English Grammar

Some and any examples with countable and uncountable nouns

Some and Any

In English grammar, we use some quantitative words called ” some ” and ” any ” to refer to the amount of something, although the accuracy of the same is not important in conversation. The correct translation of both words could be “some” or “some of” for affirmative sentences, while they can be translated as “none” or “none of” in negative sentences. In this article we will provide you the examples of some and any.

There are certain rules in the use of both words , which we will see below.


The use of the word ” some ” is used in affirmative sentences , referring to some countable and uncountable nouns. Let’s look at some examples of what this refers to:

  • There are some birds in that tree(There are some birds in that tree.)
  • I’m drinking some (I’m taking some tea.)

We can also use ” some ” in some question sentences, especially when we want to offer something . For example:

  • Do you want to eat some cookies? (Do you want to eat some cookies?)
  • Would you like to drink some water? (Would you like to have some water?)

There are other types of question phrases in which we can use the word ” some “, but in this case we use them to ask for something. For example:

  • Can I have some candies? (Can I have some candy?)
  • Can I borrow some sugar? (Can I borrow some sugar?)

We can also use the word ” some ” as a compound word , such as ” somebody “, ” someone ” and ” somewhere “, which follow these same rules.


In the case of the word ” any “, we use it in most cases in negative or interrogative sentences , to refer to countable and uncountable nouns. For example:

  • There isn’t any shoes left. (There is no left )
  • Is there any milk in the fridge? (Is there any milk in the refrigerator?)

We can also use the word ” any ” in some conditional sentences , referring to the possibility of something if something else happened. Let’s see an example of what this refers to:

  • If I had any money left, I would go to the concert. (If I had any money, I would go to the concert.)
  • If I could read any of these books, I would appreciate it. (If you could read any of these books, I would appreciate it.)

Like ” some “, we can use the word ” any ” as a compound word, such as ” anybody “, ” anyone ” and ” anywhere ” .

Countable and uncountable nouns 

In this article on ” some ” and ” any ” we have talked about countable and uncountable nouns , but you may wonder: what are these types of nouns?

Countable nouns are those that can be counted individually, such as ” apples” and ” birds .” These nouns have the ability to have a plural and singular form, in addition to having indeterminate articles, such as ” a” and ” an” . As a rule, we use the plural noun when we use the word “ some ”.

In the case of uncountable nouns, they are those that cannot be counted , in the case of ” water ” or “milk “, or of some objects that do not have indeterminate articles, such as ” money “. Furthermore, they are always used in their singular form.

We hope that you have understood the use of some and any with examples.

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