Solecism examples with definition and types
A solecism is an error in the way of communicating that is manifested when writing or pronouncing a sentence in a disorderly way. That is, whoever emits the message does so in an incoherent way, which makes it difficult for it to be understood. Types of solecism and examples
Solecism is also known as “anacoluto.” To define it in the shortest way, it can be said that it is a syntax error. Anyone who illogically writes a sentence falls into solecism.
This error is considered a linguistic vice. There are very obvious ones, like those of number. For example: “I was in the park”, very common in young children. However, they are also very hidden in everyday speech. Such is the case of: “I will love you forever”, when the correct thing is “I will love you forever”. Types of solecism and examples
Here are the types of solecisms and a series of examples.
Types of solecism and examples
There are exactly three types of solecisms. These are:
1-Solecism of concordance
These solecisms are related to errors of gender, person, time and number. The lack usually occurs because the words that must be related are not next to each other, but have a word in between.
1-Number mismatch
In this case a plural is crossed with a singular at the time of speaking or writing. They usually occur regularly in the colloquial speech of the towns. Some are even part of certain dialects. Some very common cases are:
– ” They make many days happened”. When the correct thing is: “It has been many days ago.”
– ” There were many children .” When the correct thing is: “There were a lot of children.”
– “The people ate.” When the correct thing is: “People ate.”
– “I love your shoes.” When the right thing to do is: “I love your shoes.”
2-Gender mismatch
In the case of gender error, it occurs when the masculine or feminine is incorrectly assigned in a sentence. It is very common in young children or in people who are learning to speak Spanish.
– “That house is nice.” Correct form: “That house is nice.”
– “His back hurts.” Correct form: “His back hurts.”
“Giraffes and old dogs.” Correct form: “Giraffes and old dogs.”
3-Of time
This type of solecism occurs when there is no logical concordance of time in what the person expresses. And yes, it is also common in 3- to 4-year-olds.
– “I went to school tomorrow.” Correct form: “Tomorrow I will go to school.”
– “Yesterday I will go to the park.” Correct form: “Yesterday I went to the park” or “Today I will go to the park.”
4-Of person
They are not common, but they do happen. This type of solecisms is characterized by the fact that grammatical persons are assigned a wrong conjugation of the verb.
– “She want chocolate.” Correct form: “I want …” or “She wants.”
– “We were going to the game.” Correct form: “We were going to the game.”
2-Prepositional solecism
As its name implies, this type of solecisms refers to errors in the placement of prepositions in a sentence. It can be said that they are among the most common mistakes during communication.
– “I wanted to thank you for coming.” Correct form: “I wanted to thank you for coming.”
– “Based on this.” Correct form: “Based on this.”
3-Solecismo d and construction
It is the type of solecism in which the logical order of sentences is changed when pronouncing or writing them. They can be found in the following ways:
1-From the preposition
The correct place that the preposition should occupy is changed. The most common mistake is that the preposition is placed between the verb and the direct object (CD), when these should go together.
– I’ll drink the coffee you bought me. (Incorrect). In this case, the preposition “del” separates the verb (I will drink) from the direct object (coffee). Types of solecism and examples
The correct thing should be:
– I’ll drink the coffee you bought me.
2-From the pronoun
As it is thought, it is the change of location of the pronoun in a sentence. This occurs in people with a very low degree of training, or in very young children.
– Your dog got away.
The correct way would be:
– Your dog got away.
3-Separation of a compound verb form
As its name indicates, it occurs when the logical order of a compound verb conjugation is broken.
– I have been walking to Colombia for two days .
In this case, the compound verb conjugation is “I’ve been walking.” Therefore, the correct thing to do would be to say or write:
– I have been walking to Colombia for two days.
4-Separation of a direct object (CD)
It occurs when a CD is cut by the action of another element of the sentence. This error is more common than you think.
– I’m preparing soup for my snail children .
In this case, the CD is “snail soup.” The correct way would be:
– I’m preparing snail soup for my children.
Ask a negative question
It occurs when negation is added to a question, thereby generating confusion. It is more common than you think.
– “Wo n’t you sing?” If you answer positively (“yes”), it is implied that it will not be sung. Then something like “Yes, I will not sing” would be presented. Types of solecism and examples
The correct thing is to write or say:
– “Will you sing?”
5-Ask a positive question
It is the same as the previous point, only a statement is added to the question. In Spanish, the questions must be asked in the following order: verb + subject + CD However, there are those who elaborate it like this: subject + verb + CD, and that is the confusion.
– Did you bring your food? (S + V + CD). Incorrect, because in a wrong intonation it can be assumed that it is a statement, not a question.
The correct way would be:
– Did you bring your food?
With this there is no room for mistakes.
6-Start a sentence with an infinitive
As the statement indicates, it happens when the use of infinitives is abused at the beginning of a sentence.
– Finally, indicate that the dinner was good.
The correct thing to do is to add a subject to ideally complete the sentence. It should be as follows:
– I must, finally, indicate that the dinner was good.
7-Join two items
It can be said that this error is one of the most recurrent in the media today. And yes, it occurs by unnecessarily joining two articles. Types of solecism and examples
– The deputies can leave the room.
The correct thing should be:
– The deputies and deputies can leave the room.