
Types of speech Informative entertaining Demonstrative Persuasive etc.


A speech refers to an informal or formal talk given to an audience. Giving a speech allows you to address a group of people to express your thoughts and often your opinion. You can find speeches in many different settings and for many different purposes. For example, while you can give a quick speech before introducing someone, you can also give a speech to persuade others to see your point of view. In this article we are describing the Types of speech.

Types of speech with different aspects

Since speeches occur in a variety of settings and for different purposes, they are classified into different categories. Knowing the different types of speeches can help you determine which one best suits your needs the next time you speak in public. Consider the following types of speeches:

Informative speech

Informational speeches are intended to educate the audience on a particular topic or message. Unlike demonstrative speeches, they do not use visual aids. However, they do use facts, data, and statistics to help the public understand a concept. These facts and statistics help support any claim or claim you make. For example, a zoo guide gives an informational speech to a group of people, educating them about a zoo animal using various statistical data or historical information. Informational speeches can also cover social or economic topics. Although they are not designed to make the audience believe a certain point of view or opinion, they do inform the audience with all the relevant details on a particular topic.

Entertaining speech

Entertaining speeches are intended to entertain a crowd of people. Often less formal and shorter than traditional speeches, entertaining speeches communicate emotions rather than giving the audience facts and figures. Rather, they often include humor or funny stories. You can often find entertaining speeches at a birthday party or wedding. Some examples of entertaining speeches include the best man speech at a wedding or the principal’s speech before a school talent show.

Demonstrative speech

Demonstrative speeches serve to educate the audience on an unfamiliar topic or idea. They often include visual aids to help better demonstrate or describe something in greater detail. While you can easily mistake a demonstrative speech for an informational speech, a demonstrative speech actually demonstrates how to do something. For example, a technology company may give a speech demonstrating its new devices. While informing the public about their new products, they demonstrate how they work, turning it into a demonstration speech.

Persuasive speech

Persuasive speeches help convince the audience that the speaker has the correct opinion on a particular topic. Persuasive speeches can cover anything from entertainment to something more serious like politics. Typically, speakers use concrete evidence to better persuade their listeners and gain their support. When you include evidence, it helps make your position more credible and may even be enough to change the listener’s opinion on the particular topic you are speaking about. With enough data to support your opinion, you have a better chance of receiving support from the audience.

When an attorney gives a speech to a jury about her particular client, for example, she uses a persuasive speech with enough facts and statements to get the jury’s support and get them to vote for her. Keep in mind that persuasive speeches can also use emotions to help the audience better understand the speaker‘s opinions and feelings. For example, if you are trying to convince someone to help older people, you are likely using emotion to engage an audience.

Oratory speech

While oratory refers to the act of giving a speech, an oratorical speech refers to a specific type of speech. They are usually more formal than other types of speeches. While some public speaking speeches can be long, such as those at funerals or graduations, others can be short and informal, such as a toast at a special event. Although public speaking speech givers don’t necessarily want to persuade the audience on a particular topic, they can still cover certain topics and express their opinion.

Debate speech

Debate speeches refer to a type of speech that often follows a certain set of rules and takes place during a debating event. During a debate, all parties have the same amount of time to discuss.

As you prepare for a debate speech, you can improve your public speaking, research, and critical thinking skills. It’s worth noting that while you can prepare for a debate speech, you can’t anticipate all the arguments that other debaters will raise. Therefore, continually giving this type of speech helps you think faster and helps you feel more comfortable in this environment.

Special occasion speech

Speeches on special occasions do not fall into a particular category and do not follow a set format. Instead, your goal is to suit the special occasion, be it a wedding, an awards show, or a birthday party. Speeches on special occasions are intended to adapt to the context of the environment to effectively communicate the message and attract the attention of the audience. Although they are often short and upbeat, they are still interesting and direct. Unlike many other speeches, speeches on special occasions do not require the use of statistics or data.

Examples of speeches for special occasions include those given to introduce a speaker or the arrival of a guest. You can also give this type of speech when accepting an award. If you accept an award, use a speech on a special occasion to express how much the award means to you.

Pitch speech

Launch speeches attempt to gain support or approval for an idea, product, or solution. For example, if you are a salesperson, you can try to sell a new product to a customer. Basically, you are introducing the product to them by telling them its best qualities and how the product can benefit them in their daily life. Speeches can also be parts of a larger presentation, such as one found in an office when you are trying to get your colleagues or superiors to join in on a particular idea or approach.

Motivational speech

Motivational speeches are intended to inspire an audience and give attendees the confidence to do something better or improve themselves. Basically, they serve to lift the spirits of the audience and improve their self-esteem. Motivational speeches help move a person or audience toward achieving a particular goal. While employers or managers give this type of speech to motivate their employees to perform better in the workplace, coaches give this type of speech to inspire their team to perform better on the field or court.

Improvised speech

An impromptu speech refers to a speech that you deliver without any prior preparation or rehearsal time. Usually, someone spontaneously calls you to give an impromptu speech at an event or other occasion. Due to the nature of an impromptu speech, delivering one can often be intimidating and cause a great deal of stress, as you didn’t have time to prepare. However, with a little guidance and experience, you will be able to deliver an impromptu speech with confidence.

Farewell speech

A goodbye speech refers to a speech in which you say goodbye to a group of people. For example, you can give a goodbye speech to colleagues when you leave your job, or give a goodbye speech to loved ones if you move away or travel abroad. Since farewell speeches often have a sad tone, they tend to generate strong emotions in both the speaker and the audience.

Explanatory speech

Explanatory speeches describe a particular situation or something. While similar to Demonstration Speeches, Explanatory Speeches provide a breakdown of how to do something while giving the audience a detailed step-by-step process. They also don’t use a visual aid to help the audience better understand what you’re saying. When a food talk show host shows their audience how they prepare a particular dish, for example, they use explanatory speech to describe each step of the recipe process.

Eulogy or funeral speech

Funeral speeches or eulogies are intended to honor a recently deceased individual in front of an audience attending a funeral service. They are usually given by a minister or someone close to the deceased. The speaker tries to find the right words not only to honor the individual with a sincere speech but also to praise him for what he accomplished when he was alive.

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