Mission vision and values of a company with importance
Mission vision and values
In this article we will provide you the information about Mission vision and values of a company with importance.
Defining a company’s mission, vision and values is to have the basis for all strategic planning and decision-making to follow the ideal direction to guarantee better results and the success of the organization. In this article we will provide you information about the Mission vision and values of a company.
Have you ever entered a company’s website and come across a section presenting the organization’s mission, vision and values? Believe me, this is more than a mere formality.
Today, not all companies share this information on their websites. However, it is still recommended that, internally, these concepts are defined and guide the organizational culture.
Knowing that, we made this post to let you know how and what each concept means. Going further, we want you to understand how to define your own company’s mission, vision and values.
What does each of the concepts mean?
To start this conversation, we need you to understand what mission, vision and values are clearly.
The concepts have been known for a long time in the corporate world, but it is common for us not to understand exactly what each one represents.
That’s because many people still see a company’s mission, vision and values as ideas that need to be put on paper at someone’s request, but that end up being forgotten later.
As a consequence, concepts also end up forgotten, confused with each other or little considered. This needs to change!
They are essential when defining strategies to be followed at each stage experienced by the company. So, on to the settings.
1-What is a company’s mission
It is quite likely that you already know, but if you research, you will confirm that one of the meanings for mission is “what one must do, fulfill; obligation”.
This definition is a good start to talk about what this concept represents from a corporate perspective.
In a company, the mission represents the purpose, the reason to exist , that is, what the organization needs to do to justify its existence.
It is something that is linked to your focus of action and, consequently, to the product or service offered..
In order for us to strengthen this connection, we need to help transform companies’ HR and DP into truly strategic areas . That’s what we’re here for!
So much so that one of the paths we follow is the sharing of “information on real-time productivity, mobility and simplified management”, among others.
This is something that is part of a macro vision of our company’s mission.
2-What is a company vision
We can say that the mission is the foundation of a company, something that the organization must always rely on to define objectives and outline strategies. Vision, in turn, is something that can be less definitive and vary over time.
That’s because the vision tells where the company wants to go in the future . Therefore, it is like the dream to be pursued, what motivates the organization to continue existing.
It is important to know that vision should not be something utopian, quite the opposite. Imagine you can travel to the future and take a picture of your company five years from now, for example.
It is this image of something concrete—that is, of a possible reality—that must be used to define the vision. Despite this, the vision can be grandiose, because it needs to be inspiring .
We know this is an audacious goal, but it is precisely because we have full knowledge of what we are looking for that we are able to direct our actions on a daily basis.
Each company must determine a vision that it believes to be relevant to its reality and to its aspirations. Over time, once the goal is achieved, the vision can and should change.
For example, a company that dreams of becoming a national reference, upon achieving this feat, can start to pursue the dream of consolidating itself as the greatest authority in the sector or being an international reference.
In general, companies make mistakes for not knowing or for ignoring the possibility of evolution of the vision and, eventually, they end up running out of perspectives or losing motivation.
This risk must be avoided, because mission, vision and values are concepts that must permeate the life of the organization’s internal public .
The vision should show something that inspires everyone involved in getting the company where it wants to go. So it needs to be both realistic and challenging.
3-What are company values
A company ‘s values act as a bridge between who it is, that is, its mission, and where it wants to go, that is, its vision .
Thus, they translate into the definition of rules to be followed so that the existence of the company is justified and achieves the expected objectives.
We talk about rules of conduct and also the definition of principles and ideas that should permeate the entire organization.
A company can have different values, but it is always good to have the main ones very clear, so that they are known and applied by everyone.
Based on this, we highlight a “top 3” that we consider to deserve even greater prominence among our rules of conduct and we present them as follows:
- team spirit : collaboration and engagement at all points of contact with customers, employees, suppliers create real and trusting relationships;
- innovation : innovating is understanding customer needs and creating solutions before they even realize it;
- respect : differentiated service, respect for consumers, partners and channels create a brand that generates credibility and trust.
Can you see how we outline a “how to” so that we are able to fulfill our purposes and objectives? It is something like this that you need to look for for your company.
What is the importance of mission, vision and values
All very beautiful, all very interesting, but do you still want to understand what the mission, vision and values of a company are for in practice? Come on!
1-Considering the internal context
How many times have you, as a manager, participated in a conversation about strategic planning? In the business world, those who do not plan can end up “learning through pain” the need to do so.
Every strategy to be developed by a company must start or go through the mission, vision and values. So, if your company still hasn’t defined what each of these concepts represents, the time has come.
If this definition is ready, you are ready to start using it on a daily basis. This is the best way to keep the company faithful to what motivated its existence and on the right path to get where it wants to be .
You know that story of looking for professionals who have a profile suitable for the company? It goes through values!
What you are looking for are employees who identify with the rules that the organization has decided to abide by in order to achieve its goals.
You know that desire to have employees engaged and wearing the company shirt? It involves identification with the company’s mission and vision.
They are capable of motivating professionals to contribute in the best way so that the company fulfills its purpose and evolves every day.
For employees to be able to connect with the vision, mission and values, top management must also apply these concepts in their daily lives.
Thus, we are talking about definitions that will guide the culture and everything that is done by the company and on behalf of the company .
2-Considering the external context
We clarify why mission, vision and values are important internally. Now, we are going to tell you why these definitions are often shared with external audiences and how they impact the company.
First, consider the market the company is in. This is how the organization will get employees, partners, sponsors and others.
All these stakeholders can take the company’s mission, vision and values into account when making their decisions .
We say that this can happen because, in fact, not everyone is concerned about this issue. However, this is not something you should consider to be an advantage.
Remember what we talked about learning about strategic planning through pain? There are those who did not have to go through this and already recognized the importance of the basic definitions and those who went through it and then understood.
It is this stakeholder group that has a more mature understanding of professional and business relationships. In general, they are the ones that have the most to offer your company.
Agents with this more mature understanding are concerned with seeking partners whose mission, vision and values make sense to them.
This is even true for the best professionals in the market who can, yes, refuse a job that pays well because they do not identify with the purpose of a company.
All of this means that it is good for the company to know who it is, where it wants to go and how it is going to do so in order to attract, from the external public, who can really add to this trajectory.
Now, also consider the consuming public. If your company offers a product or a service, the way the internal public perceives mission, vision and values impacts what is passed on to customers and potential customers.
If an employee does not identify with the company because he does not understand its mission, vision and values, he will hardly be able to engage consumers as well.
Not to mention that customers are also looking for companies whose raison d’être and way of being make sense.
This is one of the reasons why, in recent times, so many organizations have become concerned with topics such as sustainability , diversity and inclusion .