
Homophones examples with 20 pairs of homophones in English


In English, the word “Homophones” is used to describe a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning. In this article we will provide you information about Homophones examples.

This word comes from the Greek ” Homo “, which means “equal”, and ” phones “, which means “voice“.

Now, just to confuse you a bit more (it will be the last time, there are different words that we use to define different types of homophones:

  • Homograph : Words that sound and spell the same but have different meanings
  • Homonym : Words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but have a different meaning
  • Heterograph : Words that sound the same, but are written differently and have different meanings
  • Multinym (multinimo) : words that sound the same but have more than two meanings and different spellings

As I mentioned earlier, words like “you’re” and “your” are homophones . The root of the word, “homo”, means “the same”, while the particle “phono” means “sound”. Homophone words are those that have the same sound, but have different meanings. Therefore, words like “two” and “to”, and “ate” and “eight” are homophones.

It is common for native English speakers to confuse homophone words with homonyms . Although they have the same root (homo), they are not the same. A homonymous word is one that has more than one meaning.

A homonymous word is “bear”. You may know what “bear” means, although in certain contexts it is the verb “tolerate”. For example: I’m so nervous about watching this game, I can’t bear to watch the last minute! ” (I’m so nervous to watch the game, I can’t bear to watch the last minute.) But today we will talk about homophones!

20 pairs of homophones in English you need to know

Depending on how long you have been studying English, you may already know several pairs of homophone words. Nonetheless, I created this list for you to find some new and interesting words, even if you are an advanced student. I hope you know at least a few words that you’ve never seen before!

In each pair of words I included a short definition and an example. Then I added an interesting note related to the words, such as a similar term or a link to a video, a comic, or a website.

Something else and I promise I’ll let you go to the list later. Most of these homophones apply to all dialects of English. However, due to slight differences in pronunciation, some words may be homophones in American English, but not in British , and vice versa.

Similarly, there are some homophones that are more common in American English than in British English, and vice versa. Here you can find a list of British homophones. However, almost all of these words also apply to American English. Phew! Don’t worry if it sounds complicated. Today we will focus only on clear homophones

1. ate, eight

Ate (verb): this is the past tense of the verb “to eat” (eat).

I  ate  an entire pizza and now I’m really full and tired.

Eight (noun): is the number after 7 and before 9.

Charles will wake up at  eight o’clock tomorrow morning.

Interesting note: there is a very popular word game among children that says:

– Why was 6 afraid of 7?

– Because 7 ate 9. 

The joke is that “eight” is pronounced the same as “ate.” It’s a very bad joke, but kids like it.

2. bare, bear

Bare (adjective): This word means bare, bare or undecorated.

Tom likes to walk around his house in  bare  feet. He says it’s more comfortable than wearing shoes (Tom likes to walk around his house barefoot. He says it’s more comfortable than wearing shoes).

Bear (noun): a bear.

When you go camping, You should be to careful not leave any food or anything with a scent in your tent Because They Can Attract  Bears (When you go camping, you must be careful not to leave your tent food or anything that has aroma, as it can attract bears).

Interesting note: Bears are popular characters in stories and cartoons .

3. buy, by, bye

To buy (verb): means “to buy”. This is perhaps one of the first verbs you learned.

I forgot my money at home. Do you think you could  buy  me lunch and I’ll pay you back tomorrow? (I forgot my money at home. Do you think you can buy me a lunch and I’ll pay you tomorrow?

By (preposition): this word has several uses. For example, it can mean “next to” or “near” when talking about a location. You can also indicate the author of a work.

My favorite autobiography is “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.” It’s written  by  Malcolm X and Alex Haley (My favorite autobiography is The Autobiography of Malcolm X. It’s written by Malcolm X and Alex Haley). 

Bye (exclamation): is an abbreviation of the word “good bye” (goodbye).

I’ve got to go now, so  bye ! See you on Sunday! (I have to go now, so, bye! See you on Sunday!).

Interesting note: this is a set of 3 homophones, although we could also include the prefix “bi”. This word can mean “two” (for example, bipedal: with two legs) or be an adjective when it is the abbreviation of the word “bisexual” . That means, if you include “bi,” it would be a set of four homophones!

4. cell, sell

Cell (noun): means cell (like those in prison), or refer to the basic units that make up living beings (cells).

The prisoner spent 10 years in his  cell .

To sell (verb): it means to sell, that is, to exchange products or services for money. Like “buy”, this may be one of the first verbs you learned.

We would like to  sell  our car, but we don’t think we’d get very much money for it.

Interesting note: The monks and nuns are religious people living in monasteries and convents, respectively. These people’s rooms are also called “cells ,” because they actually look like one!

5. dew, do, due

Dew (noun): means dew. These are the tiny drops of water that collect on plants or other objects overnight.

When I went outside early in the morning, the  dew  on the grass made my shoes wet.

To do (verb): means “to do” and is the most common verb to indicate an action. This can also be an auxiliary verb.

What  do  you usually  do  on Friday nights? (What do you usually do on Friday nights?).

Due (adjective): it is a word that indicates the term in which an event will take place. You can also mark the date a baby will be born.

My friend is pregnant. Her baby is  due  in October.

Interesting note: Soda company Mountain Dew has these words in its slogan: “Do the Dew . “

6. eye, I

Eye (noun): This word means eye.

My  eyes  hurt when I read. I think I need a pair of glasses.

I (pronoun): is a first person singular pronoun.

 really hope you know what this word means. (I actually hope you know what this word means.)

Interesting note: This can be a group of three homophones if you include the word “aye.” This is an old way of saying “yes”. You will most likely hear this term on a ship, when sailors follow their captain’s orders ( Aye, aye, captain! ). There is also a strange looking animal called aye aye . I just learned that a minute ago. As you can see, we learn new things every day!

7. fairy, ferry

Fairy (noun): this word means “fairy”, that is, those little mythical creatures that often perform magic tricks.

There is a  fairy  named Tinkerbell  in the story Peter Pan.

Ferry (noun): A ferry is a ship that carries passengers and vehicles across the water. This boat is generally used for long distances or in places without bridges. Homophone words in English with examples

The  ferry  in Costa Rica is really hot and incredibly badly organized. At least the trip only takes an hour (The ferry in Costa Rica is very hot and incredibly poorly organized. At least the trip takes only an hour).

Interesting note: In many parts of the world, people believe in a mythical being called the Tooth Fairy:  The Tooth Fairy . This fairy is especially popular in the United States and the story is that when a child falls out of a tooth, she takes it away and leaves a coin in its place.

8. flour, flower

Flour (noun): means flour; a powder made from ground grains that is used to prepare bread.

Tony wanted to make a cake, but he didn’t have any  flour , so he couldn’t.

Flower (noun): means flower, the colorful part of a plant.

If you want to give  flowers  to somebody you love, avoid white roses. They are often given when someone dies.

Interesting note: there is an element in Spanish called “fluorine”. However, in English it is called “ fluoride ” and the “u” is not pronounced.

9. for, four

For (preposition): it is a word that usually serves to refer to a person who receives something, or to indicate a purpose.

We wanted to buy a chocolate cake  for  Cheryl’s birthday. The bakery didn’t have any chocolate cakes  for  sale, though, so we got vanilla instead. ). 

Four (noun): is the number after 3 and before 5.

The Beatles, one of the most famous bands ever, had  four members: George, John, Paul and Ringo (The Beatles, one of the most famous bands of all time, had four members: George, John, Paul and Ringo).

Interesting note: This is another group of homophones to which a third word can be added: ” Fore “. When playing golf, this is an interjection that you should yell before hitting the ball. This is how you warn everyone to watch out for the ball.

10. hear, here

To hear (verb): is the act of hearing sounds. Hearing is the word for the sense of hearing.

I can’t  hear  the TV. Can you please turn up the volume? (I can’t listen to TV. Can you turn up the volume please?).

Here (adverb): “Here” refers to the place where you are. Basically, it is the opposite of “there” (there).

Can you set the boxes down over  here  please? Yes, right here  next to the door.

Interesting note: The expression “Hear, hear!” It is used to indicate that you agree with something. However, it is generally used in formal situations and is not very common in modern English.

11. hour, our

Hour (noun): is an hour; a period of 60 minutes.

It takes about six  hours  to drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Our (pronoun): It means “our”. It is the possessive form of the pronoun “we” (we).

We should study for our exams.

Interesting note: Depending on the accent and the way the word is used, these two terms are not always pronounced the same way . And, as if things weren’t confusing enough, “our” sometimes sounds like the word ” are .”

12. know, no

To know (verb): It means to know or understand something.

Reggie  knows  how to speak French.

No (determiner): Indicates a negation or that something is not true.

There is  no  good reason to listen to Justin Bieber.

Interesting note: This couple of words reminds me of some interesting songs. Radiohead has a song called A Punchup at a Wedding (No no no no no no no no) , Beirut has a song called No No No and Destiny’s Child has two songs called No, No, No ( part 1 and 2 . I think it is better).

Also, I found out that there is a Swedish band (singing in English) called NONONO . You see? You learn something new every day!

13. knight, night

Knight (noun ): a man who receives a special honor or rank from a king or queen. They are usually given the title “Sir.”

One popular English legend talks about  King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table .

Night (noun): is the night, the time of day when the sun goes down and most people sleep.

I prefer to work at  night , since it’s quieter and not as hot. I can concentrate better (I prefer to work at night, since it is quieter and it is not so hot. I can concentrate better).

Interesting note: There is a fairly famous 80s TV show called Knight Rider , although many think it is actually titled Night Rider . The real name is Knight Rider , because the main character played by David Hasselhoff is called Michael Knight.

And another note: In Spanish, Knight Rider is called El Auto Fantástico !

14. mail, male

To mail (verb or noun): As a noun, it means “mail”. In other words, they are the letters and packages that you send by mail. On the other hand, as a verb it means to send something by mail. The word “E-mail” comes from this term.

I haven’t gotten the  mail  yet today, but I was expecting a letter from grandma. Can you please check the mailbox? (I didn’t get the mail today, but I was expecting a letter from my grandmother. Could you please check the mailbox?).

Male (adjective or noun): an adjective (or noun) that indicates that something is male or has male reproductive organs.

People always ask if our cat is pregnant. I tell them he can’t be, since he’s a  male . He’s just fat (People always ask if our cat is pregnant. I tell them that is not possible, because it is a male. It is simply fat).

Interesting note: In British English, the word for mail is not “mail” but “post”.

15. marry, merry

To marry (verb): is when two people love each other very much and get married. This action is also expressed with the phrase “to get married”.

My grandpa told me to be sure to  marry  a good woman.

Merry (adjective): a synonym for “happy” (happy), although rare in modern English. This term is commonly used in phrases like “Merry Christmas!” (Merry Christmas!).

I don’t like to go shopping in December because the song “We Wish You a  Merry  Christmas” always gets stuck in my head. my head).

Interesting note: If you include the name Mary, this would be a set of three homophone words.

16. meat, meet

Meat (noun): is the edible meat of animals.

Vegetarians don’t eat  meat .

To meet (verb): means to meet or meet with a person.

I’m excited to travel to England so I can  meet  some new people! (I’m excited to travel to England so I can meet some people!).

Interesting note: In English, you can only meet people, not places. If you want to talk about a place you want to know, you can say: “I want to see Paris” (I want to see Paris), “I want to go to Paris” (I want to visit Paris) or “I want to visit Paris.” (I want to visit Paris).

17. pair, pear

Pair (noun): it is a set of two things.

Most of these examples of homophone sets are  pairs  of words, but some are groups of three or four words.

Pear (noun): means pear; a delicious fruit .

I wanted to buy  pears  for my fruit salad, but they only had winter pears. I don’t like winter pears very much because they’re hard, so I got peaches instead. I got peaches better).

Interesting note: This can also be a set of three words if you include the verb “Stop” (peel). This is a rare word that refers to the action of cutting the edges of something to make it smaller.

18. right, write

Right (adjective): can mean “correct” or “right”.

I should turn  right  when I get to 10th Street,  right ? (You should turn right when you get to 10th Street, right?).

To write (verb): the act of writing words.

Jerry’s dream is to  write  a novel, but he hasn’t decided what the book should be about. 

Interesting note: This can be another group of three-word homophones if you include the term “rite” . There is also a common last name which is Wright , which is pronounced in the same way as “right”, “write” and “rite”.

19. sight, site

Sight (noun): is the sense of sight.

Blind people can’t see. They have no  sight .

Site (noun): it is a synonym for “place” (place). This word is commonly used as part of the term “website”.

There’s an awesome site for language learners. It’s (There is an amazing website for language learners. It’s

Interesting note: You guessed it. We can add the word “to cite” to this group. This is a term that is commonly used to talk about bibliographic citations in academic writing.

20. are, sun

They are (noun): a male child.

Grandma and grandpa had four  sons  and three daughters.

Sun (noun): is the star at the center of our solar system. You may have seen that huge yellow ball in the sky during the day.

Don’t look directly at the  sun , or you’ll damage your eyes. You may even lose your eyesight! (Do not look directly at the sun or you will hurt your eyes. You may even lose your eyesight!).

Interesting note: Don’t forget that the word “sons” only indicates male children, while “daughters” refers only to girls. If you want to talk about sons and daughters alike, you can say “children”. This term also applies to adults.

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