Morphosyntactic analysis of a sentence
The morphosyntax comprises an analysis made to clauses from syntactic and morphological terms. Therefore, morphosyntax will comprise a complete analysis, covering both syntactic and morphological analysis. In this article we will provide you information about the Morphosyntactic analysis of a sentence.
Through this, it is important to emphasize and remember what a syntactic analysis and a morphological analysis are. They will be fundamental, since they cover morphosyntax.
Therefore, we have to:
- Morphological analysis: performs the individual analysis of the component elements of the connection. The same is independent of the connection between the semantic unit of a text. In other words that make up the prayer;
- Syntactic analysis: makes a more comprehensive analysis, understanding the relationship of semantic unit of a text. In other words within a sentence. Through this, the function of the syntactic analysis is to understand the function that the integral elements of the clause perform among themselves;
Morphosyntax: how to do the conjoint analysis
As mentioned earlier, to analyze the morphosyntax of a sentence, it is necessary to combine both analyzes presented above. The formation and unraveling of prayer will take place in two stages:
Both will be responsible for covering the morphosyntax, in order to understand the formation of the clause. Therefore, whether through the representation of each word, or the meaning of the sentence as a whole, it will be possible to understand the context and meaning.
Morphological Analysis
The morphological analysis has as its function the individual analysis of word classes. Among them are the noun, article, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.
We have the example then:
We use light without waste.
- We use: 1st person plural of the verb to use, with conjugation in the present tense, of the active voice;
- a: definite article;
- light: common noun;
- without: preposition;
- waste: abstract noun;
Syntax analysis
On the other hand, syntactic analysis encompasses the function of verifying the connection of the terms that integrate the clause, in order to understand the context. Among them are: verbal and nominal complement, passive agent, adverbial and adnominal adjunct and, finally, the apostrophe.
In order to better understand how it works, we will use the same example as before:
We use light without waste.
- (We) – there is a hidden subject;
- We use: direct and indirect transitive verb;
- the water: direct object, with “water” being the core of the direct object;
- without waste: adverbial adjunct;
Morphosyntactic analysis of a sentence
In order to understand what the morphosyntactic analysis of a sentence is, we must first know the types that we can use . In other words, when facing a sentence we can do it from the syntactic or morphological point of view. The choice of one or the other will depend on how profound our encounter with the phrase will be. Thus, the main differences between them are the following:
- Syntactic analysis : when we talk about a syntactic analysis what we seek is to indicate which are the syntactic functions that each of the words has within the sentence that we are going to analyze.
- Morphological analysis : for its part, the morphological analysis is one in which we focus on the class, form or category of the words that make up the sentence.
Therefore, we could say that morphosyntactic analysis is one that combines the two previous forms and therefore the most complete of the two. Correctly performing this analysis will allow us to know in depth the analyzed phrase.
How to do a morphosyntactic analysis
As we have already pointed out, a morphosyntactic analysis is a combination of both, so we must do it at two levels. Morphosyntactic analysis of a sentence
Morphological level analysis
In the first place we will have to carry out a morphological analysis, to understand and point out the types and classes of words that appear in the sentence. Let’s take the following example:
Enrique explained the story to his cousin
The first thing we must do is point out under each of the words what type they belong to, being the following:
- Enrique: Proper noun, masculine singular
- He explained: Verb explain, third person singular present indicative.
- A: Preposition
- Su: Possessive determinant.
- Prima: Common name, singular feminine.
Syntactic level analysis
Syntactic analysis is what shows us the functions that each of the words within a sentence have. Thus we will distinguish in most sentences two parts:
- Subject: is the person, animal or thing that suffers the action of the verb. It is formed by a noun phrase, in which the name is the nucleus of said subject.
- Predicate: it shows us the action of the verb and the complements that accompany it. It is formed by a verb phrase in which the nucleus will always be the verb.
Within the predicate there are also other words that also have a function within the sentence: “history” which is the Direct Complement and “its cousin” which is the Indirect Complement . Thus we can point out that within the predicate we find that the word explained is the nucleus. Morphosyntactic analysis of a sentence
Morphosyntactic analysis
As you can see, we have carried out two analyzes on the same sentence. When we are asked to perform a morphosyntactic analysis we must, we must mark the functions that appear in both and combine them. The morphosyntactic analysis consists of pointing out all the parts that make up the sentence, the functions that each one of them fulfills, the types of words and how they behave within it.