What is Cognitive Psychology definition/concept
There are several branches of psychology, one of them is cognitive psychology. This branch has as its own object of study the analysis of mental processes. This science studies the most varied planes of the mind: resolution of difficulties, abstract reasoning, perception, language development , language skills and decision making. Some of the following names stand out in the history of cognitive psychology: Endel Tulving, Donald Broadbent, Jerome Bruner, David Rumelhart, Herbert Simon, Alan Baddeley, Frederic Bartlett, and Hermann Ebbinghaus.
This information received through the senses. Furthermore, it integrates emotional information and self-behavior.
Study of mental processes
The human being analyzed from the perspective of cognitive psychology is similar to a machine that processes information and classifies data. This branch of science studies the human being giving greater attention to these phenomena that cannot be observed visually. The essence of man is in the interiority of his mental processes.
Furthermore, cognitive psychology gained strength from the loss of conduct. This discipline establishes a parallel between the processes of computer programs with the mental process. This discipline tries to explain the way in which human beings can understand their surroundings and make decisions in the social and cultural context.
One of the reasons for the crisis in conductism or behaviorism is that the reductionist view of the human being cannot explain its entire essence at the level of free behavior. There are several levels of analysis in cognitive psychology: sensory receptor, immediate memory and long-term memory.
Opposite view of conductism
In opposition to conductism, cognitive psychology explains that the human being is not a simple passive subject who reacts to environmental stimuli in response, but who sees the human being as a free being, creator of their own history.
The knowledge process has different levels. First, attention reflects data assimilation. On a second level, the encoding of these data takes place. In a third phase, the mind stores the information. This information is to be retrieved and used later.