied.

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, created by psychologist Howard Gardner , starts from this premise, bringing eight different modalities.

According to the specialist, all individuals have the eight types of intelligence, to a greater or lesser degree, resulting in certain tendencies and aptitudes .

Genetic factors contribute to someone having a predisposition to play a musical instrument, for example, but they are not enough: there must be a favorable environment for this aptitude to develop.

Educational institutions and educators have been investing in this new understanding to assess their students, bearing in mind that everyone has different skills and abilities .

Thus, instead of using standardized assessments, students are analyzed through the prism of each type of intelligence, since all of them are important for their evolution.

The types of intelligence are:


Minds focused on logic and strategy tend to have this modality well developed, which gives them an advantage when solving problems , complex equations and making calculations.


It describes people who find it easy to assess, organize, interpret and express themselves through words , both orally and in writing.


Those who have a well-developed musical intelligence can identify, in a simple way, the sound patterns, arrangements and notes. It is common for you to enjoy singing , listening to music or playing an instrument.


Individuals who like to be outdoors and study the species of flora and fauna tend to have high naturalistic intelligence, with different attributes when analyzing the elements of nature.


Having high awareness of the body and movements allows the person to use them to achieve goals, such as dancing or even breaking records in sports competitions.


It’s the kind of intelligence that makes it easy to orient yourself through maps, estimate distances , and imagine shapes, colors, and measurements.


Interpersonal intelligence favors the construction and maintenance of healthy relationships , as it adds high levels of empathy – the ability to put yourself in the other’s shoes to understand their doubts, needs and motivations.


It brings together useful skills for self-knowledge, reflection and self-analysis, raising the degree of autonomy and independence of those who have them.

3. Experimental Learning

This methodology breaks the patterns of discipline division, uniting teachers and students in the composition of classes with interdisciplinary content .

The meetings are guided by topics previously chosen and related to a central theme – such as volcanoes, for example.

It is possible to compose a class that addresses the formation of volcanoes, those that are active today and the latest news about them, combining knowledge that would normally be spread through Geography, Biology, History and Current Affairs classes.


Inspired by the technological revolution, STEM education is also interdisciplinary.

Its focus is on the development of content based on four specific disciplines, used to form the acronym STEM:

  • S refers to Science or Natural Sciences , covering concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • T describes Tecnology or Technology , showing simple and in-depth concepts such as programming language and internet of things
  • And represents Engineering or Engineering , which supports the creation of materials from scientific knowledge.
  • M abbreviates Mathematics or Mathematics , which will have practical applications to solve day-to-day demands.

Together, these subjects offer essential content for the training of qualified professionals in applicable technological innovations, supplying the market’s lack in these sectors.

Therefore, the STEM methodology is more common in technical or higher education , when the student has already expressed his desire to pursue a career in these areas.

5. Blended Learning

Translated from the English conceptblended learning , this method increases flexibility in the classroom by blending online and offline .

In other words, it is a middle ground between face-to-face education and distance education, with the purpose of extracting the benefits of these two universes.

Classes and introductory activities can be done remotely, leaving debates and interaction, the exchange of knowledge between teachers and classmates to the face-to-face modality.

With the popularization of Distance Learning, the hybrid methodology has been increasing the number of adept institutions, as it does not require many resources to be put into practice.

As with other innovative techniques, it requires greater dedication on the part of the student, who needs to follow the distance learning content, so that he is prepared to share his impressions in the classroom.

What Is The Best Teaching Methodology For Adults?

If the student is the central figure in the teaching-learning process, the context of adults has several differences when compared to Early Childhood Education or High School .

While children and teenagers are discovering the world and building their personality, in adulthood they have other goals, such as acquiring hard skills , behavioral skills or deepening their knowledge about a subject.

With this in mind, different entities and specialists have developed methods aimed at the older public, composing an area called andragogy or continuing education.

The science aspect of education uses examples from its routine to show the application of the content learned , valuing the student’s experience.

In this way, it provides motivation for adults, who see classes as tools that help them to broaden their horizons and respond to daily challenges.

In an interview with the publication Ensino Superior, American psychopedagogue Angela McGlynn, author of the book “Teaching today’s college students”, points out that:

“It is necessary to provoke the students, to get them out of apathy with subjects and themes that interest them. Fostering discussions, evaluating solutions to a challenge, pointing out problems in a solution, in short, maintaining a constant dialogue and not a monologue by the teacher.”

In addition to the contents present in the planning or curriculum, courses forged from the perspective of andragogy are support for students to increase their self-knowledge, achieving more and more success in learning .

The components of continuing education also serve for the development of learning trails, lectures, debates, discussions and personalized corporate training .

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