
What is Tetrahedron definition/concept

This geometric figure is formed by four equilateral triangles, that is, regular triangles. In other  words, it is a regular polyhedron with four equal triangular faces. This polyhedron has a total of four faces, six edges and four vertices (in each of its vertices three faces join). Tetrahedron

As for the height, it can be obtained by drawing a perpendicular from the vertex to the opposite face of the figure. Its volume is equal to one third of the base area multiplied by its height. To calculate the area, calculate the area of ​​one of your triangles and multiply it by four.

There are also irregular tetrahedrons, which are made up of four different polyhedrons. There are two variants: the trirectangle and the isofacial. The first has three faces formed by right triangles and their heights coincide at the same point. The second is formed by three equal isosceles triangles. Tetrahedron

A geometric figure with mystical and therapeutic value

The Greek philosopher Plato understood that the entire universe could be summarized in five geometric figures  : tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. All are known by the name of “Platonic solids”. The combination of these solids forms a sphere which represents the sacred geometry of the cosmos.

For Plato, the tetrahedron symbolizes an element of nature: fire (at the same time this figure is associated with the concept of wisdom). The hexahedron represents earth, the octahedron represents air, the dodecahedron symbolizes ether, and finally, the icosahedron represents water. According to some pseudoscientific interpretations, these figures are directly related to some physical changes in living organisms and, consequently, through them it is possible to cure certain diseases. Tetrahedron

Patterns in nature can be expressed in a mathematical language

On the other hand, some scientists claim that the language of the universe is linked to Platonic solids. This means that the physical world is organized by mathematical properties.

Mathematical patterns are present in the constellations, in the human body, in art and in the cities we inhabit. Geometric figures even allow us to understand the subatomic parts of  matter. This reality was intuitively approached by Plato and the philosophers of the Pythagorean school . Tetrahedron

Currently, scientists continue to debate this question. For some, nature is written in mathematical language, while for others it would be our mind that creates mathematical models to understand nature.

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