Innovative talent attraction strategies impacts Metrics and Indicators
Talent attraction
In this article we will provide you the information about Innovative talent attraction strategies impacts Metrics and Indicators.
It is a set of efforts promoted to attract high-performance professionals, with the objective of integrating them into the company’s staff.
For this, people management develops strategies capable of enhancing the organization’s image, showing how attractive it is.
The purpose of attracting talent is to put the company in the window, showing the differentials and benefits it offers.
But who are the talents that the organization seeks to conquer?
In fact, they are professionals who bring together skills, aptitudes and aggregating experiences .
In addition to keen critical sense and emotional intelligence, these are individuals who are truly aligned with the job requirements and organizational culture .
What are the impacts on the company when the attraction is poorly done?
Although technology is very present in organizations, human capital remains the greatest asset of companies.
Therefore, it is essential to have well-defined strategies to be successful in attracting talent.
When these actions are not properly structured or are poorly applied, the organization suffers from negative impacts in several aspects. Below, see the main ones.
1-Increased hiring costs
Hiring the wrong one is expensive. A study by CareerBuilder points out that nearly 3/4 of the companies that made bad hires wasted $14.9 thousand in cash.
Also, 74% of them admitted that they had hired the wrong people for the available positions.
Furthermore, when hiring is not adequate, it is difficult to retain talent in the organization. Not to mention that a new selection process must take place to meet the demand.
Attracting talent well done saves time and money , resources that can be invested in other areas.
2-Drop in productivity
The wrong hiring does not only affect the financial part . The lack of strategy affects the productivity of teams and the organizational climate.
In contrast, when all team members work with the same mission, goals and values, the company becomes productive and achieves results.
An unproductive employee, on the other hand, who is not dedicated as much as the organization expects, harms the entire work environment .
As a result, the company’s credibility is undermined and the quality of products or services declines.
3-Team demotivation
Vacancies open for longer than acceptable time overload team members.
This situation affects the climate at work and unbalances relationships, reducing the well-being of professionals.
For these reasons, attracting talent must prioritize suitable hiring , avoiding sudden dismissals of employees who do not feel compatible with the company or the function.
Innovative talent attraction strategies
Hiring professionals aligned with the organization is possible, based on some practical actions. Here, we will indicate 12 of them.
In this sense, HR can apply them to ensure success in attracting talent.
1. Strengthen employer branding
Developing a set of strategies, through employer branding , to strengthen the company’s image as an employer brand attracts the interest of good professionals.
Therefore, it is essential that leaders are aware of the needs of employees .
Also, it is important to know how the organization is seen by them, customers and consumers. After all, these audiences are the real promoters of the brand.
Today, there are awards that highlight the best companies to work for, for example, Top Companies, promoted by LinkedIn, and Great Place to Work.
These are awards that qualify the image of organizations and, for many professionals, are seen as “dream companies”.
2. Recognize and disseminate the organization’s values
Ignoring organizational culture is a mistake made by many entrepreneurs. However, to be successful in attraction strategies it is necessary to consider the mission, vision and values of the business .
These components are essential for the organization’s conduct.
Attracting talent should not disregard the organizational culture, especially if you want human resources to be effective representatives of the company.
Furthermore, recognizing and propagating values makes employees feel valued and part of the company.
3. Plan an attractive benefits program
Currently, employees expect more than competitive salaries, food stamps and transportation vouchers.
These are traditional benefits that really promote job satisfaction, but to attract talent you need to invest in innovative initiatives .
After all, if the organization is looking for high-level professionals, it must offer proposals at the same level.
Since they are people who want work styles with innovative proposals, where they can balance their personal and professional lives , without neglecting self-development opportunities.
So offer flexible working hours, goal-achieved reward programs, and training courses.
Give employees freedom to create and autonomy to carry out projects.
Finally, don’t forget to implement a horizontal management , in which everyone can contribute ideas and solutions .
4. Invest in recruitment marketing
Marketing is a powerful tool for converting leads, don’t you agree? How about using marketing strategies to attract talent?
The process is the same, we just need to develop actions to convert candidates into suitable hires .
Thus, HR can create intelligent devices to publicize vacancies and arouse interest in potential new employees.
For the proposal to be more attractive, give visibility to the skills of the position , the benefits that the company offers and highlight good reasons for joining the team.
Some recruiting marketing strategies that get results are:
- to disseminate the purpose, values and culture of the business on the company’s social networks, on career pages or in advertising campaigns;
- provide transparency and accuracy to what is disclosed , without neglecting the well-being of current employees so as not to fall into contradiction;
- disseminate relevant content about the company’s trajectory, work style, strengths and the mission it took on. After all, an organization’s reputation says a lot to the job market;
- develop mechanisms to facilitate the application of potential employees, for example, keeping an updated career page, showing available vacancies and being ready to receive resumes in a talent bank.
5. Invest in a good talent bank
Make a talent bank available on the institutional website , that is, a place for professionals to interact with the company and add to the system: their skills and soft skills.
Create an active channel between the company and interested professionals, even when there are no vacancies available.
It is important to be present and nurture those professionals of interest, values and information about the organization.
6. Promote humanized selection
In a humanized selection process, the recruiter’s attitude must be welcoming .
Thus, offering a calm and pleasant environment, preventing the interview from being an interrogative monologue, makes all the difference.
Also, try to value the candidate’s skills to assess the behavioral profile.
The recruitment and selection stage is an excellent opportunity to verify that the professional is aligned with the business purpose.
Therefore, evaluate beyond technical knowledge and promote an exchange of ideas in which the global vision of the future employee prevails.
7. Offer real growth opportunities
The attraction of talent is realized when the company shows the candidate what growth opportunities it offers.
Since excellent professionals are always looking for ways to develop in their career and personal life .
Therefore, the organization needs to clearly define which criteria a professional must meet to conquer new opportunities.
In this sense, developing a career plan that is beneficial and values employees who are truly dedicated to the business is the first step.
Also, strategies such as internal recruiting are also often attractive. Thus, the organization “takes advantage” of the talents that already work in it, without the need to seek external professionals .
It is a great opportunity for growth and better pay.
8. Encourage innovation
As we have seen, it is not just good salaries and benefits that attract high-performance professionals.
Today, they look forward to prospects for personal growth. Therefore, companies that invest in innovation are disputed by the best employees .
In the business sphere, innovating requires:
- investments in technology;
- creative trainings;
- autonomy to carry out “out of the box” projects;
- openness to new ideas and experiences;
- incentives for employees’ suggestions;
- awards for the best initiatives.
9. Understand the company’s internal climate
Understanding your company in theory and in practice is extremely important for attracting talent.
This is because the correct targeting of the available vacancy is part of the R&S process, that is, the detailed description of the required competencies, values and soft skils that the organization’s daily activities need.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand the company’s internal climate to know who actually fits into the organization and what characteristics this organizational climate demands.
10. Endomarketing
From all the tips, it is clear that attracting talent is linked to efficient Endomarketing practices.
Endomarketing is nothing more than a set of activities aimed at engagement and a more direct relationship between company and employees.
These activities are responsible for creating employer branding, connecting workers with the company’s values and can be linked to the benefits program, training and courses, career plans, efficient internal communication, etc.
11. Promote professional qualification
More than hiring qualified people, it is important to keep your team qualified and constantly updated.
Not only to benefit productivity and the employer brand, but also to make employees feel considered, valued and every day more useful and productive.
Qualification and empowerment is never enough and always offers benefits for everyone.
12. Use tests in R&S
When there is a well-structured process with the right tools and effective tests, the probability that the new co-worker will stay with the company longer is greater, as their weaknesses and abilities were identified early in the selection process.
In addition to its importance, by presenting a well-structured process, the company transmits an image of security that the new employee both needs and desires.
Therefore, explore the use of tests and tests , such as psychological, situational, technical skills, social skills, among others.
Metrics and Indicators
Some usual metrics in Human Resources make a difference in attracting people. An example is the cost of benefits offered to employees.
We know that advantages are very welcome for attracting talent, but the organization cannot fail to assess how much it spends to offer them.
An effective formula for this calculation is to divide the cost of benefits by the total number of employees served .
The analysis must show that, although the resulting value is high, it does not imply the need for cuts.
After all, corporate benefits are synonymous with investment. Therefore, checking what is relevant and what brings results is essential to maintain the health of the organization.