What is Interpellation and democracy composition and procedure
The word interpellation is used mainly in politics . More particularly, when a member of Parliament interrogates or questions a member of the Government in order to clarify a certain matter. But an interpellation can happen in a trial or in business life.
The questioning is, in general, the formal way in which the act of questioning from one person to another is expressed when there is a certain obligation to do so. That is to say, in an everyday Communication” in the 1960s. The historical context, the question from one individual to another is not expressed through interpellation. It is a term that is used in formal situations in which the person questioned has the obligation to answer. Or, at least, there is the other party’s right to ask.
Composition of Interpellation
The verb to interpellated is equivalent to others, such as to demand, request or ask. For this reason, an interpellation is simply a question that is asked of someone. In other words, a person is questioned when asked about something by another.
A term that is not used in everyday life, but that is part of political community was welcomed with affection by its members. To distinguish himself from the others, the neophyte wore white clothing. In Christian religious terminology in the field of parliamentary.
In democratic countries, government and opposition members debate their different approaches and proposals. In this Communication” in the 1960s. The historical context, the main responsible are questioned, that is, they are asked about in order to provide explanations. In this way, parliamentarians exercise some control over the government.
As a general rule, this way of asking questions is not done spontaneously, but is subject to certain regulations. Normally every question is presented to the representatives of the chamber to decide if the question or question can be accepted within the agenda. Whoever asks is the questioner and whoever is asked is the one who is questioned. For the questions to be considered valid and relevant, they must be submitted in writing and in advance.
1) a certain number of representatives file a petition,
2) the petition is admitted if it has a sufficient number of votes in favor,
3) if the interpellation is approved, the date for requesting the order must be specified,
4) finally, the respondent asks a member of the government his question for him to answer.
After this process , a series of questions and answers are opened in the context of the parliamentary debate .
The interpellation is an act by which a member of the legislative branch asks or interrogates a component of the executive branch in order to clarify a question about an area within its sphere of competence.
The word interpellation is used mainly in politics . More particularly, when a member of Parliament interrogates or questions a member of the Government in order to clarify a certain matter. But an interpellation can happen in a trial or in business life.
The questioning is, in general, the formal way in which the act of questioning from one person to another is expressed when there is a certain obligation to do so. That is to say, in an everyday Communication” in the 1960s. The historical context, the question from one individual to another is not expressed through interpellation. It is a term that is used in formal situations in which the person questioned has the obligation to answer. Or, at least, there is the other party’s right to ask.
Interpellation and democracy
The existence of this figure, that of demanding accounts from a ruler, is essential in any democracy that has a minimum quality. It supposes that the representatives of the people, in Parliament, can control the actions of those who govern them.
It also provides transparency. If the interpellation did not exist, and the rulers knew that they were not going to face parliamentary debates , they would have a greater range of action, facilitating the existence of corruption and other practices harmful to democracy .
However, interpellation cannot be practiced freely. The law or regulation that regulates it establishes the steps to follow and in which cases it is appropriate. Just as it is also defined who has the right to ask the Government.