How to write a scientific essay structure Theme/title
The academic world demands from students, especially from stricto sensu postgraduate programs, a series of productions aimed at generating reflections on the various areas of knowledge. One of these productions is the scientific essay. In this article we will let you know how to write a scientific essay?
However, this production model generates several doubts regarding its elaboration, as well as its structure. Therefore, the following text explains what a scientific essay is and how to do it.
What is a scientific essay?
The knowledge produced in academic spheres aims to generate debates, reflections and, above all, to improve human life and societies. However, for this to occur, it is necessary that this knowledge be shared among the scientific community.
The academic field has several productions that aim to expose analyses , considerations and inquiries about the most different subjects. Among these elaborations, the scientific essay is characterized as a material of extreme importance. However, what is this document about?
The scientific essay, or academic essay as it is also known, consists of an academic text that aims to discuss a particular subject. It is a production that should expose the author’s ideas, analyzes and points of view in relation to the proposed theme.
However, the scientific essay needs to be based on theoretical elements (books, articles and essays on the subject), as well as a conclusion on the subject.
It is important to emphasize that the scientific essay does not refer to the author’s discovery, but is based on his knowledge of what other researchers have addressed on the subject.
How is the structure of a scientific essay?
The doubt, on the part of several people, is related to how to write a scientific essay. Thus, it is necessary to emphasize that, like all textual genres, this type of academic production has a certain structure:
- Theme/title;
- Introduction;
- Development/foundations;
- Conclusion;
- References.
The text of a scientific essay, in addition to having this structure, needs to be easy for the reader to understand. In addition, even if it is a more personal type of writing, it needs to be well argued. For this reason, it is necessary for the author to read and research in depth on the subject discussed.
Theme/title of a scientific essay
What is the topic to be discussed in the scientific essay? Works by the writer Machado de Assis? Study on social inequalities? Murder of young black people in the peripheries? Behavior of certain species of animals?
Regardless of the topic proposed for discussion, it is important that it arouse interest in the reader. In addition, before choosing the subject to be treated, it is necessary to have extensive knowledge about it.
After choosing the theme to be debated, it is necessary to choose a title for the text. However, this title should refer to the idea that that theme will be debated in order to invite the receivers to read the material.
The introduction, as the name suggests, aims to introduce the reader to the subject to be addressed in the text. He needs to expose the idea that will be developed, indicate the line of argument and the way the essay is structured.
A good introduction to a scientific essay arouses interest in reading. For this reason, the author needs to be clear, demonstrate knowledge and use words that call the attention of the person who has contact with the text.
Text development
To talk about a subject, whatever it may be, it is necessary to know and understand a lot about it. For this reason, the author of an academic essay needs to know in depth about the topic.
Knowledge about a given topic requires a lot of reading, research, reflections and inquiries. Therefore, theoretical books, essays and academic articles are essential for the author to acquire a solid background on what he proposes to write.
Therefore, in the development of an academic essay he needs to elucidate the subject and demonstrate his position on it. However, it is essential to have solid and convincing arguments to support your opinion and captivate readers.
Regarding essay writing, the three points below are essential:
- Write a paragraph for each purpose or line of reasoning;
- You use transition words between paragraphs to continue the theme;
- Maintain the central idea in the development of the argument.
These highlighted points allow the reader not to get confused or lost while reading. In addition, they provide more fluidity to the text, making it much more engaging.
The conclusion of the scientific essay needs to synthesize the central idea of the text. Furthermore, it is important that it opens the way for a new discussion or a broader debate on the topic.
It is also important that the author writes the conclusion very carefully, in order to allow understanding and inquiries regarding the subject discussed.
The author of the academic essay, in order to understand, write and argue about a certain subject, relies on books and research to support his idea in the development of the text.
As these ideas are not exactly his, despite the need to position himself on the subject, he needs to indicate where he took these sources from. Therefore, at the end of the essay, the author needs to place the bibliographic references.
However, it is important to point out that they must be introduced in the text in alphabetical order and in accordance with the bibliographic citation norms required by the institutions.
Essay for scientific journals
In order to generate discussions in relation to subjects related to different areas of knowledge, researchers send their scientific essays to academic journals of stricto sensu graduate programs throughout the country and the world.
However, for them to be accepted, in addition to content that is relevant from an epistemological point of view and well argued, it is necessary that they comply with the institution’s rules of scientific production.
Therefore, it is important that the authors of these essays enter the platforms of the journals and certify what is required for the materials to be sent in order to contribute to the reflections around their respective areas of research.