What is prosody in speech/Prosodic language/Emotional prosody
Speech prosody
The prosody is the melody tonal used to the talk . The prosodic level of women is higher since they have more tones in their speech . The feminine prosodic level has more musicality than the masculine one ; which is more monotonous. But how do you achieve a good level of linguistic prosody? . In this article we will tell you about it. What is prosody in speech?
What is linguistic prosody?
We’ll start by saying that linguistic prosody is the part of traditional grammar that teaches correct pronunciation and stress . Therefore, prosody is the part of phonology that studies the sonic features that affect units larger than the phoneme or non-segmental.
Prosody deals with the concrete manifestation in the production of words. From the phonetic-acoustic point of view, the variation of the fundamental frequency, the duration and the intensity that constitute the physical prosodic parameters.
How to reach a good prosodic level when speaking?
It must be taken into account that the intonation of our language, Spanish, is made up of an ascending branch that starts at the first sound and ends in the tonic accent.
Our prosody when speaking is the naturalness with which we express ourselves while communicating messages. Then there is the ability to translate that prosody from speech to the reading and interpretation of texts. This is achieved through rehearsal and willpower.
Therefore, while we verbalize ideas, feelings, etc. We unconsciously modulate by exposing certain expressions. What is prosody in speech?
The question, interrogation, carries an ascending prosody . When asking we always leave the tone up, with which we close the question.
As for the affirmative exclamation, an ascending and descending tonal pattern is generated . The statement usually ends with the middle tone or below.
These intonation patterns are based on rules that we live with in our public speaking ; the way we communicate with others. But there are many other factors that determine the duration of phonemes; mainly the phonetic context is one of the main ones.
A verbal message does not only contain information about what is said but also includes clues or clues about how it is said . Prosody is one of the suprasegmental components of speech that is used to understand or express communicative intentions through the melody of the voice and includes variations in tone, rhythm and accentuation of vowel utterances.
Prosodic language What is prosody in speech?
The term Prosodic comes from the Latin prosodĭcus , although some will say that it actually comes from a very remote background, from the Greek language.
Reaching a good prosodic level in speech , we have already that depends on the level of rehearsal and knowledge of one’s own vocal instrument. In short, the prosodic accent is a full use of the voice and a mastery of the change of tone in order to differentiate the stressed syllable from the others. What is prosody in speech?
Emotional prosody
The emotional prosody is part of the language based on the modulation , the pauses and intensity of voice . This type of prosody manages to give a phrase the tonal figure that it inseparably carries. Thus, this emotional prosody is the tonal variations that allow to transmit emotions.
If you want to know what prosody is, think about everything that is not written but is essential for the message to have life. If you make use of linguistic prosody and emotional prosody in your day-to-day life, a good starting point -if you want to reach a good prosodic level in speaking- is to become aware of how you speak without having a text in front of you to read.
Prosody alterations What is prosody in speech?
Prosody abnormalities appear to occur in patients with right hemisphere lesions (LHD). Also people with basic linguistic skills show alterations in linguistic and / or emotional prosody , both in comprehension and production.
Linguistic prosody includes three phenomena: the lexical accent (which makes it possible to distinguish between words of identical phonemic composition, for example, distinguishing ‘change’ from ‘changed’), the emphatic accent (highlights a part of the verbal information, for example, in ‘Pablo is intelligent’ it is emphasized that it is Pablo and not someone else who is intelligent) and intonation (which operates in the scope of the sentence and transmits complementary or unique syntactic information, for example, the sentence ‘Peter greets the neighbor’ can be pronounced affirmatively, interrogatively or as a command). What is prosody in speech?
Reach a good prosodic level
Because prosody plays a key role in organizing and interpreting speech , it is necessary to try to work on it to convey all the emotional , linguistic and dialect information .