Conclusion connectors characteristics and examples
Conclusion connectors
The Conclusion connectors are those words or phrases that are used to introduce an idea in the speech closing or summary. In general, these types of structures are part of the computers of discourse. These serve, as a whole, to temporarily or spatially order the information in the text.
Likewise, connectors are considered textual or supra-sentence markers. These are made up of words, particles – prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs – and phrases that relate sentences and paragraphs. Its use highlights the logical relationships between these discursive elements, providing coherence to the text.
Now, the connectors can be factual, quasi-factual or textual. The first establish the relationship between facts: He told the truth, although it no longer made sense.
The textuals refer to segments of the discourse itself : In conclusion , it is irrelevant. Conclusion connectors belong to this group.
Also, as with other textual markers, conclusion connectors play an important part in writing texts. Its use must be sober without falling into abuses that lead to repeated points of support.
Misuse of this resource can lead to inconvenient fillers that result in monotonous texts.
Characteristics of Conclusion connectors
The conclusion connectors are characterized by introducing the culmination of a topic. This may well be the thematic idea of the entire writing, or parts of it.
Thus, a concluding connector can be used to conclude – or summarize – multiple sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, or entire works.
On the other hand, conclusion connectors have a rather formal character. Therefore, they are more frequently used in written language than in oral or verbal interactions.
They are also a factor of textual coherence. In this sense, coherence means the connection of ideas at the level of the idea and not of the sentence. That is, it refers to the rhetorical aspects of discourse that, among others, help organize and clarify ideas.
In addition, another distinctive feature is that this type of connector is followed by a comma. This is known as a linking comma. For example: In sum , all of these factors are important to your success .
In general, conclusion connectors have two definite uses. One of them is to finish the presentation of an idea or topic. The other is to present a synthesis of a set of ideas or approaches. In both cases, a logical relationship between the preceding sentences and those that follow is evident.
It is quite common for them to appear at the end of the paragraph, after the arguments or ideas raised are developed. It is also common for them to introduce a complete paragraph to close a section, a chapter or even a complete text.
Examples of Conclusion connectors
In conclusion
“ In conclusion ,« public ethics conforms the just and stable order […] the set of values, principles and rights, ultimately the content of the idea of justice that the legal system of a democratic society must carry out. » ” ( The conflicts of rights in the Spanish legislation and jurisprudence of Vidal Gil, 1999)
In conclusion
“… He recognized that varieties existed, such as domestic breeds of dogs, horses, cows, etc., but he flatly denied the possibility that a completely new animal could arise from natural causes, and he was entering the regions of miracle.
In closing , he turned to Huxley and said, “Please tell me, Professor Huxley, whether it is on your grandmother’s side or on your grandfather’s side, that you are descended from monkeys . ” At that moment there was an explosion of applause. ” ( To understand Darwin de Barahona and Torrens, 2010) Conclusion connectors characteristics and examples
In sum
“The semes of the common attribute that base the image will be defined as imaginative semas and their set would constitute an imagema. The image, in short , supposes the linguistic formulation of a similarity after the reducing process of a semantic deviation or impertinence in a given context. ” ( Valleinclanian sum of Gabriele and Addis, 1992)
In summary
“Not long ago, in the colloquium that followed one of my multiple conferences on Spanish geography […] a person from the audience asked me, just like that, if I could explain to him what has been the contribution of Africa to knowledge and science universal.
In short , that young woman wanted to know if, throughout history, some black had been able to invent something worth considering as an important contribution to the rest of humanity. ” ( Systematic synthesis of African philosophy by Nkogo Ondó, 2006)
“ Summarizing the foregoing, it seems evident that all scientists [… ] agree with a humility worthy of appreciation that to date it is not known for sure, when, where and how life appeared on Earth [… ] despite the multiple existing opinions. (Other people’s and own ideas to reflect on by Manuel Navarro Hernán, 2009)
To end
“Neither of the two representatives knew the other’s language, so they understood each other as best they could, chattering in English and Italian and using a wide range of gestures. But confusion arose when, unknowingly, the gestures to affirm and shake the head were opposite in meaning.
While the Catalan representative nodded by tilting his head forward, the Bulgarian did so by turning left and right. And to deny just the other way around. After spending hours negotiating a point in the contract, when they reviewed it, one would nod in one way and the other would understand that they did not agree.
Of course, it was a little chaos that was finally cleared up with a laugh when they discovered the cultural trap. To finish the story, they signed the player and he became an idol for the Blaugrana fans. Techniques for effective supervision: for middle managers from Parera Pascual, 2007)
“And special recognition, to Angela Bonino Velaochaga, national and international award winner as an exponent of modern art in our country, who was in charge of the creation and design of the cover.
Finally, I must point out that in shortlists like this it would be absurd to claim originality, so I refer to Adam Schaff’s statement … ”(Aching Guzmán’s Financial Mathematics for Business Decision Making, 2006)