Types of knowledge in research/Scientific/Philosophical/Theological/Tacit
What do you need to know about knowledge types?
Knowledge arises from man’s need to understand reality. It is the result of interaction with the environment in which you live. Depending on the circumstances in which the subject acquires knowledge, we can recognize the following types of knowledge: empirical, scientific, religious (theological), philosophical and tacit. Types of knowledge in research
To help you understand the difference between each category, in this post, we’ll conceptualize and exemplify the types of knowledge.
What is empirical knowledge?
It is that knowledge that a person obtains through the contemplation of phenomena and facts. That’s when something is deduced from observation. It is not a systematic knowledge as it depends on the way of interpretation of each observer. It does not imply reflections and does not need proof. It is also known as common sense or popular knowledge.
Among farmers there is a maxim that is always heard: “corn must be planted on St. Joseph’s Day”. With no scientific basis, this information has been passed on for generations. The suggested date coincides with the best time for planting. Types of knowledge in research
Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
It covers information that has been proven by science tests. It is systematic, as it is built in a rational and orderly way. His training implies the use of reason and analysis. It is fact-based knowledge, it is verifiable and can fail due to the constant discoveries of the scientific world.
We knew that “the Aedes aegypti mosquito is the transmitter of the Dengue virus.” More recently, it was discovered that it is also a vector for Zica and Chikungunya through scientific research.
How is Philosophical Knowledge built?
Philosophical knowledge exists due to man’s ability to reflect on everything that involves the subjective or non-material world.
It is not verifiable and does not need proof because, despite being rational, the subject of reflection is not material, that is, it is based on deduction.
Prejudice limits professional advancement.
Fundamentals of Theological or Religious Knowledge
Religious faith is the basis of this knowledge. And, as it is a belief in sacred or divine doctrines, it is taken as an absolute truth. This knowledge is capable of answering all the doubts about life and its mysteries. Theological knowledge does not need proof to be accepted, it is not verifiable, therefore, it is considered accurate and infallible. Types of knowledge in research
In Christianity Jesus is a child of God;
In Islam, God spoke directly to Muhammad;
Finding out more about Tacit Knowledge
This type of knowledge is personal and within an individual context. It corresponds to the knowledge acquired by the individual throughout life. Because it’s so private, it’s very difficult to explain. These are abilities that are incorporated into our being, stored unconsciously.
A person learns to swim without needing to know the physical phenomena employed for this to occur. Once learned, you can repeat the act at any time.
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