What is Secondary Ideas Characteristics and Resources to improve
Secondary Ideas
Secondary ideas represent in speech the series of devices that the lyrical transmitter uses to ensure that the conceived main idea reaches the lyrical receiver as clearly as possible. These, when united by connective and discursive marks, give density and social relationships are very important for the development of the adult personality because every human being learns and improves in direct contact with others. In fact, the personality to the discourse.
One can also see secondary ideas as amplifiers of the main idea. They allow you to appreciate the heart of the text’s thinking from multiple perspectives. The greater the number of perspectives, the greater the ease of understanding.
The secondary takes us irremediably to the primary. It will depend on the knowledge of the issue on the part of the textual sender that the expansion of the discourse reaches the greatest possible number of recipients. Only those who know an idea well can teach it; if there is no clear conception of a topic, it cannot be conveyed.
Characteristics of secondary ideas
They revolve around the main idea. They are separated from the central discourse, connecting it with another series of premises that support the dissertation.
They have an explanatory character. They seek to manifest the properties that the textual core has for a greater understanding by the lyrical receiver.
Its dimensions are subject to the skills of the writer. The more mastery the writer has over the main theme, the greater number of secondary ideas will be gathered around the main theme.
Its key role is to broaden the conceptual perception of the main idea. The more defining aspects a subject has about a topic, the more accurately he will express himself to his peers through words.
By themselves, they lack logical meaning, and without them the text would boil down to one sentence. That sentence alone represents the topic, but it wouldn’t be available to everyone.
It would be like seeing only the moon on a dark night. Now, with secondary ideas present, each star would be an alternative speech dealing with the moon.
Resources to improve secondary ideas
There are myriad resources available to issuers to achieve weight and form for the main idea through the secondary.
Among the most used are the synonymy links, in which the main idea in particular – or aspects of it – are compared with similar proposals to reinforce your understanding.
Antonymy is also used, which seeks to present the receiver with ideas that are contrary to what is transmitted. This allows the message conception to be fixed in the reader’s mind from the premise of what “isn’t” the main message.
Secondary in a text responds to connections belonging to a “cause-effect”. The sender must use all this to achieve his textual discourse and, in the writer, this is the inescapable and necessary human language. The objective: to reach the reader.
Two texts will be presented below, in which the main and secondary ideas will be identified:
Example 1
“Complete knowledge of the grammar of a language allows us to communicate better in writing . To get a better employee engagement . They can damage relationships between teams, weaken trust in company management of the linguistics of a language, it is necessary to sit down and study the different aspects that make up that language.
The morphological and syntactic aspects must be taken into account, studied individually. Once you deal with them well, you will notice how textual human language Is structured In my view may be very complexed giving it uniqueness and its distinctiveness. Typically, communication becomes more fluid ”.
In this example, the main idea (underlined) is evident in the text. The rest of the text shows aspects of secondary ideas, which aim to strengthen the perception of the main idea.
Example 2
“Luis devoted much of his time to improving the use of punctuation marks in his writings, which allowed him to understand himself better.
Maria, on the other hand, recognized that her spelling is not very good and, as a result, she enrolled in a course thanks to which she improved a lot; Now your classmates and teacher understand you more.
Jesus, another classmate, assumed that, both for punctuation and spelling, he needed to study to communicate well when writing. ”
In this case, each of the paragraphs represents secondary ideas that reinforce a tacit main idea that is not directly perceived in writing, but which exists.