What is Didactic Sequence definition/concept
For the educational process to be effective, it is necessary to establish useful teaching-learning strategies. One of these strategies is the didactic sequence . We can define it as a set of activities designed by teachers so that students acquire certain knowledge and certain skills. For this to be possible it is necessary to organize a series of interconnected formative sections and a coherent thread that unifies them.
Practical example
A teacher addresses the theme of urban space. The didactic sequence could start with a general introduction about cities and their characteristics. Afterwards, you can take a tour of the city and this is where teachers can explain about the different areas of the city. Finally, students should draw a plan with the distance covered and point out the most important areas. With these three activities, we have a didactic sequence composed of theoretical and practical aspects.
What is the purpose of a didactic sequence?
The objective is to organize and guide the teaching process. In general, the teacher explains a topic, then content is developed and, finally, the student tries to put into practice what was learned. In pedagogical terms, the didactic sequence is divided into three parts: opening, developing and closing.
From its opening, the teacher must try to motivate students in learning. With the development of the didactic sequence, the topic in question is informed and described. Closing the sequence consists of synthesizing and reiterating the content, all accompanied by an assessment of the acquired knowledge.
What should I include?
In the first place , the instructional sequence should be recorded in a document in which must appear a series of data (teacher‘s name, the subject and the educational level). On the other hand, in the sequence document, the teacher must include information about the number of classes planned, the activities to be carried out, the necessary teaching materials and the evaluation of the contents.
In addition to properly structured academic content, it is necessary to include a series of educational skills that must be achieved by students.
Educating through competences means that, during the learning process, the student must learn certain skills such as learning to reflect, relate ideas or acquire values. In this sense, a didactic sequence must incorporate theoretical knowledge and, in parallel, a series of skills.