Language and Linguistics

Importance of language in life Differences marked by the culture

Importance of language in life

One of the elements that distinguishes human beings from the rest of living beings is the ability to communicate in a systematic and understandable way, that is, using a language. Language is a complex system of phonetic and written symbols that allows ideas, thoughts, feelings and different situations to be communicated between two or more people. Since prehistory, human beings have had diverse, more or less complex forms of language, although it only became written in the year 3000 BC, a situation that profoundly favored the establishment of languages ​​or forms of communication that were more accessible to all . In this article we will make you aware about the importance of language in life

More about Importance of language in life

The importance of language is vital for the human being since it allows him to establish communication with other living beings and thus live in community. If the human being did not have a language system, then he would not be able to put together projects in common with other individuals, which is precisely the essence of life in society or together. Those cases of human beings who did not need language throughout their lives are those very unique cases in which a child grew up in the jungle or in natural environments and never learned any kind of language or language.

Differences marked by the culture of each society

Languages ​​vary depending on each region, for example the languages ​​spoken in different countries. To be able to communicate with a person from another country it is necessary to know the language or language of that region, otherwise what is said is not understood. In addition, there are other types of languages, for example that of the deaf and dumb, which is established based on signs, the languages ​​of gestures that are common to all and that serve to convey ideas, feelings or sensations without resorting to the use of words (for example, when someone is happy and smiles).

Language is the fundamental means of interaction with those around us, because through it we can express how we feel, what we need and answer our questions. It is a natural code of humanity, all communities in the world have a specific language.

We communicate properly with our words, gestures and tone according to each situation; Talking to a child is not the same as talking to colleagues at work, for example. Being able to communicate effectively with others helps us to form bonds, to coexist and work as a team. Simply put, communication rules our lives and makes us better.

A reflection of ourselves

Language allows us to be who we are and identify ourselves. What we say and how we say it reflects the values ​​and experience of ourselves, our family and the community to which we belong. It is our essence, the external manifestation of our interior.

Our thinking is largely related to language. Both need each other to develop analysis processes that help us understand what surrounds us.

Communication around the world

Scholars and linguists have tried for centuries to understand the origins of why there are so many different languages ​​in the world, without success. In many cultures there are legends that suggest that there was once only one common language among the peoples and by making some deity angry, it separated them and forced them to speak different languages, confusing them, as in the case of the story of the “Tower of Babel.” Beyond mythology, this has not been explained yet, however The Ethnologue: Languages ​​of the World estimates that there are currently about 7 thousand living languages ​​on our planet.

Language is an inseparable part of the culture of each community and country, Noam Chomsky, one of the best known linguists in the world, maintains that all languages ​​are dialects of human language. He assures that although they are apparently very different, they are actually very similar, however, each culture has a specific way of using its language and differences that cannot be underestimated.

The communication style also varies depending on the region of the world. In Western culture, for example, personal expression, being direct, and speaking your mind are valued. Instead, some Asian cultures prefer an indirect speech in which words like “perhaps” and “perhaps” are more frequent than “yes” or “no”.

Knowing more than one language makes us aware of cultural differences and helps us appreciate diversity. In addition, the correct development of strong language skills is a great asset that will allow us to develop effective communication skills.

The language changes

Words are dynamic signs that, like culture, are transformed over time, responding to human needs. The language evolves over the years due to fashions, trends, geography or the change in vision of the world and reality.

Whether or not the language deforms is a topic that linguists have long discussed. The truth is that the uses and customs will always be above the rules, finally, the language belongs to everyone.

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