
Steps in recruitment process/How to hire/ Startup HR tips

Do you work or have a startup and don’t know how to perform the functions of the Human Resources department, without having to invest in the entire HR structure in startup? In this article we will guide you about Steps in recruitment process.

Hiring good employees to work in a startup is far from a simple task. Typically, these companies start with lean structures, composed only of their founders.

As they grow and generate results, the need for startup recruitment arises, so that the business can count on more employees.

However, unlike large companies, startups tend to have little money to invest in recruiting and selection and often lack an HR team.

For this reason, it is essential to be effective in choices, doing more with less.

How to unite quality and efficiency in a scenario like this?

Check out some HR tips for startups and get to work!

How to hire? Startup HR tips

1. Work your Employer Brand

Employer Brand is a company’s reputation as a place to work.

To attract talent , it is essential to invest in building this image.

In the case of a startup, it is necessary to constantly disclose the main advantages of working in such a company.

Try to show how innovative, flexible and has a light environment, in addition to constant challenges and opportunities for rapid professional growth.

The best way to do this is through campaigns on social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

How about a series of videos with the employees themselves telling the benefits of working at your startup or an action that shows the backstage of the day to day business?

The possibilities are many!

2. Define the ideal profile of employees

Without startup HR, one of the biggest enemies in the search for employees is lack of focus.

Define well the type of professional you want and disregard all candidates who do not fit the behavioral and training profile outlined. It is necessary to consider:

  • skills ;
  • relationship skills;
  • candidate’s personal values.

In addition to satisfactorily filling in the technical knowledge required by the position , it is essential that it is aligned with the mission and the type of organizational culture adopted by the business.

The HR in startup would say that, some characteristics are mandatory to work in this type of business, among them:

  • innovative spirit;
  • teamwork skills;
  • ability to handle multiple tasks.

All this is related to the young, technological and collaborative nature of these companies.

3. Pay attention to the job description

After defining the desired employee profile for the job, it’s time to put together a good description to advertise it.

Pay attention to the details of the position’s attributions and expose the company’s culture in the text.

It is important to clarify what will be expected of the hired professional on a day-to-day basis and define the internal problems that he will need to solve.

Placing this information in the job description and in the vacancy announcement serves to draw the current scenario of the company and indicate where the startup is heading.

Another essential tip is to pay attention to grammar. It may seem obvious, but many companies advertise jobs with typos and spelling errors, which ends up pushing the best candidates away.

By following these tips, you will have a complete and well-targeted advertisement, which will facilitate the filtering of resumes and bring better results to your selection process.

4. Advertise the vacancy in the right places

Due to the lean structure and reduced budget, startups need to advertise their vacancies in channels that are efficient, inexpensive and bring return.

In case of more specific searches, the use of niche job portals can be a good solution. There are, for example, several exclusive sites for professionals in IT, communication and other segments.

Ads on social networks, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, and traditional job banks, such as and Indeed, also tend to generate good results.

Another good tip is to activate your personal network to find the professional that best fits the available position.

The search is often resolved with a trusted referral or a LinkedIn search , eliminating the need to advertise the job to a wider audience.

5. Invest in a profile analysis system

Technology in companies  is a great resource to increase speed and efficiency when selecting employees to work in a startup.

A good example of this is profiling systems.

After the first screening of resumes, this tool helps to map the behavioral profile of professionals who really have a chance to fit the vacancy.

In this process, data obtained through online questionnaires are analyzed electronically, with speed and precision that would be impossible in traditional printed tests.

Afterwards, a complete report on the candidate’s professional profile is generated, with details about their:

6. Check the candidate’s history

Analyzing the resume and mapping the candidate’s professional profile helps to build an idea of ​​who he is, but the time to really get to know him is during the face-to-face interview.

At this point, try to extract from the candidate all the relevant details about his professional and academic background.

Knowing in-depth technical skills, background in companies and participation in events and projects, can make all the difference when making the final decision.

Also check your LinkedIn profile for written recommendations.

Testimonials from former managers and former co -workers are very valuable when evaluating the past and professional profile of the future employee.

HR in startups should follow some tips when crafting the questions for candidates; “ Interview script : get the recruitment and selection process right”.

7. Be patient

The saying “haste is the enemy of perfection” is extremely accurate when it comes to selecting professionals to work in a startup.

Finding the best employee for an open position can be time consuming, so be patient.

Take practice tests and ask all the questions you think are important, without skipping steps.

There is no ready-made formula for HR in startups, but it is essential to value each step of the selection process, regardless of the evaluation method chosen. Take as much time as you need.

Remember: business success depends on the quality of  human capital , so it is essential to make good choices at this time.

8. Pay attention to bureaucracy

Depending on the startup’s structure, the bureaucracies that involve employment contracts may not be very clear at first, but these processes need to be learned as soon as possible.

When admitting a new employee, be aware of the costs of recruiting in startups – such as medical exam expenses – and discounts related to benefits – including:

  • transportation vouchers;
  • meal ticket;
  • 13th work accidents with sick leave, and unpaid leave for personal matters. In the latter case, the firm may cut the employee’s salary;
  • vacation.

HR in startups must also consider labor charges such as INSS and FGTS, which are not deducted from the employee’s work accidents with sick leave, and unpaid leave for personal matters. In the latter case, the firm may cut the employee’s salary and represent an extra cost for the company.

One option for HR in startups is to invest in an automated people management system. It does not replace strategic functions with sector, but assists in day-to-day procedures.

Xerpa is software for HR, with a system that works to optimize processes such as:

  • overview;
  • admission and dismissal;
  • hiring;
  • payslips;
  • vacation tracking and more.

In addition to being a way to improve productivity at work, it also reduces your HR costs by 30%.

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