Language and Linguistics

Reading report characteristics types with example

Reading report

The reading report is a text that tries to account for what has been read in another text so that another reader can read and interpret it without having to read the original work. This occurs after the partial or total reading of said original text. When it comes to more than one text, they must keep a certain discursive or thematic affinity with each other. Reading report characteristics types

The production of a reading report is the responsibility of the reader himself. This must be written in such a way as to maintain fidelity with the concepts issued. In addition, its wording must be consistent with the language of the discipline or specialty to which the original source or sources belong.

On the other hand, a reading report has an objective component, since the act of reading is done consciously. When coming into contact with the work, the reader should try to understand the contents and the implications. In the same way, during the writing, it must reflect what has been read in its entirety, without any type of bias.

Likewise, this report has a subjective component, as its writing involves reflection on the part of the reader. As a result of this, the editor decides whether or not to expand the information read. In the process, he uses his own writing style and chooses certain communication structures according to his personal preferences.

Read report features

Critical appraisal

The object of a reading report is the critical evaluation of any kind of text. This includes literary works of all kinds, newspaper articles, and entire literary genres.

In the same way, specialized works belonging to the fields of architecture, art, fashion, politics, exhibitions, shows and various other fields may be the subject of this type of report.

Above all, this type of report has a broad discussion that includes various perspectives. The most important element is that this report is more than just a summary. This should be filled with comments from the author of the reading report. Reading report characteristics types

Through these comments, he manages to communicate the creator of the writing with different audiences. Frequently, the editor also expresses his agreement or disagreement with the content of the text or the way it was written.


Reading reports are usually short. In academic newspapers and magazines, they rarely exceed 1,000 words. However, longer reports and longer comments may be found. In any case, all of them must be concise.

Topics and ideas consistent with the original text

Regarding the subject of the reading report, this is the same as the text that is analyzed. The report writer locates the main ideas of said text.

This idea and its interpretation will be indicative of the quality of the report. Now, the ideas can be from concepts or events to the ideas of other authors.

Explanatory-expository text

The reading report is, above all, an explanatory-expository text. Due to its explanatory condition, it generates a wealth of information, while due to its expository nature it makes them known. As for the language used, it is objective and written in the third person.

Although the predominant structure is the enunciative, an argumentative structure may also be present. The descriptive structure also appears in them, since facts are often described.

In the cases of analytical-descriptive reviews, both the content and the structure of the text are analyzed in the most objective way possible.

Commonly, data about the purpose of the text and its influence with readers is incorporated into the report. Sometimes, verbatim quotes from the writing are incorporated into the report to highlight its key elements. Reading report characteristics types

When the report is focused on the argumentative-expository side, the evaluation is made in comparison with universally accepted standards. The evaluation and criticism of the text is confronted with literary, technical and historical parameters for the subject matter.

Structure/parts of the reading report

The parts of the reading report are:

Cover page

This part includes general data of the work that will be the object of the analysis. Among these most important data are the title of the book, the author, the year of publication and the publisher.


In this section it will be mentioned what the text is about and a recount of the main ideas extracted from it will be carried out. These will be the object of study to be developed next.


In this part the methodology applied for reading is explained. That is, the objectives, critical gaze, support tools and intention of the author of the report when reading the text.


The review is an evaluative comment on the analyzed text, making a judgment about the work and the author. To do this, parts of the text are chosen or even textual quotations are used to clarify the synthesis of the text.

Personal assessment

It is the most subjective part, it could be similar to the review, but with the difference that the author of the report can express his most sincere and personal opinion. You can explain the reasons why you liked it or not, feelings, how it could have influenced your conception or even if you intend to delve more about that type of literature or author.


In the conclusions, we return to what was previously said, synthesizing it and trying to put a good clasp at the final closure.

Read report types

General reading report

The general reading report or informational reading report represents a high proportion of these types of reports. In fact, it is also called a traditional report.

It is considered the simplest to carry out because it does not require great depth in the subject. This is addressed without delving into any specific aspect.

Analysis report

The analysis report consists of a description of the topic followed by a personal evaluation by the editor. In the reading reports, the subject is treated in depth and at the end there are conclusions that guide the readers.

In this type of reading report, the analysis and conclusions make up its most important part.

Comment report

In the comment reports, greater importance is given to the synthesis of the topic. The arguments are presented with the aim of presenting a simplified version of the text.

Although the creativity of the writer still exists, it does not extend into any type of thematic analysis.

How do you make a reading report?

To prepare a reading report, you will have to understand the text, make the report and present it. Let’s look at each step:

Understanding the text

Understanding the text represents the first step in preparing the reading report. In this step, the reader approaches the writing trying to understand the ideas expressed by the author.

In the same way, try to understand their motivations and prepare a summary where the content can be presented with fewer words.

The goal in this section is to be able to present the author’s ideas in the reader’s words. For this purpose, there are techniques that help in the preparation of the report. Among these, we can mention:

  • Global reading or pre-reading. This tool makes it possible to obtain a quick knowledge of the subject. In the same way, the possible main idea is located identifying the one that is repeated the most throughout the writing.
  • Reading. After the quick reading, the reader should do a more careful reading, detecting the secondary ideas and the way in which they relate to the main idea. If there are words unknown to the reader, they must be consulted in dictionaries.
  • Post-reading. A third reading should be done, this time a little faster than the previous one. The ideas that the reader identifies as the keys to all the work are reviewed again to ensure that they are fully understood. In this phase, note-taking helps the process.
  • Context. Once the fundamental ideas of the writing have been identified and fixed, the reader must locate the context in which they have their scope of existence. This phase of understanding the text helps to put ideas and facts in proper perspective. Reading report characteristics types

Preparation of the reading report

Once the text has been fully understood, the next step is to prepare the reading report. For this task, the reader has a series of tools, among which the following stand out:

  • Synthesis. Thanks to this tool, the objective of communicating the content of the text through the reader’s vocabulary is met.
  • Glossary of terms. The glossary of terms is the list of words that the reader did not know at the time of reading and which they had to consult. At the time of writing the reading report, this glossary must be included. In this way it will serve as an aid to readers of the report.
  • Synoptic table. This is an outline used as a support to represent all the ideas in the text. It can be used as a guide to remember what you have read.
  • Mind map. The mind map is another of the tools that allow you to have all the ideas of the text in a few pages. It has the advantage over the synoptic table that the relationships between ideas can be represented more visibly.

Presentation of the reading report

There is no single format for submitting a reading report. However, there are certain elements common to most of these.

Thus, the most used font is Arial or Times New Roman in size 12. Generally, the alignment of the text must be justified and the line spacing (space between lines) is 1.5.

In addition, the minimum length of the reading report is usually about three-quarters of the text read. The use of indentation at the beginning of each paragraph and the inclusion of an identification sheet along with the report is also common. This sheet has the data of the work and the author of the report.

Reading report example

Report cover

Title : Socialism: an economic and sociological analysisAuthor : Ludwig von Mises Foreword : Friedrich August von Hayek Translator : J. Kahane

Note : This work was first published in the German language in 1922. It was then published by the Liberty Fund in 1981. Later, the Jonathan Cape, Ltd. edition was published in 1969 with correction and expansion of the footnotes in page.


The main objective of Ludwig von Mises’s work is to definitively refute almost all forms of socialism that have been devised. This analysis is carried out from an economic and sociological perspective.

Ludwig von Mises presents a fairly comprehensive and comprehensive analysis of society. In this analysis, he compares the results of socialist planning with those of free market capitalism in all areas of life.


In this reading report on the work Socialism: an economic and sociological analysis , a very brief review of the text will be made. Then, some key ideas of the production based on a deep reflection of the contents expressed there will be analyzed. Reading report characteristics types

Summary or synthesis of the text

The author of this work shows the impossibility of socialism, defending capitalism against the main arguments against that socialists and other critics have raised.

A central planning system cannot substitute some other form of economic calculation for market prices, because there is no such alternative.

In this way, he considers capitalism to be true economic democracy. This book  addresses contemporary problems of economic inequality and argues that wealth can exist for long periods only to the extent that rich producers succeed in satisfying consumers.

Furthermore, Mises shows that there is no tendency to monopoly in a free market system. And it looks at reform measures, such as social security and labor law, that actually serve to impede the capitalist system’s efforts to serve the masses.

Personal assessment of reading

The work Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis is a veritable compendium of fundamental themes in the social sciences. His analysis is a particular combination of deep knowledge and insight into history.

This work is characterized by the continued relevance of this great work. Many of your readers will surely find the book to have even more immediate application to current events than when it was first published.

In this sense, Ludwig von Mises’s text is one of the most relevant critical examinations ever written on socialism. It is most famous for the penetrating argument of economic calculation put forward by its author.

Reading conclusions

The book is the product of scientific research , it does not seek to generate political controversy. The author analyzes the basic problems, making a description of all the economic and political struggles of the moment and the political adjustments of the governments and parties.

With this, Ludwig von Mises intends to prepare the foundations for an understanding of the politics of the last decades. But it will also help to understand the politics of tomorrow.

This complete critical study of the ideas of socialism allows us to understand what is happening in the world today. Reading report characteristics types

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