Research Writing

What is scientific writing/importance/characteristics of scientific writing

What is scientific writing?

In general, scientific writing is characterized from its own purpose: which is to communicate, in a way, the results of a scientific research.

To achieve this goal, it is a type of writing that follows some well-defined standards and meets some norms. This is the case of ABNT rules and APA rules .

Definitions of the characteristics of scientific writing are available in a few books out there. Usually, the books that delve more deeply into this are written only in English, like the classics:

  • How to write and publish a scientific paper
  • Science research writing for non-native speakers of English

with the high dollar, in addition to language, price is another big barrier to accessing them ~

However, there is a consensus among all books ( and, basically, among researchers as well) : the formality of scientific writing does not automatically mean a language that is difficult to understand.

In other words, despite being a formal content, scientific writing needs to be accessible and, in a way, use simple and easy-to-understand language.

This has a lot to do with the democratization of science that we always talk about here. After all, what’s the point of producing science if it’s only valid and always reaches the same people, right?

Of course, this is not always so simple to do. Even because there are quite complex themes and concepts in science , right?

In fact, the idea is that surveys are written as simply as possible.

Why is scientific writing important?

Well then. The existence of a scientific writing is justified, in a special way, to create standards in the communication of scientific knowledge .

This helps in the recognition of information and avoids misinterpretations about the results and arguments of the works.

In this context, knowing how to write scientifically is also fundamental. After all, when you want to publish an article in a magazine , for example, you need to follow pre-established rules and conventions.

It also means that anyone who does not write from these conventions runs a serious risk of being refused publication in several journals.

How scientific writing should be ( or characteristics of scientific writing )

It does not matter what the type of work or the research format is: whether it is a scientific article, a book or even a research project . Always keep in mind that science is something that is produced in a systematic way – based on the scientific method – and objectively.

So, with scientific writing it cannot be different: you must write your works assertively and objectively.

But let’s go. If you need to improve your writing, stay on top of the 6 steps of what scientific writing should be like:

1. Be clear and precise

Well, be clear, assertive and precise. Avoid unnecessary phrases and words. Use short sentences separated by correct punctuation.

Also avoid using indirect sentence order. This means building your sentences from the structure: subject + verb + predicate. Inversions complicate the understanding of the text.

You may have already noticed that long sentences make people lose their understanding of the text. Avoid confusing people who are reading your work.

Also, be very careful with double meaning sentences.

2. Do not use adverbs and adjectives

Scientific writing cannot be evaluative, as this de-characterizes scientific research itself. So, you should avoid using adjectives.

Likewise, one should avoid using adverbs (such as really, possibly, often, briefly, mostly, never). This is because adverbs, in a way, remove objectivity from the text.

3. Use personal language

Sentences with an indefinite subject end up making it difficult to understand the text and remove the researcher from the work. The idea that passes is that the author did not do the work. So, with caution, use personal language.

4. Have the verbs in the right tense

Pay attention to the verb tense. When presenting the objectives of the study, use verbs in the infinitive (observe, study, research). However, when describing the search results, use past tense verbs, as the events have already happened.

5. Don’t be far-fetched

I’ve already said a little about this, but it bears repeating. The far-fetched or erudite texts are unclear and become a major obstacle to one of the main goals of science, which is to reach as many people as possible.

This means that you don’t need to search for fancy or erudite words to write a good scientific article. The idea is that your text is as fluid as possible and communicates the search results well.

I know that there are complex concepts and terms specific to each area. So, try to write it as simply as possible so that as many people as possible understand.

6. Follow a basic structure

In all scientific works, a basic structure with mandatory elements must be followed. In general, the following must be present:

  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Methodology and scientific method
  • Theoretical foundation
  • Results
  • Conclusions or final remarks
  • references

3 extra tips to improve writing

Here are 3 extra tips on how to improve your scientific writing:

1. Organize your arguments in a didactic way

You must plan the organization of your arguments. Think of the most didactic and logical way to present them at work. It is not enough to include all possible arguments.

You should really think of an order that makes sense and helps you understand the work.

If possible, use spreadsheets, graphs, tables and images. These elements help a lot in understanding the text.

2. Only use real arguments

Well, that didn’t even need to be said, right? Only use true facts, arguments and data. If necessary, make it clear what the limitations of your research are ( this will even advance the work of a possible evaluation panel ).

3. Seek to learn about scientific writing

You already know that this is not an intrinsic ability of people, right? And that you are able to learn.

Reading scientific papers published in high quality journals helps a lot to improve the way of writing. Compare these articles to less prestigious journals. With time you will be able to notice the difference and avoid slips that can be avoided.

Participation in scientific events can also help with this. Reading and watching presentations of more mature works will help you develop your own writing.

If possible, submit an article to a journal or to present at one of these events. The experience of having your work evaluated and receiving constructive criticism will help you a lot.

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