What is Cognitive Bias definition/concept
The workings of the human mind is one of the great enigmas of humanity. We have a pretty rough idea about our rational mechanisms, but these are not the only ones that operate when making decisions. Cognitive Bias
Behavior specialists know that when establishing strategies that guide Behavior, we also use imperfect mental processes, self-deceptions and ideas contrary to rational thinking . These mechanisms of the mind are known as cognitive bias .
It could be said that these are psychological tricks used unconsciously
Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts that often lead to wrong decisions. Cognitive Bias
We seek information that confirms our initial expectations or personal beliefs, as well as avoiding any information that might contradict us.
We often unjustifiably assume that other people think like us. In other words, we project assessments and personal ideas onto others.
As a general rule, we opt for proposals that provide us with immediate gratification and we waive those in the medium and long term, even though we know they can be beneficial to our interests.
We mistakenly assumed that the events of the past were predictable (in this case, one talks about the retrospective comprehension bias). Cognitive Bias
We give more importance to possible losses than to possible gains
We tend to think that we know others better than they do.
We attach more importance to the initial information about something and forget about the rest of the information.
When we are in front of attractive people, we attribute to them certain qualities that are not necessarily right.
We think something is good because a large number of people believe it. Cognitive Bias
enjoying conclusions
- – The main characteristic of every cognitive bias is its appearance of rationality.
- – These shortcuts or mental self-deceptions are false illusions, because in all of them there is an alteration in the information process .
- – Knowledge of these mental mechanisms is used in the marketing world and in the political sphere (the various forms of populism are based largely on the use of messages that “touch the fiber” of some cognitive bias).
- – From an individual point of view, knowing cognitive biases helps us to know why we act in a certain way.