What is Physiotherapy benefits areas and resources
Physiotherapy is the science that studies, diagnoses, prevents and recovers patients with intercurrent functional kinetic disorders in organs and systems of the human body. He works with diseases generated by genetic alterations, traumas or acquired illnesses.
The human language. The objective of this area is to preserve, maintain, develop or restore (rehabilitation) the integrity of organs, systems or functions. It uses its own knowledge and resources as part of the therapeutic process in psycho-physical-social conditions to promote better quality of life.
It bases actions on therapeutic mechanisms systematized by studies of morphological, physiological, pathological, biochemistry, biophysics, biomechanics, kinesia, functional synergy, kinesia, pathology of organs and systems of the human body. In addition to behavioral and social disciplines.
What does a physiotherapist do?
The physiotherapist starts a session by performing a physiotherapeutic diagnosis of the patient. He analyzes and interprets exams and medical reports to have a broad view of the patient’s health status and identify any possible injuries. He also observes the patient’s movements, if he has motor difficulty or feels pain.
From the diagnosis, the physiotherapist prescribes the treatment to be carried out. The type varies according to the patient’s condition and the lesion to be treated, and may be:
- Application of massages;
- Physical exercises;
- Treatment based on cold and heat;
- Exercises in the water.
The first part of the treatment is carried out in the presence of the physiotherapist, who accompanies each movement and guides the patient through the exercise, identifying progress in restoring movement.
A later phase of treatment may also consist of exercises that the patient will do alone at home. In this case, the physiotherapist teaches the movements that must be made and advises on the frequency and force that must be applied in each one of them.
The physiotherapist reevaluates the patient regularly to identify the improvement in his general health and adjust the treatment. In general, he keeps a body evaluation form, where he notes some personal data, habits, possible complaints of pain and family history of diseases.
What are the areas of physiotherapy?
Pediatrics, Neonatology and Hebeatrics
It is the specialty that uses its own methods and techniques for the treatment of illnesses of newborns, children.
Geriatric and ontological ger
It studies, prevents and treats dysfunctions resulting from the aging process together with geriatrics , through the administration of physiotherapeutic procedures, preventing functional problems and promoting the overall functional recovery of elderly people.
Specialty that diagnoses, studies and treats dermatological and intertegumentary conditions.
Urogynecofunctional and Obstetrics
Its main human language. The objective is the prevention and treatment of urinary, fecal and sexual dysfunctions, through various resources, including the re-education of the pelvic floor and accessory muscles, which will be submitted to strengthening exercises. A
It is based on promoting a better adaptation of the woman to the changes in her body during the gestation period, preparing all her structures for childbirth.
Area that aims at the study, diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders that may or may not involve motor dysfunctions; for example, patients who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Neurofunctional physiotherapy induces therapeutic actions to recover functions, including motor coordination, strength, balance and coordination. Therapy in Neurological Physiotherapy is based on exercises that promote the restoration of motor functions, in order to solve motor deficiencies and improve motor patterns, with an important foundation in the neurophysiological principles of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.
It studies, diagnoses and treats musculoskeletal disorders, whether of orthopedic origin or resulting from trauma, as well as diseases of rheumatological origin. It uses therapeutic resources to increase movement capacity, stimulate circulation and reduce pain in patients with fractures, muscle trauma and sprains.
Set of physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at improving respiratory dynamics and the distribution of inhaled air in the lungs, removing bronchial secretions, thus obtaining better respiratory function. In addition to manual techniques, there are several devices that help to obtain these results.
It operates mainly in oral health in conjunction with Dentistry and Speech Therapy, dealing with dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint, in addition to treating dysfunctions related to ocular problems and pre and post-operative facial plastic surgeries.
It acts directly in sports activities, in the preparation, prevention and recovery of injuries in the rehabilitation process of athletes in clubs, teams, academies, etc.
Area of expertise dealing with the management of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions, based on clinical reasoning, using highly specific treatment approaches, including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises. FMO also encompasses and is driven by available clinical and scientific evidence and the biopsychosocial status of each patient.
Acupuncture and physical therapy
It is a specialization recognized by COFITO since 1985 and consists of the application of acupuncture and other corporal techniques of traditional Chinese medicine to musculoskeletal problems traditionally addressed, highlighting aspects of therapy and pain, depressive behavior and the reorganization of bodily sensations.
It aims to preserve, maintain, develop and restore the kinetic-functional integrity of the patient’s organs and systems, as well as to prevent disturbances caused by cancer treatment.
And what are the physiotherapeutic resources?
Physiotherapy procedures contribute to the prevention, cure and recovery of health. For the physiotherapist to choose the procedures to be used, he will have to proceed with the elaboration of the Functional Kinesiological diagnosis, identifying the scope of the dysfunction, as well as monitoring the therapeutic response to the procedures indicated by the professional himself. Here are the most known and used physiotherapeutic resources:
- Kinesiotherapy (movement therapy): These are procedures where movement is used with the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and structures of the central and peripheral nervous system, with the aim of recovering their function. Postural reeducation is a principle of kinesiotherapy: treating spine deformities or posture problems with stretching and muscle strengthening exercises. One of the ways is popularly known in Brazil as RPG, but not very widespread in Europe, where the terms Mezière’s muscular chains or Busquet’s diagonal chains (oblique, transverse), among others, are preferred.
- Electrotherapy: Resource that uses electricity in numerous treatments and stimulation, such as TENS and FES.
- Thermotherapy: Therapy that uses heat or cold as a way to treat various pathologies.
- Phototherapy: Uses light-generating devices in various treatments.
- Mechanotherapy: Procedure with mechanical devices to strengthen, stretch, repower the musculature and re-educate compromised movements.
- Hydrotherapy: Kinesiotherapy performed in an aquatic environment.
- Cryotherapy: Use of ice as a therapeutic procedure, usually in segments for the treatment of bruises and muscle sprains.
- Hippotherapy (or Hippotherapy): This is treatment with the help of a horse: it influences the patient, instead of the patient controlling it. The patient is placed on the horse and responds actively to its movements, while the therapist, with the help of an auxiliary guide, determines the direction of travel, the position of the head and the speed of the horse, as well as analyzing the practitioner’s responses by making the necessary adjustments for each situation.
What are the benefits of physiotherapy?
posture improvement
Having body symmetry is essential to avoid low back pain , discomfort in the central region of the spine and more serious problems in the future, such as cervical lordosis. Thus, introducing physiotherapy into your routine is a way to restore your posture, improve your postural habits and, consequently, your quality of life.
Decrease in pain
These problems occur for several reasons, such as the practice of physical activities or sports (also called sports injury), physical exertion (such as carrying weight), poor posture, constant use of technological means (which can cause poor posture). ; or any incident, such as an injury.
Against this, a professional is highly qualified to carry out this physical and functional rehabilitation, significantly reducing pain, even muscle pain.
Prevention of possible injuries
When the treatment of a certain injury is over, it is essential to continue the follow-up and, preferably, with the physio itself. This is important so that the problem does not reappear, making the rehabilitation process longer and more painful in the future.
The prevention of other possible injuries also happens because, with the procedure, your body and your musculature will strengthen and remain more balanced, suffering less impact when there is a situation that may cause a physical problem.
Treatment and prevention of chronic diseases
Physical therapy has a great functional aspect. In the cardiopulmonary area, with technical and specific exercises and health maintenance, it is possible to treat and prevent risk factors and chronic diseases, such as obesity , pneumonia, hypertension, diabetes and even cancer. All this because, with treatment, it is possible to have a positive impact on the entire body and mind of patients.
Help for proper physical training
If you are looking to practice a balanced physical exercise, it is interesting that you look for a physiotherapist. In this way, it will be possible to carry out a correct, sensible and adequate practice of the activities, without exaggerating any musculature. Thus, you will avoid damage that could be irreversible throughout your life. In addition to avoiding future discomfort and pain caused by unguided physical activity.
insomnia control
Insomnia, characterized by difficulty falling asleep, can be caused by several reasons, including: bruxism, breathing problems, poor body symmetry and also restless legs syndrome, and there are physiotherapeutic processes capable of treating these problems and ensure a quality of sleep, as they act throughout the body, mind and organism!
Improvement of respiratory diseases
With the help of chest physiotherapy , which optimizes oxygen transport, it is possible that some breathing problems will improve or be treated. Among them, asthma and bronchitis can be highlighted.
Helps in reducing urinary problems
Currently, urinary problems, such as incontinence, attack women and men at different times. However, treatment can be much simpler than you might think, specifically if it is done through urogynecological physiotherapy . This type of physio is responsible for treating various types of perineal disorders and can help both men and women!