Internal Communication for Companies with Optimization and Advantages
Internal communication for companies
Internal communication for companies is a set of actions whose objective is to transmit relevant information between sectors , and later to employees who are part of a company.
These actions aim to transmit the information in a way that it is understood by all employees.
The information passed on can be: company values , objectives, feedbacks , strategies, recognition and other issues that may be important to employees. And it can be broadcast through different broadcast channels.
The important thing is that this communication is transparent , so that employees, even from different sectors, feel that they are connected and that they are part of the company.
The idea is that they know that they play an important role within the organization’s processes through their participation in initiatives, decision-making and also the changes that occur within the company.
Internal communication for companies also makes employees maintain an organizational pattern that matches the interests of the organization at a given time, in addition to keeping the focus on their services.
How to optimize internal communication for companies?
In the quest to optimize your company’s internal communication, you need to understand that any action will affect employees, regardless of their position.
This is because the internal communication is seen in its entirety, and for it to be effective it is necessary to work on some optimizations. See the main ones below!
1-Convey messages with clarity and objectivity
The larger the company, the more difficult internal communication becomes . This is due to the number of sectors, employees and also the position of these employees, which can range from intern to senior.
Did you understand the complexity? Very technical or complex messages can confuse recipients, and if they are misinterpreted, they risk generating rumors and gossip.
These dispersions hinder the transmission of information, and consequently communication.
That is why it is important that the idea is passed on clearly, avoiding communication noise .
Choose to transmit direct and objective messages , thinking about the professional hierarchy of who will receive the message so that everyone can understand its content.
It is worth remembering that it is the role of the company manager to verify that the message received was understood by everyone.
2-Choose communication channels
All communication needs a channel , and it is with this in mind that you should choose the channels that facilitate this communication, as the message needs to reach all the company’s employees.
Therefore, invest in different transmission channels and do not forget to give preference to vehicles that promote interaction between employees.
E-mail can be a good channel for you to convey important notices, but it is very difficult for many people to interact through it.
With today’s technology, using online chat or instant messaging tools gives employees more freedom to answer questions that arise more quickly, eliminating communication difficulties.
Using online chat makes communication a two-way street, allowing interaction between employees and establishing a closer relationship between them.
Its use can also contribute to the access to information by supervisors during the execution of processes.
For those companies that allow their employees to work over the internet , using online chat is a great advantage in communication.
Research the channels that are commonly used for your type of business. In this content, we show the main tools used in remote work .
3-Recognize your professionals
Internal communication is also important in order to recognize those professionals who do a good job within a company.
Therefore, it is important to identify those employees who are meeting the company’s goals and objectives. This is very important feedback, capable of motivating the employee even more .
In addition to improving the company’s image, it is now seen as an organization that supports and encourages its employees , the so-called employer branding .
4-Let your employees interact with each other
Promote conversations between your employees, make them get to know each other. To do this, hold meetings outside the work environment or coffee breaks during your break times, so that communication can flow more naturally.
It is very important that professionals interact, so it is easier to create communication that is accessible to everyone.
Keep your team engaged by always using motivational phrases in the work environment, creating a more pleasant place that encourages communication.
5-Get feedback
Just as the manager must recognize his employees and motivate them through feedback, to improve internal communication in companies, this manager must be open to receiving feedback from his employees .
Feedback is a very simple way to know if communication for companies is working, as it is from them that you will be informed of failures, problems and also successful actions.
6-Keep an organizational level
During the execution of processes within a company, it is natural that, during communication, files or even documents are sent.
If your company does not have an organization, it is common for some files to be duplicated or end up getting lost among emails.
To facilitate this communication process, you can use online databases for storage.
These locations can store company-wide files and prevent them from getting lost or sent multiple times. Information security cannot be neglected.
Also use online platforms that help your employees identify important tasks. Some of these platforms allow you to pin notices, notes, etc.
Certainly, this strategy is a facilitator for those who receive many daily demands. Thus, the exchange of information between sectors becomes more agile and secure.
Advantages of optimizing internal communication for companies
Keeping employees aligned with the company’s interests is just one of the advantages that this strategy offers. Check out 4 others!
1. Employees feel more motivated
Communication takes place reciprocally between company leaders and employees, and this makes professionals feel encouraged to maintain a dialogue.
In addition, there is a feeling of appreciation, as they feel truly heard and safe when exposing their ideas.
From there, the company can win, as it is possible that these ideas are innovative and become part of the internal processes.
Therefore, it is important to allow employees to have a voice within the company, regardless of whether communication takes place in a vertical format (leadership and subordinates) or in a horizontal format (among employees at the same hierarchical level).
Each employee starts to better understand their role within the company , its importance and the impact that their work generates on the company’s global results.
2. Reduction in turnover
Being on top of company events makes employees feel more participatory and create more bonds with the place where they perform their work.
This makes them feel inserted in the context of the company, making them more satisfied with the place where they work.
Automatically, they start to disregard possible company changes in their careers, reducing the turnover rate .
3. Better crisis management
Good internal communication can also lead the company towards better management in times of crisis .
When the employee is aware of what is happening within the company, it is easier to understand certain attitudes or situations that could be misinterpreted. Incomplete information is minimized and rumors are no longer a concern.
Employees are more confident when they understand that distorted information is not part of how the company works.
Even in scenarios where changes are necessary and employees may seem unmotivated and stressed, maintaining good internal communication is one of the ways to get these employees feeling motivated again , reducing tension.
4. Teamwork
The great sense of sharing generated by internal communication for companies motivates their employees to work together.
Not only with its team, but with other sectors, starting to see the company as a unified organism, increasing productivity and also the resolution of conflicts. In this way, productivity is reflected to the external service.