
Employee integration Benefits and integration of new employees

Employee integration

In the organizational environment, team integration is the set of actions promoted by companies to insert a new employee into the routine and engage veteran professionals, qualifying their deliveries.

The interaction between teams keeps teams motivated to evolve professionally and for the benefit of the organization. Employee integration

Benefits of integrating employees

  • increases productivity;
  • reduces absenteeism;
  • decreases talent evasion ;
  • improves the organizational climate ;
  • qualifies the company’s image;
  • helps in the development of the employee.

How to integrate new employees?

Employee integration is a process that requires a beginning, middle and end . So, with the right strategies, it is possible to achieve better results in this task.

1. Establish an action plan

Prepare a document containing human language. The objective and clear answers about what should be done, in what way, and by what deadline. Many managers use a tool known as 5W2H :

  • 5W: what will be done (What)? Why will it be done (Why)? Where will it be done (Where)? When (When)? And by whom will it be made (Who)?
  • 2H: How will it be done (How)? And how much will it cost (How much)?

These are key issues that cannot be missing from the action plan. They serve to guide the conduct of the process and to respond to doubts or unforeseen issues that may arise.

2. Introduce the company to the new team member and clarify the professional’s doubts

Welcoming a new employee is not just a matter of cordiality, but an efficient strategy to introduce the company to the newly hired one . This “guided visit” can be performed by the HR professional, the immediate leader, or an industry colleague. Employee integration

At this time, try to show the whole organization, even if some areas are viewed superficially. And spend more time introducing the departments that the new employee will have the most contact with.

Be sure to include common and social spaces, or explain how individual safety equipment (if applicable) and work tools work.

Finally, although a lot of relevant information has already been passed on during onboarding , it is worth being aware of the recruit’s doubts. To do so, stay available for clarification and take the time to listen to outstanding issues .

3. Tell the company’s story and how it all started

A brief narrative with the organization’s retrospective, highlighting the challenges and lessons learned can contribute a lot for the employee to feel at home. Thus, synthesizing the company’s history in an attractive and cohesive way will benefit all parties.

But be human language. The objective. Don’t get stuck with numbers, dates and details that don’t add up. Give examples of how the company dealt with threats, how it overcame obstacles, and talk about its founders. If possible, count the strategies used in different periods. Furthermore, the narrative can also be visual, with photographs, videos and testimonies that enrich the presentation.

4. Introduce and explain the pillars of organizational culture

Many managers believe that hanging references to the company’s mission, vision and values ​​on the wall is enough to define its DNA. But this is a mistake. The organizational culture must come out of the paper and be applied in practice. Since it serves to align professionals, veterans and novices , with what the business stands for and believes.

5. Promote integration events

Integration does not always have to be individual. Of course, the target must be the new employee. But at certain times, it is interesting to involve all employees , on a larger scale. For this, many companies invest in specific events for this purpose.

Good examples are after-hours meetings, physical or sports activities on the weekend, solidarity competitions and other activities that can engage and integrate professionals.

How to facilitate the integration of employees to the home office?

The growth of telecommuting has brought some challenges for HR professionals and managers. After all, how to deal with the isolation caused by the home office , precisely when we think about integration possibilities? We have some tips, follow! Employee integration

1. Make meetings more interesting

Work meetings often carry the stigma of being tiresome and bureaucratic. In the case of home office workers, take the opportunity to encourage them to be more participative .

Also, to minimize the effects of distancing and strengthen working relationships, promote spaces for dialogue. Comments can be about the theme of the meeting or about other matters of interest to the group.

2. Make virtual meetings to discuss everyday issues

Remote work cannot miss one of the most interesting features of the work environment : the famous “cafezinho meeting”. That moment when colleagues take a few minutes in the cafeteria or in the common room to exchange ideas and debate trivial matters .

Remember that this strategy can even take place virtually. So, set up weekly or fortnightly meetings so that professionals can stop their activities for a few minutes for a chat. Also, promote a virtual coffee break and join your team.

3. Encourage entertainment and innovation

Several companies have adopted innovative practices to make the organizational climate more attractive. In this sense, video games, a TV room, pool tables and other proposals are options to reduce everyday stress.

These practices can continue, even during the home office. How about integrating employees in online video game or computer disputes ? Everyone can interact and relax.

4. Invest in appropriate technology and management tools

In teleworking, relevant data and information must remain available to those who need it. So, have technology aimed at storing and sharing files and facilitate access .

Invest in systems, applications, software and equipment for this purpose. This can help to delegate tasks, monitor processes, gather feedback and minimize communication noise.

And to maintain a healthy working relationship, count on management tools to develop and monitor projects. This strategy increases the focus of employees and directs everyone towards the company’s goals, even in the home office. Employee integration

5. Support remote challenges

Understanding the obstacles and challenges of remote work with a humanized perspective is essential for the integration of employees. Therefore, seek to understand the difficulties of each professional and offer solutions.

In addition, provide work equipment such as computer, notebook, headset, office chair, keyboard, mouse, support, among others. Finally, ensure that everyone has a stable internet connection, subsidizing the service or improving the employee’s data plan.

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