
What is Anti Values Characteristics and Examples

What are anti-values

Anti-values ​​are moral character traits that are believed to be correct by those who practice them , however, socially they are considered negative for the individual and community coexistence, because it generates crises and corruption that are not resolved with punishment.  

Values ​​find their opposite in anti-values . While values ​​are accepted and generate well-being, anti-values ​​produce discomfort and rejection, considering that they are detrimental and damaging to social harmony.

Religions and systems of philosophical thought are founded on a set of values ​​that are threatened by anti-values ​​that shake righteousness because they are immoral and unethical behaviors that contrast good and bad, justice and injustice.

All value systems created for the well-being of society from the economic, political, social and cultural aspects have their anti-value. Therefore, there are a large number of values ​​and therefore anti-values.

Characteristics of ant values

  • They are properties that are assigned to things and individuals. 
  • Its negative essence is useless and harmful. 
  •  Affects coexistence in society generating distrust
  • An ant value has a value that is affected 
  • They are contrary to morality and ethics  
  •  Measures are created to restrict them through laws, regulations and punishments   
  • The scale of the damage done by the anti-value depends on the culture of each society. 
  • It occurs in a specific social and cultural context and is not always logical, for example homosexuality at one time was considered a disease or sin in the Middle Ages and as a detriment to Christians.

Examples of Anti-Values

1. The injustice

It is the anti-value of justice and can be punished or sanctioned for failing to comply with the laws or regulations without sufficient evidence.

2. Discrimination

It refers to intolerance, disrespect and violent attitudes towards groups or people because of their race, culture or sexual preferences. Apartheid is an example of racism against blacks in Africa.

3. Dishonesty 

This is the anti-value of honesty, and it occurs when the rules are broken, or fraud and lies are presented that affect people and the community. Example: dishonest means to bribe FIFA managers.

4. Lack of solidarity 

It is the anti-value that goes against mutual aid and is configured as indifference towards the other. Example: in the case of street thefts, the lack of solidarity of the passers-by with the victims.  


It is the rejection of others, either because of their way of dressing, their ideas, their culture or their religion, among others. Example xenophobia.   

6. The war 

It is the anti-value of peace, it is generated by armed confrontations where destruction, death, displacement and violation of human rights shine. Example: World War II.

7. Violence

It is the use of force to do physical or psychological harm with the aim of dominating another. Example: violence against women. 

8. Impunity

Lack of punishment for acts that generate damage. Example: the lack of justice in cases of corruption or assassinated leaders.  

9. Inequity

It is the anti-value of equity, the most common term to designate social inequalities and lack of opportunities in modern societies. For example: access to education.

10. lateness 

It is related to not complying with the agreement. Arriving on time for an appointment shows disrespect for the other person’s time, and being late shows the opposite. 

11. Disrespect

It is the anti-value of respect, it is lack of courtesy and indifference towards another person.

12. Infidelity

Infidelity is associated with breaking an established pact. For example: infidelity in marriage.

13. Slavery

Slavery is called the fact of subjecting another person or groups through physical or psychological force with violation of human rights and freedom. 

14. Selfishness

It is prioritizing the individual over the things of others, regardless of the degree of affectation that can generate even in your family.

15. Enmity

The enmity is focused on the search for revenge or the objective of upsetting others. 

16. Envy 

It is the alteration that is generated in a person when they are bothered by the achievements, successes or leadership of the other, considering that they do not have the capabilities for success.

17. Hypocrisy

It is called hypocrisy when a person is false because they show the opposite of what they really are.

18. Falsehood

 It is the anti-value of the truth that can be applied to objects and people. In the latter, it manifests itself when one manipulates to get what one wants in front of other people or even groups.      

19. Evil

It is the anti-value of kindness, it is to do conscious harm of the suffering that is generated in another person. 

20. Sloth

Indifference, laziness and lack of interest in work, study or in life itself, relative to people who do not make the slightest effort to carry out any activity.

21. Inflexibility

It is the inability to adapt and resilience to adapt to diverse circumstances.

22. Hate

It is the anti-value of love. The person is negative, violent and seeks to harm.

23. Pride

Anti-value of humility. The arrogant believes he is better than everyone around him and gets upset if they contradict him.

24. Disloyalty

It is the person who acts without respect, honor, and lacks the trust given for their own benefit or that of others.


Hate towards homosexuals or the LGTB population in general, they discriminate against them and even violent acts are carried out against this minority group.

26. Betrayal 

It is the trust ant value. It generally occurs between people you know and who are trusted and even secrets are deposited. Betrayal goes hand in hand with disloyalty and breeds distrust.      

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