What is Positive Emotions benefits 25 types of positive emotions
Positive Emotions
Basically, positive emotions are all those that are related to pleasant feelings , those that arise as a consequence of having interpreted or understood a certain situation as beneficial. Examples of this type of emotion are joy or happiness, emotions that generally last a short time and that we want to stretch as long as possible.
A positive mood is related to multiple benefits. A happy, happy and motivated person is a person with better memory, attention, retention of information and awareness of living in the moment, allowing better handling of various concepts and tasks at the same time, which is why from the psychology of work and education there is so much interest in keeping the worker and the student in a good mood. Positive emotions attract productivity and excellence .
Although we have previously commented that what is adaptive is the balance between positive and negative emotions, becoming people adapted to our context, it is true that the presence and attraction of positive emotions is considered a good indicator of health . Positive emotions, the more present they are in our lives, the better mental health we will enjoy, as long as there is reason to feel them.
Having a positive emotional style plays a very important role in our health. We can understand this from the opposite side: sadness, anxiety and lack of motivation can make a person not take their physical health so seriously, not play sports, not control what they eat or take risks that are harmful to their integrity. On the other hand, if you are happy and have the hope of living, you can lead a healthy lifestyle, better manage adversities and take care of your body and mind.
Positive emotions have an imminent impact on people’s well-being and health. In fact, experiencing them reduces levels of sadness, stress and anxiety. Therefore, they generate an activating effect by which our attention, memory and personal and professional performance increase. In addition, they improve our affective bonds with the people around us.
Below are the different types of positive emotions
Ability to assume life, accept reality as it is, including both pleasant and unpleasant situations; without trying to change or fight what we cannot control.
Feeling of sympathy that is generated by experiencing affinity or affection for another or other people. It also refers to the act of showing love or friendship towards said people.
Feeling of satisfaction and well-being that occurs through experiencing a good state of mind or when we have success or a positive result. It is usually accompanied by a smile or laughter.
Feeling of intense appreciation that a person experiences towards someone or something. It is considered one of the deepest and strongest feelings, and it brings us closer to happiness.
State of balance that a person finds in the proper functioning between the different aspects of his life and emotional world.
Ability to empathize with the suffering of others that mobilizes us to help said person or persons to try to alleviate their pain.
State of tranquility and security that is felt due to the certainty that something, someone or ourselves are going to favorably meet certain expectations that we have set.
Sensation of personal worth and defense of the respect of others towards our person. It is an inherent value of the human being for the simple fact of being.
Emotion related to entertainment or leisure that causes a person to have a happy time for whatever reason.
Exaltation or fervor before an event or situation in life. Moves to carry out an action, favor a cause or develop a project that motivates the person who feels it.
Optimism based on the expectation of favorable results related to events or circumstances of one’s life or the world as a whole.
Virtue, vigor, firmness and resistance through which we try to overcome fear and avoid recklessness towards the situations that arise in life.
Action of giving or helping others without expecting anything in return. It is related to solidarity and altruism.
Joy of mind or feeling of satisfaction when possessing or remembering something appetizing. It is also related to sexual enjoyment or the satisfaction that a close or intimate relationship with another person produces.
Feeling of appreciation and appreciation for the actions that others do in our favor. It usually corresponds to the people for whom we feel gratitude through words or gestures.
Feeling or human virtue that develops when we are aware of our own limitations and weaknesses; and we act accordingly. It is the opposite of pride.
State that allows us to focus attention on the funny side of what happens to us. Having a sense of humor allows us to be more cheerful, joking and sociable.
Combination that drives our behaviors between the desire to achieve a goal and the belief that said goal can be achieved.
Subjective, sudden and ephemeral emotional state, in which we experience meaning and after which, generally, we are motivated to act.
Reaction to what we have to do that stimulates us to do it with more enthusiasm and energy.
Great personal satisfaction that we experience after achieving a goal that has cost us effort and sacrifice.
Intense feeling towards a person, idea, topic, object, etc. It motivates us to action and prevents us from thinking rationally. It also refers to sexual desire towards another person.
State of well-being, integrity and balance that an individual feels when they consider that all aspects of their life are fine (family, friends, work, finances, health, etc.).
Fulfillment of a wish or the resolution of a need, which produces calm and tranquility.
Feeling of tranquility, relaxation and peace of mind. It can also be defined as a person’s ability to act rationally and temperately at all times.