What is Perennial definition/concept/elaboration
The adjective perennial indicates that something will last over time. When we refer to snow that is found on top of mountains, for example, it means that we are talking about perennial snow. We can also use this term to refer to a friendship or an eternal and lasting love. Anyway, this adjective expresses a reality that does not deteriorate or end over time.
Etymology and relationship of the term with Roman mythology and Celtic culture
This term comes from the Latin perennis and is formed by the prefix per and the root annus, which means year. Therefore, given its origin, perennial is all that everything forever.
Among the Romans of the ancient world, a deity known as Anna Perenna was worshiped . This goddess was honored during the Ides of March, which corresponded to the first fifteen days of March in the Roman calendar. During this period feasts and sacrifices were held in his honor so that the year would be satisfying and prosperous. Perennial
In Celtic culture a knot-shaped ornament was made that symbolized the idea of eternal love and the inability to break the union between lovers. This ornament was known as a perennial knot.
In the field of botany
Although this adjective can be used as a synonym for eternal, enduring and imperishable, it is a cultism that is not part of everyday language. However, it is very common in the world of botany. In this sense, the leaves of trees can be evergreen or deciduous.
Evergreen trees or perennifolios keep their leaves throughout the year, regardless of climate change. In this way, at any time of the year, the tree does not run out of leaves because while some fall, others grow
Regarding the classification of these trees, they can be broad-leaved or scaly-shaped.
Among the best known examples we can highlight the lemon tree, pine, holm oak, madronheiro, sour orange, red eucalyptus or green-leaved acacia. Perennial
Trees that do not keep their leaves throughout the year are deciduous or deciduous. These trees have several stages: in spring they begin to bloom and their leaves grow, in summer they are full of leaves, in autumn they fall and in winter they fall permanently. Some deciduous trees are poplar, almond, weeping, cherry and chestnut.
The difference between some trees depends on their adaptation to the environment and their climatic conditions. Perennial