People-first approach its advantages and People First concept
What does People First mean?
In this post, we will introduce the concept of People-first approach so that you can better understand why it is so important for people to come first within an organization. In addition, it will be possible to know some approaches to this management method, which will make your company recognized as one that understands and values its human capital above all!
Do you know when you are looking for a product or service from a company and you have the feeling that all the service provided was exclusive with you in mind? If the answer is yes, this company probably adopts the People First methodology.
It is a concept that, in Portuguese, means “people first” and has been widely used in companies that deal with B2C, that is, they focus their services on the user experience and always put their needs and desires first. .
But this method can also be used in people management, placing employees as the true protagonists within the organization.
How to adopt People First in the company?
Within companies, this concept becomes a management methodology, where each employee feels unique, due to the fact that the leader will adjust their needs according to their behavioral profile . Thus, the professional feels that the organization cares about him and values him as a person, increasing his motivation and productivity.
The People First concept
The expression People First, in free translation, means “people first”. In terms of people management, it defines the set of strategies and actions to put employees first in the organization’s planning.
Some HR specialists interpret the People First philosophy as an H2H (Human to Human) movement, that is, relationships should be guided by a focus on individuals, who can be employees, customers, users, suppliers and strategic partners.
The People First concept includes all actions developed to meet the needs of these people. When the actions manage to exceed the expectations of the different audiences, we say that the strategy has been successfully implemented.
Remember: in the People First strategy, what counts is always putting individuals first, even before the results obtained with profits and productivity.
The main advantages of People First
Among the advantages of People First are the positive impacts on the organizational climate . Yet, when well applied, the strategy makes companies more human, more productive and with lower turnover rates . In addition, we can go further and list as main benefits:
- significant improvement in employee performance;
- positive metrics in talent retention ;
- greater team engagement ;
- more chance of reaching the established goals;
- more satisfied employees with an “ownership attitude”, that is, focused and committed to the organization’s objectives;
- favorable institutional image in the market, with positive evaluations from investors and potential future employees;
- customer loyalty and brand strengthening.
The application of the strategy
As we have already mentioned, the People First philosophy is premised on putting people at the center of company planning. But how to apply this strategy in the organizational environment?
First of all, there is no ready-made formula, but some actions that can help managers get all the benefits of People First.
1-Promote and invest in courses and training
Training your employees is something of great impact as an appreciation strategy. Thus, companies that offer opportunities for professional growth are good examples of organizations that put people first.
2-Adopt recognition systems
Implementing recognition systems among employees is yet another action that gives companies the People First philosophy. When people realize that they are recognized for their talents and receive positive feedback, they feel motivated and instigated to produce more and better.
3-grant benefits
Another way to value people in a company is to invest in the granting of benefits. The most common are basic food baskets, discount partnerships with day care centers or schools, flexible working hours, health plans, culture vouchers and even living areas for rest or get-togethers.
What are People First approaches?
As an HR professional, do you understand the importance of valuing people and do you want to apply People First management in your company? So, follow some simple approaches that will help you put your employees first.
1-empathic leadership
An empathetic leader is one who is able to put himself in the shoes of his team’s collaborators. In addition, practicing empathic leadership consists not only of understanding the employee’s needs, but also of developing strategies and actions based on them, awakening their motivation to offer their best for the company because they want to grow together with it.
2-positive corporate environment
A good organizational environment tends to reduce stress, absenteeism and presenteeism , improving the employee’s quality of life.
However, it is necessary to keep in mind that a positive corporate environment goes far beyond providing a space for rest and games. Still, it is necessary to establish good internal communication, transparency in the alignment of objectives, offer all the necessary structure for the execution of the tasks, among other actions.
3-Continuous development of employees
Stimulating the growth of employees should be one of the priorities in companies that apply People First. This is because, when it provides a solid base of intellectual capital, professionals feel valued and acquire a greater ability to better develop their work, increasing the organization’s productivity and growth.
4-human appreciation
People are always looking for respect, attention and consideration. And in the workplace this is no different. There are several strategies for human valorization in companies, as we have already mentioned here, maintaining a pleasant working climate and stimulating individual growth are some of them.
Another golden tip is to always be available to hear what the employee has to say. So invest in frequent one-on-one meetings, listen sincerely to them and put your ideas and recommendations into practice.
5-Professional recognition
A company that puts human capital first, highlights important attitudes and jobs that add value to the business. This recognition can come through rewards, incentive programs, benefits, among other actions.
In this sense, positive feedback can also be a valuable instrument by reinforcing good actions and behaviors, while negative feedback tends to improve what does not add value or harms the employee, the team and the company as a whole.
6-Knowledge of the employee’s particularities
People are different and behave in different ways in the same scenario. Therefore, through the analysis of the employee’s behavioral profile, it becomes easier to understand their gestures and attitudes, in addition to facilitating the recognition of aptitudes.
Thus, the manager can provide a more adequate orientation, thus managing to better explore their real potential. In this way, the employee will feel more engaged in working in your company.
See how easy it is to adopt People First in your company? In addition, currently, most professionals in the market belong to generations Y and Z , whose outstanding characteristics are the search for well-being and knowledge. Therefore, they tend to look for work in companies that invest in their potential.