
Conversation definition and types and examples


Definition of Conversation is understood as that communicative act that is established between two or more parties and that involves the exchange of ideas in a calm and respectful way; in the conversation you speak rather with familiarity. In this article we will elaborate the definition of conversation along with its types.

The conversation is when two or more people talk about a certain topic.

Examples of Conversation

For example, “Favorite food,” as the following conversation shows:

Professor : I want to know what your favorite food is, can you tell me?

Sofia : I love french fries.

Professor : Only french fries?

Camilo : No, I love chicken.

Sofia : Yes! I love chicken too.

Camilo : Besides, I like it with a lot of lettuce because it does me good.

Sofia : I prefer tomato … I don’t like lettuce very much.

Teacher : Are your favorite foods?

Sofia and Camilo : Yes! They are our favorite foods.

In this conversation, three people participate (Professor, Sofia and Camilo) who talk about “The favorite food“.

In this conversation, information is being exchanged, that is, now the teacher already knows what Sofia and Camilo’s favorite food is, that is, she has a new data that allows her to know them better.

Thus, the purpose of any conversation is to exchange information between the people who participate, which allows them to know each other better.

The conversation has the following characteristics:

– It is spontaneous, that is, it develops naturally and is not prepared.

– The conversation is characterized by being familiar and expressive.

– To talk you use gestures, mimics, movements that also express.

– The volume, rhythm and tone of voice also deliver information in a conversation.

– The theme is defined by those who participate in this activity. Thus, a conversation about music can end in another topic that has no relation to it.

– With the conversation you can inform, communicate, express joys or sorrows, advise, recommend, report, argue, present ideas, etc.

In every conversation there is:

Greeting or opening

Beginning of the conversation and introduction of the topic, which can be a greeting, a comment, a wake-up call, interrogative or exclamatory expressions, etc.

Example : Hello !; What is your name?; I need to talk with you; etc.


It is the exchange of information or opinions on the topic initiated between those who participate in the conversation. The topics may vary in the course of the conversation, as long as the speakers agree.

Example : In the case of the conversation between Professor, Sofía and Camilo, it can end in “Favorite music” or “What I like to do the most”.

Close or Farewell

Part of the conversation where participants close the subject with a farewell and the conversation is terminated.

Example : See you tomorrow !; See you!; We Talk Later; etc

characteristics of the conversation

One of the characteristics of the conversation is precisely the possibility of jointly presenting their own ideas to contrast them with that of the other participants and this must be achieved in a space of minimum respect and tranquility so that the understanding between the parties is better.

For a conversation to take place, it is important that the people involved in it share the same language. This language can be spoken or through symbols or signs and the importance of being the same for both parties has to do with allowing communication that would not otherwise occur. Sometimes the language can be represented by the language (English, Spanish, Spanish, German, French, etc.) as well as other languages ​​of symbols, signs or gestures that can be known by people who talk but not by everyone.

The conversation can revolve around a specific topic as it can also be chaining various topics as time goes by, that is, different topics arise naturally and spontaneously. Normally in the conversations of friends, which are characterized by their informality, the topics of conversation naturally arise without any imposition.

Thus, you can start talking about a problem and lead to issues that are not directly related to each other.

On the other hand, the conversation can mean the sharing of diverse ideas since those who participate in them may or may not agree on the subject to be treated. The exchange of ideas and opinions is just what makes a conversation because otherwise, if a single person spoke it would be a conversation or if a single person answered questions it would be an interrogation.



It is the one that usually occurs, every day, on a daily basis and manifests itself among peers or relatives, where an informal and relaxed atmosphere prevails; therefore there is no specific structure or specific topic, but the conversation flows naturally, where sometimes speech shifts are not respected, being able to interrupt or speak two people at the same time, but without them implying a problem, It is part of the colloquiality of the communicative moment.


It is the conversation that is previously planned, therefore it has an organization different from the previous one (the first one simply does not have it), where one of the parties – or a small group – is the one that plans the conversation to be carried out and occurs in The debates or interviews.

To give rise to a good conversation, which is productive and effective, it is necessary to take into account the so-called principle of cooperation, this implies the “rules” that speakers must take into account when executing the dialogue.

  • Opportunity: talk when the occasion arises, contributing to the subject, without interrupting the other; Respect speech turns.
  • Brevity: speak the appropriate time, depending on the topic. Do not intervene more than the content requires.
  • Quality: be respectful of the words of others and make use of our turn to speak with the truth.
  • Relevance: the contributions to the conversation must be important or according to the preponderance of the topic; Be consistent
  • Clarity: words must be precise and pertinent, with a logical order to be understood by the other.

we hope that after reading this article you have become able to understand the definition of conversation and its types as well. kindly give us feedback if you like our article on ” definition of conversation”


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