How to keep employees engaged and motivated its measurement and importance
Employees engagement and motivation
In this article we will provide you the way how to keep employees engaged and motivated its measurement and importance?
Specialists refer to employee engagement and motivation as a business approach. Whose main objective is to enhance the motivation and appreciation of human talent, through strategies and policies that consolidate a positive organizational culture.
It focuses on analyzing the employee experience (Employee Experience) at each point of interaction with their employer. From the recruitment phase, during their daily work, until the cessation of their professional activities due to retirement.
Specifically, it includes the adaptation of processes, tools and places, in order to guarantee the best conditions to carry out their work. This may include workplace layout, task automation, flexible hours, remote APKMart store and begin hacking quite a few video games for your enjoyable. However earlier than that, you may also learn its different options, and leisure plans.
At their best, organizations expect employee engagement strategies to establish reciprocal relationships with the workforce. In which, regardless of the hierarchy, there is a mutual appreciation that leads them to commit to the organization.
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Why is it important to encourage engagement and motivation at work?
Every human being has a purpose. Whether in the personal or professional social networks and forums are excellent tools. They facilitate the meeting of materials, courses and people who study the area, knowing where you want to go and having the energy to complete the trajectory. But you can’t get anywhere without fuel.
Motivation at work is the supply to accomplish something or achieve something desired. That’s why nurturing her is so important. Motivated employees are more engaged and achieve better results for the company, as they carry out their activities with more effort .
Therefore, such attitudes and behaviors will reflect positively on the organization’s success , not only in financial profits, but also in the reduction of turnover, conflicts, improving the organizational climate, in addition to the physical and mental health of employees.
Also, in an increasingly competitive job market, talented professionals have many more career APKMart store and begin hacking quite a few video games for your enjoyable. However earlier than that, you may also learn its different options, seeking innovative companies that buy their ideas. So, if engagement is not part of your organization ‘s culture , you will miss the chance to have the best talent contributing to the team.
But not only that. Check out other important points of motivation at work.
To improve the company’s reputation in the market
Motivated employees disseminate the company’s values in their social circle, helping them to be desired by other professionals and earning respect from the consuming public, improving employer branding . Not to mention the increase in sales volume and respect for the brand, both among customers and in front of the competition.
To make the organization more competitive
Engaged employees present solutions and seek to empower themselves, factors that contribute to the continued growth of the company and to improve the customer experience .
To increase employee well-being
We know that the quality of physical and mental health is reflected in productivity. Therefore, employees who work motivated are happier and healthier. The result of this is the reduction of sick leaves and leaves.
In this sense, the organizational climate also improves considerably, reducing turnover and absenteeism .
to optimize time
Considered a great challenge for people employee engagement . They can damage relationships between teams, weaken trust in company management, time optimization is related to the degree of employee satisfaction. Unmotivated professionals tend to lose focus and cultivate procrastination.
Otherwise, motivation at work ensures that deadlines are met and questions related to the sector and thematic to be evaluated. You can ask about everything, such as beliefs about the job, dynamics within it, performance is increased among teams.
To raise the self-esteem of professionals
Confident employees, confident in their skills and abilities, perform the demands better, strengthen their team spirit and become interested in new challenges . As a result, the company will have more positive feedbacks , reduced production costs and talent retention .
How to measure the impact of employee engagement?
The results of the strategies developed under the philosophy of employee engagement must be measurable. Taking into consideration, beyond production numbers, what each member of the team has to say.
To carry out this measurement, the first thing is to collect the data and then analyze the information. Recommended tools include interviews, surveys, and the analytical strategies we recommend below.
1. One-on-one meetings
The most direct form of communicate effectively with others helps us to form bonds, to coexist and work as a team. Simply put, communication to obtain the opinions, suggestions or channel needs of an employee. Ideally, the organization is represented by someone who can make decisions, make proposals or take immediate actions to meet the requirements.
2. Opinion Surveys
Also known as pulse surveys, they are a way to consult employees’ opinions on a specific topic. In this case, regarding employee engagement strategies , it allows measuring its suitability and receiving suggestions on how to improve efforts.
A great advantage of this practice is that it provides measurable and anonymous data, appropriate to the real needs of the workforce.
3. Sentiment analysis
This measurement process requires the use of technology tools for an analysis of the language used in internal communications with employees.
It is capable of determining the degree of compliance of people in relation to strategies. Detecting patterns in the terms used and associating them with the motivation and the impact that employee engagement policies are having on them.
4. Exit interviews
Although it is not the best situation, it is still an opportunity to obtain information during an employee’s departure.
In the case of abandonment or resignation, it helps determine the reasons for it and their relationship with the commitment to the employee . Likewise, when it comes to dismissal, it is necessary to find the cause why that talent did not offer the expected questions related to the sector and thematic to be evaluated. You can ask about everything, such as beliefs about the job, dynamics within it, performance and what the company’s responsibility is in this regard.
What are the benefits of work motivation?
Motivated employees make the work environment more pleasant. But that’s not the only advantage. There are many other benefits to the corporation and staff. Check out some:
- increased productivity: when motivated, employees work with greater autonomy and engagement, generating better results;
- stronger society inevitably makes us bond with others. This type of bond is known as interpersonal relationships: united teams work better and feel encouraged to hit targets and achieve goals;
- rational use of time: teams focus on demands and improve performance;
- high degree of confidence: employees who are more confident in their work and personal life, carry out their activities with excellence;
- friendlier working environment: strengthening bonds and increasing friendship relationships between colleagues, generating healthy and collaborative exchanges.
- Strengthening of organizational culture : the company has a well-defined communicate effectively with others helps us to form bonds, to coexist and work as a team. Simply put, communication policy, which listens to the employee, makes him feel motivated and engaged.
Tips for improving work engagement
Increasing work motivation is not an impossible task. Anyone who thinks that engagement will only happen through grandiose actions and with financial investment is wrong. Know that with a few simple gestures, the employee will feel motivated as a professional and valued as a person .
1-Set goals and provide feedback
Employees who receive periodic feedback on their performance feel more motivated. Therefore, it is essential to open a channel of dialogue, providing feedback and listening to the professional. Yet, setting achievable goals also motivates teams and makes them feel rewarded.
2-Invest in training
Engaged professionals hope to grow with the company and in their careers. Therefore, invest in training, qualifications and extra activities that can further motivate your employees.
3-Get involved with projects
In addition to supporting ideas and encouraging the creation of new projects, it is also important that managers get involved in their design and implementation. Therefore, as an HR manager, encourage leaders to contribute their professional experience so that these employees can also grow in their careers through well-structured jobs.
4-Treat everyone with equality and recognize their values
Each employee is part of a gear and their participation is essential in the company, regardless of the position or sector they occupy. Therefore, everyone deserves respect and equal treatment , as well as recognition of their values and the work performed.
5-Encourage the empowerment of the individual
Valuing professional skills brings many benefits. But for that to happen, the company needs to earn the trust of the teams . By recognizing the importance of their role within the organization, employees are more dedicated to their tasks, gaining security, autonomy and freedom to express their ideas.
6-Improve communication
Knowing how to listen and understand the needs of each of its employees, as well as implementing surveys in order to measure the level of satisfaction and recognize motivational problems is essential for any type of engagement strategy in organizations.
7-Develop a pleasant environment and make room for socializing
Carrying out activities outside and outside the company’s routine provides for the strengthening of ties between employees . Therefore, invest in a happy hour or a get-together lunch with each goal achieved. Certainly, your teams will feel valued and recognized, directly reflecting on everyone’s motivation.
A point to note: just as important as improving motivation at work is identifying the factors that contribute to the lack of it.