
What is Carnal Relationships definition/concept

With regard to sexual relationships, all kinds of terms and expressions are used: intercourse, making love, intimate relationships, fornicating, having sex, intercourse, carnal relationships, among others. Each of these concepts has a different connotation and are used in the context of a specific language. Usually the idea of ​​carnal relationships is used in Christian terminology to refer to sexual relationships motivated by lust and lust, disconnected from the true feeling of love.

Carnal relationships according to the position of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church believes that carnal relationships are dignified and fully respected, as long as they fall within the context of marriage between a man and a woman. However, if sexuality is lived outside the sacrament of marriage, it is considered sinful. Along these lines, Catholicism has maintained throughout its history a firm stand against sexual pleasure outside of marriage. It must not be forgotten that lust is one of the seven deadly sins .

The Catholic Church’s sexual morality does not disapprove of carnal relationships outside of marriage for capricious reasons, but its position is based on solid principles. In this way, human sexuality and genitalia have a purpose: the union of spouses for the reproduction of the human race. In this sense, maintaining a carnal relationship ignoring what the true purpose should be would involve behavior contrary to morality, therefore, it would be sinful behavior (masturbation and sex before marriage are not intended for reproduction and therefore are equally sinful) .

Consequently, pleasure for the simple pleasure in sexual relations would be a deviation from human sexuality. This vision is based among other texts on Genesis 1:28, where “Be fruitful and multiply” a divine mandate that guides human beings about their role on Earth.

sexual relations and morals

Most cultures and religious traditions value sexual relationships from a moral point of view. In fact, there is a general rule that is part of the moral codes related to sexuality: the prohibition of incest. This prohibition reminds us that in human sexuality there have always been and are moral limits that allow us to establish a certain order about what is allowed and what is not.

Other examples that illustrate sexual limitations are adultery and bigamy, two factors that have been considered illegitimate and unacceptable throughout history. We must not forget, furthermore, that sexual freedom is a recent social phenomenon and that it manifests itself only in some social contexts in the Western world.

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