What is Educational System definition/concept
The term educational system refers to the general structure of a country’s educational organization. Normally the system that governs the education of a country represents a general law that develops and makes explicit all the elements of the academic area. Education is formed by a set of components that together make up a system.
One of the fundamental structures is the organizational division of the different periods that usually make up the infant phase to university. On the other hand, teaching is divided into subjects, some of which are mandatory and others optional. In order to fully articulate the system, it is necessary to establish an evaluation criterion that is objective and rigorous. At the same time, the methodology used to transmit knowledge is extremely important, as well as the use of technical resources. Logically, it is necessary to determine the role of teachers and access to the educational model. Educational System
There are other aspects that involve education and any other interconnected system: academic guidance, disciplinary regulations and the integration of students with learning difficulties. It is also important to define the role of families so that there is adequate communication between teachers, students and parents. Educational System
Each of the items indicated has its own structure that, together, articulate an educational system.
Teaching can be public or private, applied in an urban or rural area, but in any case it must have a common basic structure so that all students have the same opportunities and can acquire the same academic content.
There is a global proposal for a country’s education to adapt to social changes and for systems to be renewed periodically.
Finally, for an education system to be efficient, it must incorporate certain general principles that serve as a guide for responsible professionals. In addition to academic knowledge, teaching needs to incorporate a series of values so that society is fairer in every way. It is necessary to be aware that an educational system is essential within any existing community . Educational System