Language and Linguistics

Linguistic creativity creative potential of language

It involves the use of novel linguistic forms and combinations and thus naturally draws students’ attention to the formal aspects of language (Hanauer, 2001). Exposure to L2 literature can also support linguistic creativity in the broadest sense. A wide range of vocabulary is also important for linguistic creativity .

What is linguistic creativity?

Linguistic creativity is primarily the activity of creating new meaning by a speaker (in the broadest sense of the language user in all forms and in all media), and the recreation and reinterpretation of meaning(s) by a receiver.

Subsequently, the question is: how is language unique and creative? Because humans, those who use it and change it, are also creative and unique . Language is a reflection of the people who use it. That’s why even when the same language is spoken, there are differences between regions.

Why is language creative?

Language is a creative system because it is a means of expressing an infinite number of thoughts and ideas and can react in an infinite number of ways to new situations (Coppock). Creativity is located within the individual, but only in a way that can be understood by everyone.

What is innate language?

The concept of an innate language is referenced in various fields of philosophy, philosophy of language , linguistics, philosophy of mind, psycholinguistics, and other cognitive sciences. In philosophy, ” innate language ” can refer to: Being – as a system of sensual and holistic ” language ” within the mind.

What do you mean by creativity?

Defining creativity and innovation Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate

Why is language productive and creative?

Language is productive and creative: language has creativity and productivity. The structural elements of human language can be combined to produce new utterances, which neither the speaker nor his hearers may have made or heard before any hearer, but which both sides understand without difficulty.

The language

The language made its appearance in the most recent moments of the evolution of living beings, is closely linked to the presence of man in the animal kingdom. Man is the only living being endowed with this faculty, since, although some experiments have revealed the ability of certain apes to interpret linguistic elements, the attempt to teach language to animals has resulted in a total failure. Some birds such as parrots manage to reproduce human language but are not able to interpret their meaning. All linguistic aspects are controlled in man by a series of centers located in the temporal lobe, cerebral cortex and vicinity, although they are distributed in the same way in both hemispheres, that is, there seems to be a dominance of a hemisphere, the left, in the case of right-handed individuals. This dominance is not met, however, with equal accuracy in the case of women whose language centers are more evenly distributed in both hemispheres, in fact the cerebral hemorrhages in them do not usually cause language disorders.

 Linguistic communication in its simplest form requires the existence of extraordinary association functions, which gives rise to a sensory representation of objects, the substitution of these objects for words or symbols, an abstraction that goes as far as being able to make classifications of objects or of groups or interrelationships also generates associations to vision, hearing, speaking and written expression, so it requires a large area of ​​the brain for control. In the dominant hemisphere, 4 well-defined areas are distinguished which, in case of suffering some type of injury, give rise to alterations in language. The injury to the drill area causes inability to coordinate the movement of the lips, tongue and vocal cords. If the injury occurs in the second zone (posterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus) the individual can hear the spoken language but cannot understand its meaning. If it is in the third (angular gyrus that surrounds the end of Silvio’s fissure), verbal blindness can occur that makes it impossible for the person to understand the meaning of a written word. Finally, if the lesion is in the fourth associated area (lower frontal bypass), dysfunctions that affect writing may occur. The large extent of the cerebral cortex involved in linguistic function explains that cerebral hemorrhages or thrombosis especially affect this function. Sometimes they cause a total loss of language production, without noticeable variations in visual or auditory or written comprehension. The domain of language is strongly involved in the development of creativity, a broad verbal domain causes the generation of more ideas, the language itself produces a capacity to understand and transmit complex ideas, especially those related to space or time.

Creative language

Creativity is a highly valued quality today. Everyone wants to be creative. Creative people are considered intelligent. Also our language should be creative. Before, people tried to speak as correctly as possible. Today, however, we try to speak as creatively as possible. Advertising and new media are an example of this. They teach how you can play with the tongue. During the last 50 years, interest in creativity has only increased steadily. Even research has paid special attention to this phenomenon. Psychologists, pedagogues and philosophers investigate creative processes. Creativity is defined as the ability to create new things. Therefore, a creative language is one capable of producing new linguistic forms, that can be both words and grammatical structures. By studying creative language, linguists can get to know the way in which languages ​​change. Not all individuals understand the new linguistic elements. In order to value linguistic creativity, it is necessary to have knowledge. First you have to know how the language works. And you also have to have knowledge about the world in which the speakers live. Only then can you understand what they mean. Juvenile jargon can serve as an example to explain this. Children and young people are continually inventing new terms. Often, adults do not understand such words. There are even specific dictionaries that clarify the vocabulary of the youth language. But they tend to be outdated in the course of a generation! However, creative languages ​​can be learned. There are instructors who offer courses for their learning. The most important rule always says: wake up your inner voice!

The creative potential of language

We are able to talk about countless subjects: from events that happened in our day to strange dreams. All can be narrated. As many linguists have observed, we are able to speak of the real world, but also of an imaginary world. We talk about the past, the present and the future. Language is, as they say, a “creative system” that allows us the freedom to create (and understand) new sentences. This creativity, however, is not unrestricted or ungoverned.

Restrictions and principles of word formation

Let’s think about our ability to create new words based on already known words (see an example here ). There is regularity in this process. In Portuguese, if we create a new verb based on a noun, we will use the ending in -ar , which would be “the most basic”. If we are going to use an already known suffix to generate new words, we follow rules of language morphology.

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