Language and Linguistics

What is a Critical review characteristics parts and examples

Critical review

The critical review is a short text in which the evaluations and descriptions of a certain scientific, cultural or artistic event are exposed. Just because it is critical does not mean that the comments or judgments are negative. On the contrary, these types of reviews highlight the positive and the negative. Critical review characteristics parts

On the other hand, critical reviews are notes that are made in order to highlight the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of a specific work. In addition, they focus on the content and explain the points with supported arguments. The main objective of the reviewer is to get the public’s attention to the work or event.

One of the main characteristics of the critical review is brevity, by virtue of the fact that what is sought is to awaken the interest of the audience through the exposition of the most important topics and aspects. Likewise, the reviewer’s opinion in relation to the work is highlighted, therefore it is essential that they know they work in depth.

Now, the realization of a critical review leads to a certain structuring in order that the text makes sense and coherence. Thus, it is composed of a title, an introduction, a development, and a conclusion. In the body of the review, the most outstanding issues are discussed and the author’s assessment is exposed.

Critical review characteristics

In the critical review, the following aspects or characteristics stand out:


The critical review is characterized by having a short length. The exposition of the arguments is done succinctly, that is to say, precisely and briefly. The important thing is to highlight the most striking aspects of the work in question.

Author’s opinion

One of the main characteristics of the critical review is that the reviewer expresses his opinion and value judgments about the work or event, always having extensive and detailed information. Hence, the author of the review is a specialized individual and knows how to open the doors to the reader to formulate their own opinions.

Variety of content

The critical review covers different areas, so its content can be based on an artistic exhibition, a concert, a play , a movie, a publication or some technological equipment. Its thematic breadth requires the knowledge of the reviewer to be able to properly describe each topic.

Exhibition of ideas

The critical review is based on the exposition of the main ideas or themes of a specific work. In this way, the reviewer argues their value judgments and allows the audience to create their own criteria. From this point it opens the way to recommendations and conclusions.

Parts of a critical review

The critical review is made up of the following parts:


The critical review begins with a degree related to the chosen work or event. The title is composed of a short but striking phrase with the aim of attracting an audience. In addition, this must be accompanied by the original name of the aforementioned plus a highlighting statement that it manages to hook. Critical review characteristics parts


This part is based on the exposition of the data of the work. This section includes the original title, the name of the author, the publisher or producer of the event, the year and any other point of interest.


The literary review comprises a development or body, which in turn is made up of a summary based on the work. The synthesis of the work referred to is precise and clear and at the same time covers only the most outstanding points. On the other hand, the reviewer fixes his position in relation to the work and its content.

The opinion of the author of the review is based on verifiable arguments, not just a simple observation. In this part, the reviewer contrasts the good and the bad, while inviting the public to read (in the case of a text) or visit an exhibition to draw their own conclusions.


The conclusion of the critical review summarizes the most salient aspects of development. In addition, the reviewer reaffirms his position regarding the work or artistic event.


The critical review fulfills the function of showing a work from any area from the reviewer’s point of view, assessing the positive and negative aspects. In a persuasive way, the author of the review invites the audience to approach the text or event in question to make appreciations about the content of the review.

How to make a critical review?

Here are some guidelines for conducting a critical review:

Choose the work or event

The first step in conducting a critical review is choosing a work, cultural or artistic event. It is important that it is of general interest and of which you have extensive knowledge, in this way the development of the review will be easier.


The author or reviewer can make an outline or draft of the text. In these notes you can organize the development of the critical review, argue the most relevant ideas and also elaborate your opinions and make changes to them as you learn more about the content.


After making the outline, the review author proceeds to organize the ideas and structure the document. To do this, it is based on distributing the points that go into the introduction, development and conclusion. Critical review characteristics parts

Review writing

After investigating, organizing and structuring the content of the critical review in a draft, the final work is carried out. Then a reading is made to correct or modify some aspect. Finally the finished review is published or presented.

Brief examples of critical reviews

The following are some examples of critical reviews:

The Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov

Harper and Row. (New York).

Year 1984.

“This book recapitulates a historical version of the conquest of the Americas. The author, Tzvetan Todorov, gives us examples of the problem of the other, the conquered, and clearly recognizes the technological advances of the “I” of the conqueror. According to the author, one of the great problems of the indigenous people is the inability of their communication system; In other words, they do not handle the language of the conquerors or understand their customs …

“In his book The Conquest of America, the different problems that the conquerors and the indigenous people had been developed. However, in this book, there are some perspectives given from the point of the colonizing “I”. One of the main themes is that Todorov suggests that it is necessary to know the other in order to know each other better …

“In conclusion, Todorov captures a diversity of historical figures to examine the problem of the other. The perception of the other is compared with the similarities of the “I”. Unfortunately, there were no similarities in language, culture, and religion that demonstrated any simulation of “me,” which establishes the root of the problems. Todorov includes a point of view with references to history seen from Europe… ”. Critical review characteristics parts

The Dialogue Between Communicology and Psychological Sciences by Marta Rizo

“The specific objective of this work is interaction, understood as the fundamental matrix of all human communication. The interaction has been, without a doubt, one of the main fields of concern of disciplines such as Social Psychology and Phenomenological Sociology, and from less sociological approaches, it has also been a basic object of studies carried out from Cybernetic theory …

“This work is written in the seventies, at the time of the development of the field of communication in the United States. However, despite being situated in the pioneering context of scientific creation in communication,  Theory of Human Communication was not a work written specifically for and from the field of communicology. Rather, their contributions were aimed at enriching studies on systemic therapies, and the field of psychology and psychiatry in general …

“… This work is important because it establishes a dialogue between communicology and psychological sciences, especially in the area of ​​psychotherapies. The consolidation of studies on the media, as well as the emergence and consolidation of cultural studies in the last two decades, has overshadowed the importance of this work in the academic field of communication… ”.

A poorly constructed book by Ramón Cote Barsibar

Villegas Editores (Bogotá).

Year 1998.

“Over the years the Biennial has become the most suitable instrument to take the pulse of Colombian architecture. There are many professionals who work seriously to present themselves for this call. In this way, being selected or, better still, obtaining some recognition in its different categories, constitutes a reason for pride and deserved consecration … Critical review characteristics parts

“The time has come to make things clear. It is an irrefutable truth that Villegas’ books fulfill a truly admirable function of disseminating art, artists and artisans of Colombia and that their successes are justly deserved. But from there to the fact that the architect’s language has to be distorted by commercial criteria, it does not seem the most convenient, neither for architecture, nor for the selected architects, nor for the Biennial, nor for the publishing house itself… ”.

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