How to become a headhunter its importance features and qualifications
The headhunter is a profile in high demand by companies. This English term is born from the union of the words head , which means head, and hunter , which means hunter. The translation corresponds, therefore, to headhunter, or what is the same, talent hunter.
The main function of the headhunter is to select personnel for a company under the guidelines it establishes, that is, to look for talents whose skills stand out above the rest and are difficult to find. It focuses on finding the best professionals for certain functions , that is, filling open vacancies in entities with the most competent people the market offers.
In this sense, the headhunter has to take care of two very important parts:
- Clients: those companies that hire their services to cover a (normally complex) selection process. They need effectiveness and good results, that is, guaranteeing that the requested profile will be able to perform the functions requested within the company.
- Candidates: those professionals who offer their employment information to headhunters to be taken into account during the selection processes. They must fit with the corporate culture and work method of the company in question. Each candidate has a specific profile according to their experience, knowledge, career, area of specialization and soft-skills .
Normally, the vacancies for which headhunters must find candidates correspond to high-level executive or managerial positions. For this reason, the practice of headhunting is also known as executive search .
The importance for companies
Often, the HR sector does not find the ideal profile in a selection process . With a broader network of relationships and its ability to map the market, the headhunter is able to present better options according to the institution’s vision and needs.
In companies that have branches in other states or are even moving to other cities, the headhunter’s flexibility to be out of the business environment makes it easier to fill in the workforce.
When it comes to recruiting high-ranking professionals then, such as a board, president or vice president, the HR challenge is even greater. Most of the time, these collaborators are not found in a traditional way and, with the help of the headhunter and their more refined selection, the possibilities of mapping these talents are even greater.
Among the characteristics of the professional are:
- Having Confidence in Yourself.
- Having Initiative and Leadership.
- Be an entrepreneur.
- Know hear.
- Have enthusiasm and persistence.
- Be ambitious.
- Good verbal and written communication.
- Being resistant to frustration, knowing how to take advantage of failure.
- Commitment to your choice,.
- Have a nice personality.
- Knowing how to obtain cooperation.
- Be discreet.
- Know how to manage time.
- Have concentration and focus.
Among the Professional’s Qualifications are:
- Good observation: Observing and getting to know the person deeply is essential to understand their profile. Therefore, he looks for good technicians in a certain subject, evaluating them to later present them to a specific company, or to several organizations. With this, he understands past experiences, the moment in which the individual is living and what the career and personal goals are.
- Excellent listening: it is necessary not only to listen to the candidate, but also to understand the moment and his/her abilities. Therefore, the headhunter tries to pay attention and note the most important points.
- Great argument: the headhunter first seeks to deeply study the company and the vacancy in which he is developing his work. In addition, the professional is always attentive to the characteristics of the worker to understand which company would like to have this profile. With that, he builds solid arguments to present at the right time.
- Good Negotiation Technique: the professional develops the power of argument well, thus facilitating the conversation. The result of in-depth knowledge of the company and the candidate makes the argument-building process simpler.
- Networking: the headhunter needs to have a large network of contacts whom he can look for.
A Headhunter’s salary depends on the network of relationships he has and his credibility. In general, hiring takes place in executive positions, so the salary base can vary a lot. The average salary ranges from an executive’s salary to immeasurable values established from the negotiation with the directors of the company that hires him to find the candidate in the job market.
Headhunters are executive recruiters who specialize in finding the best talent for an opportunity. Considering the constant changes in the labor market, this professional is important for finding people capable of increasing the company’s productivity and for contributing to the reduction of the turnover rate .
Its function is to combine the organization’s needs with the necessary professional and personal qualifications. To help with this task, we’ve brought you 5 golden tips to be an excellent headhunter. Check out!
1. Have knowledge and clarity about the company
The headhunter needs to know all the details of the company that hires him: organizational culture, organizational chart, market position, needs and growth possibilities. This is because when looking for the ideal talent, one should look for someone who fits these aspects and feels challenged in this environment.
Furthermore, it is essential to understand all the details of the position in question, such as the functions that are performed and the necessary knowledge. This information will determine the desired professional qualification.
2. Create the desired professional profile
To start the “hunt” for the person who will occupy the given vacancy, it is essential to set up the profile that must be found. This can be done in a briefing meeting with the contractor and supplemented with the headhunter’s knowledge.
Information such as education, technical knowledge, human and behavioral skills, languages and professional experience are part of the elaboration of this profile. It is from this that prospecting can begin to be done effectively.
3. Keep an up-to-date network of contacts
The main characteristic of headhunters is that they like to relate to people and are in the habit of cultivating those relationships. This characteristic is the biggest differentiator of this professional to a common recruiter.
This network of contacts, also known as networking, is essential for the success of a headhunter, as it is their main source of talent. In other words, it is through her that he finds the best professionals for companies.
4. Be sensitive to all situations
Being sensitive is synonymous with being attentive and prepared. It’s knowing where to find the desired talent, when to approach it, how to approach it and how to extract from it the necessary information to confirm that it has the most suitable profile.
This sensitivity is important so that the headhunter doesn’t miss his opportunities and doesn’t scare or scare off a potential candidate by making the invitation at an inappropriate time, for example.
In addition, this tip is also about seeking talent in different environments. The ideal person can be in a variety of places, such as a work-related exhibition or a professional event.
5. Train the rhetoric
The headhunter needs to be an excellent negotiator and, more than that, have the facility to present arguments and convince individuals.
It is important to know how to certify talents that the job offer is an unmissable opportunity and that there is no set-up. To meet the wishes of the hiring company, it is sometimes required to convince a professional to leave their current job in order to be included in the proposal. This requires mastery of rhetorical and persuasive techniques.
Even though there is no specific training for headhunters, it is advisable that certain skills, such as communication, are constantly improved. By following the 5 tips presented, the quality of the talents found will likely increase significantly.
6. Keeping up with new technologies
In an increasingly concentrated market, differentiating yourself from the majority is crucial to being able to stand out. For this, headhunters must keep up with new products, software and technologies that make their lives easier or improve their productivity. Some tools that can be used are: candidate acquisition platforms or talent banks, application management and monitoring software, candidate evaluation and classification systems, among others.
For example, has a system that can you help structure the processes of each wave and track candidates, besides using an algorithm that evaluates what are the best people for each job, making you spend less time and effort in selection.