Synthetic text characteristics and examples
Synthetic form of the text
The synthetic form of the text or synthesis is that which is carried out by taking out the main and secondary ideas in a reading. This is done in order to provide a summary that easily explains the content. This argument should be written in a short and objective way, in addition to offering quality information.
This way of creating a text is done once a reading is finished, so it is possible to identify all the points to consider. The synthesis can be done by joining two or more points of the author and making a conclusion from it. These ideas can be from different points of view, its function is to be able to organize, compare and unite them.
This interpretation of the reading must be given clearly and concisely, respecting what is described by the author. This synthesis must be carried out with the words of its creator, offering your own opinions is not convenient in this case, since it should not change the meaning of the subject of the reading.
What is the synthetic form of the text?
The synthetic function of the text consists in detecting and extracting the essential points of a text. In this way, the main idea and the secondary ideas can be identified to give a conclusion to it. It is not about doing your own analysis, but a clearer and shorter explanation.
Before making a synthesis, a reading of the content should be carried out, as many times as necessary to extract everything important. It is recommended that when reading it a second time, you take notes and highlight points that are considered important, which will be of great help.
When making a synthesis, it is requested that it be done in the present tense, this allows the reader to grasp it more easily. It is important to make simple sentences, thus avoiding confusing the receiver. Ideally, in the first few sentences it is clear what the summary is about.
How to make a synthesis?
1-Read the content well
The first thing to do is make several readings of the text. It must be read 2 or 3 times to be able to collect all the data and understand well everything expressed by the author. This way you get to have a general point of view of the text and understand what it is about.
2-Take notes
When you start the second reading, it is recommended to do it actively. To do this, you must highlight the important points and take notes. Already in the third reading you can verify these points and add or delete what you consider necessary.
3-Detect the topic
It is of utmost importance that when reading the main theme that is being developed is identified. Yes, the first thing to focus on is the purpose of the text, the essence that led it to be realized.
4-Identify main and supporting ideas
After knowing what the subject of the text is, we must determine the main and complementary ideas that shape the content. Synthetic text characteristics examples
5-Discover the premise and conclusion
When a text is made there is an argument and one of the things that compose it are the premises or evidence. These are presented to affirm the theme and give rise to the culmination. The conclusion must be a fundamental part of the synthesis, as it was the way the author ended the text.
How to identify main and secondary ideas?
To know how to identify these aspects, consider the following:
1-Characteristics of the main ideas
– Explain important content that cannot be eliminated from the text.
– They are autonomous ideas, they do not depend on others.
– They can be anywhere in the text. Both at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.
– They usually start the paragraphs.
2-Characteristics of secondary ideas
– It has less importance than the primary one.
– They are in charge of explaining and expanding the main idea.
– It does not have autonomy.
– They develop after the primordial point.
Characteristics of a synthesis
When a synthesis is made, it is done objectively, respecting what was originally said by the author.
A synthesis must be prepared with order of ideas, thus facilitating its understanding. In this way, the relationship between it and the main idea will be better.
It is vital that the sentences are kept concise and small. If they are too long, the essence of the argument can be lost. Synthetic text characteristics examples
The syntheses have flexibility to be elaborated, since they are a new text that is based on another. It is logical that it has some differences in writing.
Parts of a synthesis
First, when making a synthesis, the main topic should be indicated. This must be done in a short and precise way.
After saying the topic, a union of the ideas collected in the text should be given. It is necessary to be concise in the explanation and to respect what is stated by the author.
Culminate with the conclusion reached by the author on the topic, once all the ideas developed in the text have been summarized.
Examples of synthetic form of text
Below are two texts and their corresponding synthesis (synthetic form of the text):
1-The purpose of advertising
When an advertising message is made, it is done in order to generate a persuasive effect on the public so that it acquires a product or service. With this advertisement the main characteristics and benefits of what is promoted are explained. In some cases, the amount of sales you have had is indicated.
There are multiple ways to make an advertising message, this can be graphic and is printed on brochures, leaflets or catalogs. It can also be aural with voice and music promotions usually for the radio. Likewise, there is audiovisual advertising that includes video with moving images and audio, and is used on TV and social networks. Synthetic text characteristics examples
There are some advertisements without any type of economic or commercial interest, they are those made to carry a message. These campaigns are intended to prevent diseases or sensitize the recipient of a particular issue, with a collective social welfare.
Finally, it should be noted that advertisements must be made with a high degree of creativity. The information must be presented in a concrete way, with great ingenuity, with a high degree of attractiveness and fun. All this to make an impact on the general public.
Advertising is done to promote a product or service. This can be presented in print, in audio or video format. Likewise, they can be made for commercial purposes or not.
All advertising must be full of creativity and contain great appeal to generate the responses that are sought in the public. It is essential to comply with the aforementioned parameters, only in this way can you effectively reach people and achieve the objectives set.
2-The digestive process in animals
Digestion in animals is a process the same as in humans, in some cases it is simpler. Basically it is a process where food is transformed into nutrients that the body needs. This function can be performed in various ways depending on the species.
Most animals have an intestine that is generally an elongated turbo with villi that absorb nutrients. There are some with simple stomachs like marine invertebrates or complex ones like cows. But they all serve the same purpose of nourishing the body.
The animal digestive process fulfills the same function as that carried out by humans. There are animals with simple stomachs and others with more complex ones, but they all have intestines. Its primary function is to absorb nutrients to feed the body.