
Types of Script How dialog scripts are used


There are several meanings of the concept of script and types of scripts. It may be the writing that points to certain ideas that serve as a guide for a certain purpose. The script, in this case, stands out for being concise and for presenting the information according to a certain order that facilitates its understanding.


  • Graphic punctuation mark in the form of a horizontal line (-) that is mainly used to indicate that a word ends in a line and continues in the next and to join the two parts of some compound words.
  • Text written in a schematic way that serves as a guide or help to develop an exhibition: the script will be very useful to write a text or to orally present a topic.
  • Text that contains the dialogues and the indications necessary for the realization of a film or a radio or television program.

Below are types of script

Types of Script

  • Orthographic script . The hyphen (-) is a spelling sign in the form of a very short horizontal stroke, although there may be design variations depending on the typeface. The script has a basically morphological function, that is, it joins words and other elements and normally appears inside, as in compound words.
  • Cinematographic script . It is the written account of what is going to happen in the movie. An argument is fully developed taking into account that it is a cinematographic story. The script is the dialogues, the scenes, the sequences, and a detailed and detailed description of what the actors do on stage.
  • Audiovisual script . Its methodology focuses on the processes of script development, in its peculiar aspects, functions and resources. The subject belongs to the framework of Audiovisual Production and Realization, and is aimed at promoting student access to an academic and professional specialization.
  • Multimedia script , is the whole process that leads to a detailed description of each and every one of the audiovisual scenes. Synthetically, a script is a story told in images and therefore implies the orderly narration of the story that will be developed in the audiovisual product. It is written and contains the potential images and the expression of the whole idea, as well as detailed situations, characters and environmental details. The language to be used must be visual and sound, not literary.
  • Literary Genre Script . It is a text that exposes, with the necessary details for its realization, the content of a movie, comic strip or a radio or television program . That is to say, a writing that contains the indications of everything that the dramatic work requires for its staging. It covers both literary aspects (film script, prepared by the screenwriter: parliaments) and technicians (technical script, prepared by the director: dimensions, scenery, lighting or sound).
  • Radio script . The radial scripts can be dramatized, very complex, complex, less complex and / or technical, depending on the intention of its director. The former constitute a separate group, while the others are inherent in the other four large groups of radio programs: dramatized, varied, musical and informative. In local radio stations, dramatized scripts are generally not used because they do not have a dramatic body, indispensable for this type of script.
  • Television script . It is the script that is made for television, can be defined to prevent errors during the execution of a television program or have phrases that are increased during the transmission of this.
  • Video game script . In concept, it is very similar to those made for books and movies (screenplay). With the proviso that a script for video games can be conditioned by the actions of the player resulting in multiple trees of situations based on these actions, complicating their development exponentially.

How dialog scripts are used

One of the frequent doubts of many writers and that every good proofreader should review carefully is the use of dialogue scripts.

The function of these scripts is to indicate what the characters of a text say, as well as to separate what was spoken by one of them from what the author adds in an explanatory way.


1. The sign that should be used in the dialogues is a long dash called “stripe”. On the computer, they are obtained by pressing at the same time the CTRL + ALT + hyphen on the numeric keypad (the one to the right of the keyboard).

2. When the speaking character changes, the paragraph changes and the next line of the dialogue begins with another long script. The model maker and the proofreader must bear in mind that if we write the paragraphs of an indented text in the first line (leaving a few millimeters of white in the first line), the dialogue paragraph, like the other paragraphs, must also bear the same indentation on the first line before the dialogue line.

3. There should be no separation between the dialogue script and the beginning of each of the interventions.

4. The line precedes the intervention of each of the interlocutors.

5. Unlike other languages, a closing script is not written in Spanish if the character is not immediately spoken after the narrator‘s comment.

6. Two stripes are written, one opening and one closing, when the narrator’s words interrupt the character’s intervention and it continues immediately afterwards.

7. When the narrator‘s comment or clarification is introduced by a speech verb (say, add, ensure, ask, exclaim, replace, etc.), his intervention begins in lowercase, even if it is preceded by a punctuation mark that has point value, such as the question mark or exclamation point.

8. When the narrator’s comment is not introduced with a speech verb, the character’s words must be closed with a period and the narrator’s paragraph must be capitalized. If the character’s parliament continues after the narrator‘s comment, the point that marks the end of the narrative paragraph is written after the closing script.

9. If the punctuation mark to be placed after the narrator‘s subparagraph is the colon, these are also written after the closing script.

we hope that you will clearly understand the concept of types of script

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