
Technology in HR/Importance/benefits and impacts/tools/strategy behind HR technologies

With the arrival of technology, there is no doubt that almost all companies, from different market sectors, have undergone changes and had to adapt. In the area of ​​people and management, this was no different.

To act intelligently, it is necessary to make technology an ally in HR management. But how?

The use of  technology in HR allows the strategic actions of the HR department to be more effective. With technological and digital resources, its performance goes beyond physical limits to facilitate support for managers and other areas of an organization.

In this post you will check the importance of using technology in the human resources sector, its benefits, main tools and how to implement a digital HR . Keep reading and get your doubts cleared!

How important is technology in HR?

Human capital is one of a company’s most precious assets. The good management of this capital requires that the HR sector move towards modernity, which was previously presented in a distant future.

After technology started to offer tools and solutions for companies, several departments were benefited, among them, Human Resources itself. As a result, manual activities are increasingly  automated and decisions are based on concrete data.

Smart, processes become more agile and dynamic, favored by software and systems specific to the area. Through them, it is possible to analyze behavioral profiles , assess competencies, recruit and select online. This helps work to be done anywhere, flexibly and efficiently.

In addition, the data and information extracted from technology solutions are more reliable, improving HR’s ability to make more confident decisions.

The role of strategic HR

The role of HR has gained more consistency in recent years. In this scenario, new technologies help leverage departmental change.

Today, the sector is no longer solely operational. More than that, it has become an essential transformation agent for the conduction of people and management processes.

There is a significant change in the reality of companies and in the way they deal with employees. Strategic  HR  is responsible for bringing management closer to those being led and encouraging collaborative work, prioritizing the group’s results.

Today, HR “comes out from behind the desk” and goes to the departments to raise and  measure results on individual and collective performance. With technology, everything becomes simpler, considering the solutions available to assist the work in the area.

Innovation is present, no longer a trend to be part of the corporate routine. The work of HR is aimed at helping the company to develop, reaching new heights and standing out in the market.

What are the benefits and impacts of technology on HR?

The use of technology in HR brings benefits that can be perceived in the medium and long term. This is an important and necessary incorporation for HR to be able to keep up with recent practices in the area in the market.

1. Automated Tasks

Manual activities (in which failures often occur and generate rework) can be reduced or eliminated with the implementation of technology in companies.

The collection, interpretation, analysis and storage of data is facilitated, for example, by the integration and centralization in the same environment. For this, it is possible to use ATS solutions or people and data management platforms. But watch out! The balance between automation and employee skills is vital for this process.

All employee registration can be optimized. This makes performance and profile assessments more agile, for example — whether to verify the skills and  competencies  of the active staff, or to support managers’ decisions about possible replacements or hiring.

For better results, the ideal is that your workforce is included in the solutions, improvement and training in the use of the new tools.

2. Measurement of results

The results are essential to measure the performance of a company, especially in what depends on the performance of employees. In this way, the HR department is able to measure and evaluate possible points for improvement.

In addition, the cost-benefit related to labor can be better evaluated. After all, this assessment shows whether or not the company is on the right track. From this, it is possible to understand if the professionals’ deliveries are in line with what the company needs to grow.

3. Simplified activities

Even the most complex tasks can be simplified by technology. Through platforms and software, HR is able to act systematically, aligning the sector’s activities with the demands of other areas.

The online  recruitment and selection process  is a good example of simplifying activities. Automation makes it possible to advertise vacancies and screen CVs, as well as select the most compatible profiles to fill open vacancies.

4. Time optimization

Another important factor about the use of new technologies in HR is that the time spent on certain activities can be optimized. There is a greater gain in productivity, considering the reduction in the workload dedicated to certain processes and procedures.

Sending an email, video interviewing and administering tests, for example, are some of the HR activities that take time that could be better spent.

A good tool offers more freedom of schedule to dedicate to the strategic actions of the department.

5. Acceleration of processes

If, on the one hand  , technology enhances HR’s useful time , on the other hand, it allows for an acceleration of processes, with more accurate and agile responses. This is because the data that the system stores can be consulted in a few minutes.

With a lower operational flow and most processes going through a system (depending on the type of solution used), even outside the department it will be possible to access the necessary information.

6. Improved internal communication

Integrated tools reduce communication noise and facilitate interaction between sectors. Thus, HR has the chance to communicate with employees directly (via chatbot or virtual assistant, for example), whether to publicize the opening of internal or mixed selection processes, or to issue notes of collective interest.

One of the most complex challenges in companies is precisely not having an  official communication channel . With technology, it is possible to implement a solution that makes clear all the company’s intentions and practices that involve teams.

6.1 Corporate social networks

Corporate social networks, unlike platforms for personal use (Instagram, Facebook etc), bring an exclusively professional proposal.

With the use of specific platforms for work-related demands, the division of environments and the feeling of “disconnecting” collaborate for the well-being of people in the company.

In addition, it organizes information and business communication, making processes more agile and strategic.

7. Monitoring by performance indicators

Monitoring the performance of the company and employees through indicators is essential. After all, it provides more security for possible HR interventions and suggestions to managers.

Computerized management also ensures an impartial reading, in which systematization does not make room for “guessing”. As a result, the HR team operates on a neutral plane, focused on organizational strategies, in which talent is placed at the heart of the business.

From there, action plans are structured based on  performance indicators , represented by graphs and consolidated reports.

8. Increase in productivity

Productivity is a topic widely discussed by the management of numerous companies. After all, how to make teams more productive?

The work of the HR department is linked to other areas, that is, good hires will allocate competent professionals to the appropriate functions . The positive results show the productivity of the departments, which are reflected in the high performance of employees.

In addition, the efficiency gain provided by technology strengthens HR’s strategic work. Nothing better than having a dynamic and proactive department, right?

What technology tools are used in HR?

The use of technology in HR is associated with the tools used for the flow of the most diverse processes. In recruitment and selection, platforms are crucial to develop more agile processes.

Predictive  recruitment , for example, depends on a tool capable of generating data for analysis and optimization of selection processes. With this, the objective of increasing hit rates in hiring will be more successful.

There are also specific solutions aimed at the work performed by HR. They bring important features, such as the prediction of performance potential and adherence of professionals to the company’s culture.

This type of tool links, at the same time, agility and precision, elevating the HR strategy, transforming the department into a major protagonist to help the company write a success story.

People management software and platform

People management software and platforms bring significant benefits, after all, having all data integrated and consolidated in a single digital environment shows how much technology is in favor of business.

Embedded in these systems are solutions such as People Analytics and Artificial Intelligence  to assess, develop and find compatibility between people, leadership and  organizational culture.

By doing this, HR manages to filter, among the candidates, those most likely to adapt to the company. Compatibility is very important to validate all the time dedicated to recruiting and selecting talent.

To this end, essential characteristics and skills for occupying positions and performing functions are evaluated, compared to candidates’ expectations. Aligning the needs of professionals with the company’s goals can result in an excellent hire.

The strategy behind HR technologies

You must be wondering: how do these tools actually work?

With this type of system, it is possible to trace an evolution line and identify those candidates with growth potential in the positions for which they are running. This is a way of already hiring a collaborator visualizing the results and longevity in the career.

In addition to the processes of recruiting, selecting and developing talent, some of the new technologies are geared towards data management and goal setting. With this, it is possible to have a complete solution for HR.

All these tools are developed based on the use of unique and custom algorithms. They bring innovation, modernity and behavioral science to optimize people management.

Training and professional development

A strategic HR also needs good tools to put its actions into practice. For this, technology can offer great resources.

The mapping of data for analysis of solutions, for example, makes it possible to develop people and the business.

In this context, the company’s strategy can benefit from the management of goals and indicators that guide decisions. In people management, these tools help in the processes of career development and succession.

Training, for example, is as essential as good performance and productivity.

With technology in HR, these trainings can be carried out remotely, in neutral environments and at times when employees are less burdened. In fact, this is a way for the company to show the professional that it cares about its growth.

E-learning and training

A good way to invest in training is with the support of virtual teaching platforms.

With e-learning (online teaching), it is possible to encourage people to learn about different subjects and develop talents in their own time. In addition, access can be monitored (if necessary), as well as the percentage of use.

Through technology, the HR sector is able to carry out surveys to assess profiles, behavior and engagement  in completing the modules and proposed activities.

After the training, the HR team will have enough foundation to compare the proposed learning with the day-to-day application. For these cases, it is worth noting that the results should appear in the medium term, after all, people take time to replace old habits with new ones.

Performance Management

In order to have an effective career plan in a company, it is essential to define and prioritize the appreciation of the skills and abilities highlighted in each position.

New technologies in HR, through tools and software, favor performance management , promotion of engagement and development.

Without the use of these resources, all the Human Resources work would still be time consuming, with risks of failure and operated by an underused team. The robustness of a system is all that people management needs to have access to team data at any time.

Leader training

With the use of technologies in HR, it is possible to evaluate the performance potential of employees and develop strategies that enhance their development.

Thus, in addition to identifying individuals with more developed leadership skills, for example, it is possible to help these people receive efficient training and prepare themselves as future managers.

How to implement the use of technology in HR?

Before thinking about using technology in your company, you need to understand what the needs and particularities of the business are. That way, you can choose the one that can bring real benefits to people management.

Another point of attention is that the insertion of technologies must be done gradually.

For this, it is important to invest in training people and think about  managing data and goals , in addition to planning internal communication. Thus, the chosen tools will begin to be part of the employees’ routine in an intelligent and structured way.

In addition, it is necessary to rely on social networks, both corporate for business communication, as well as the dissemination pages in the most popular media. Thus, it is possible to reinforce the brand’s presence and even favor internal marketing through HR actions.

From these measures, the acceptance of technologies and their implementation with the support of employees becomes more practical and viable. With this, optimizing and automating  recruitment and selection , talent development and predictive hiring processes will be much easier!

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