Total experience with Examples and challenges
Total experience
In this article we will provide you the knowledge about Total experience with Examples and challenges.
The term Customer Experience CX has been sounding for years as the way to differentiate your proposal from the rest of the market and achieve greater customer loyalty. The goal is to create a bond similar to the one Apple customers have with the brand.
There are different proposals that work on this CX concept:
- A more marquetinian one, which seeks to generate Wow moments or experiences through marketing with emotional campaigns and the product and service.
- Another more digital one where the customer experience is limited to that of the user, with new technologies that generate a good digital experience.
- And another that focuses more on working to improve the employee or internal customer, so that they take care of customers, known as employee experience EX.
The 3 have their positive impact on companies, but where an accelerator of results really occurs is at the point of convergence of the 3 disciplines.
Gartner announced a few months ago TOTAL EXPERIENCE, as one of the top trends in its report for 2021.
As we can see, he describes the term TOTAL EXPERIENCE as something new, but the truth is that it is not, since world leaders have been combining these 3 disciplines, customer, employee and digitization to grow their businesses well above the market to place them at an unattainable level for the rest of the companies.
Amazon is another example. Leadership and technological innovation are fostered to achieve its vision, since 1994, of being the most customer-centric company on the planet.
Another example is Google or a B2C like Starbucks, where they have created the Starbucks Experience, something that transcends the concept of coffee shop and differentiates them so much that they can charge double for a coffee than the rest.
I have been trying for more than 12 years initially to decipher what was the key to the success of the so-called GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple). As a manager in a multinational in charge of the Customer experience management division in a large multinational like HP, I have worked on improving the CX in more than 10 IBEX-35 companies. But applying the technological vision that we mentioned. That had a positive impact, but not at all comparable to that achieved by the GAFA and some other companies.
Let us all remember that 10 years ago we associated the success of these brands with the fact that they were digital natives and hence the boom in Digital Transformation initiatives. Something necessary, but incomplete, not enough to achieve an organization that structurally improves the customer experience, their loyalty and as a consequence a higher level of cross-selling, recommendation and less sensitivity to price.
The challenges of the TOTAL EXPERIENCE
Once it is understood that, like almost everything in life, things do not occur for a single reason, at S2CX we have been working on this concept, designing a continuous improvement management model that combines these 3 elements CX, EX and UX / DX (digital experience) for companies of any size to find that intersection point that accelerates results. And although it is something very innovative, we already have 2 of 2 companies that double their value in just 1 year.
And it has not been easy, since organizations are not prepared to work with this level of agility and collaboration, where we integrate clients and employees into an ecosystem where until recently only company executives were present.
The key is to add. I mean adding ideas to those of managers, asking customers, employees and making internal teams protagonists of this change in focus on the customer. Technology comes in to carry out and make the proposed improvements possible, efficient and sustainable.
Well, it is as easy and difficult as applying this model in an orderly way. Difficult because people are scared of change, challenges and the fear of losing something is greater than gaining something new, in most … not all.
Leaders are scarce, those who mark the path of innovation, improvement, and improvement day by day. The fear of failure no longer makes sense in agile organizations, with working methods where errors are tested before and they come out “cheap”.
So there is no excuse, we know what the world leaders have done to win and we must give them the recognition of having been visionaries, applying this concept with an Outside-In vision of the outside (customers / market) inside (product / service / processes ).
Another challenge has been to find a model that simplifies its adoption, that makes it viable regardless of the outdated structure, current company culture, business strategy, management style and size.
This article tries that we all understand that it is extremely important for the exponential success of a company to add to the ideas of 10 executives:
- His leadership
- The opinion and recommendations of 10,000 clients
- The ideas / collaboration of 300 employees
- The operational support of technology to make all this a reality in order to impact clients and results.