What is Belligerent in law and FAQs about Belligerent
As a belligerent we designate any nation, power, group or community that declares itself at war or participates in it as an ally of one of the parties . The word, as such, comes from the Latin belligĕrans , belligĕrantis .
Being belligerent implies having an attitude or disposition to war or conflict. Countries such as England, Germany, France, Italy, the United States and Japan were belligerents during the Second World War, for example.
Likewise, armed groups such as the FARC or the ELN, which for a good part of the 20th century were participants in the armed conflict in Colombia, requested that their belligerent status be recognized by the international community, although they had little support.
Belligerent, on the other hand, also refers to someone or something that is combative, bellicose, or aggressive . In this way, a person who is conflictive or who constantly seeks confrontation is considered to have a belligerent attitude.
Synonymsare contender, combatant, combative, bellicose or conflicting.
In English , it can be translated as belligerent . For example: “ Belligerent India threatening regional peace ”.
More about belligerent
The adjective belligerent comes from the Latin root “bellum” and means war. It is used in actions related to war, that is, they are aggressive or bellicose attitudes in which the army faces the other with determination.
The military origin of this term does not mean that this adjective can be used exclusively in a military context. In fact, when we say that someone has a belligerent stance, it means that they enjoy controversy, as well as defending their ideas with vigor and intensity.
There are many words related to war that apply in everyday language in any type of context or situation: rearguard, vanguard , patrol, among others. There are many common expressions that have a military meaning. In the case of football, when speaking of “defensive barrier”, the top scorer is synonymous with the goalscorer or “shooting the goalkeeper”. Therefore, we see that the language of war is part of our communication .
It is also used as an adjective to express a combative attitude, which does not mean that it is something negative
In fact, the term positive belligerence indicates an intense, proactive and committed position, in this sense, it indicates non-neutrality in relation to a problematic situation.
There are several historical cases in which a nation receives the status of belligerent. When the former Spanish colonies in America rebelled against Spain, the United States granted them the status of belligerent nations, as they had not yet achieved independence, but were trying to conquer it. On occasion, the term belligerent is used to describe a group or faction that acts against common interests.
Anyone who claims to have a belligerent position has a commitment to something. It could be said that there is a vitality and energy component to using this word.
belligerent in law
In law, the term belligerent is used to refer to a nation or political subject that is at war or participates as an ally of one of the parties.
Belligerence, in international law, supposes the legal situation of a subject, which may well be a power, a nation or an armed group, which is protected by the law of war to carry out warlike actions against an enemy.
The belligerent status grants the participating political subjects equal guarantees in the war conflict.
FAQs about Belligerent
What does state of belligerence mean?
feminine noun Characteristic, state or condition of belligerent ; characteristic of what causes or is in a war. … Declaration that, issued by the government of a foreign country, considers the belligerents as two parties that fight for the same, based on the neutrality presented by them.
What does non-belligerent mean?
Who or what does not participate in a conflict. Plural: non – belligerent .
What are the belligerent countries?
It comes from Latin, which means war. So, belligerent countries are countries that generate wars with “regular army”.
What were the belligerent countries?
Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Türkiye and Bulgaria. Allies: Serbia, Russia, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Romania, USA, Brazil etc.
What does the word bellicosity mean?
adjective Enjoying war; who participates in wars for trade, pleasure or vocation; belligerent: a bellicose people. Equipped for war; equipped with weapons: bellicose ships. Giving rise to war: bellicose proclamations .
What does the word belligerence mean in this enunciation context?
Meaning of Belligerance feminine noun Characteristic, state or condition of belligerent ; characteristic of what causes or is in a war. Recognition of belligerence . … Etymology (origin of the word belligerence ). From French beligérance.