What are Cultural values concept examples and importance
Cultural values are beliefs, traditions and customs of a community or group of people. This includes language, religion, clothing, ideas and almost every aspect that characterizes each of the world’s cultures.
These values change according to the traditions of each region, which is because each country has its own ways of thinking and conceiving life. For example, the people of India have a different religion, language and customs than a Latin American country like Mexico. Indian people give priority and importance to different things than Mexicans.
Cultural values don’t just change from country to country; They can also be modified according to the time you live. For this reason, the values are adapted to people’s requirements and the needs of the moment.
Cultural values are decisive elements in the growth of civilizations, as they allow the strengthening of the collective identity of citizens and the promotion of socio-economic progress.
Examples of cultural values
It is important to note that cultural values group together moral and religious values, since the latter are part of the culture of each place. Some examples of cultural values are:
The education
When a culture in a particular country has the value of education, it means that it is important for its citizens to be informed and knowledgeable about different areas of knowledge. Education enhances each person’s skills and talents, but it also allows them to tame or refine their base instincts.
The family
The family is one of the most important cultural elements in the world. In fact, in almost all regions of the planet, the family plays a notable role in the development of each citizen. For this reason, this value constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of different modern cultures.
Although the traditional concept of family has been diluted with modernity and introduced new standards (single mothers/fathers, same-sex marriages, artificial insemination, among others), it is still considered that this value remarkably conditions people during their growth.
The tradition
The tradition encompasses the worldview, social and linguistic practices, rituals and customs of each region, obtained from previous generations. The importance of this value lies in the possibility of offering communities the knowledge of their own origins.
It is not only a cultural value, but also a universal and sometimes religious one. Peace consists of a social harmony or balance that is desired by most human groups.
the collective memory
The memory collective is one of the cultural values that we have best defended over time, as conservation can protect the art, history and political work of each community. In fact, on many occasions, researchers claim that a society makes the same failures over and over again due to its lack of collective memory.
The art
Art is considered a cultural value, as it allows exploring the subjectivities of man, as well as knowing the idiosyncrasy of his society. That is, the artists in their works capture the traditions and ideas of the community to which they belong.
It is considered a cultural value because it introduces citizens to a sense of belonging and obligation. Through patriotism, the protection of each region’s traditions, history and art can be instilled.
However, this value must be guided with good education, as a radical stance can cause xenophobia or other social conflicts that generate intolerance.
The childhood
This is a fairly recent figure; It was not until the 19th century that childhood began to be perceived as an important aspect in the development of each individual. Previously, children were considered small people, whose value only began when they were integrated into the mechanisms of production.
This can be seen in the pictorial works. For example, in paintings corresponding to Spanish Baroque, children were portrayed in adult clothing and postures. Then, with the arrival of Impressionism and other artistic currents of the 19th century, children began to represent themselves in more appropriate clothes and to carry out children’s activities.
Today, most societies know that childhood is a very important time that must be protected and nurtured. For this reason, it is considered a cultural value.
The Justice
Justice is a crucial precept in the formation of societies. It is considered a very ancient value, as it has been corroborated in the ancient codes and texts of past civilizations. Some investigators claim that the first notions of justice appear in Hammurabi’s code, where theft, murder, among other crimes, were criminalized.
Justice is established through the elaboration of a common legislative regulation, built through a collective and majority idea about what is fair and what is unfair.
The Liberty
It is one of the most important values of humanity, whose preponderance extends throughout the world. Freedom consists of the free will that individuals have over their properties and their bodies.
Despite the universality of this value, freedom can have nuances depending on the region. For example, some Westerners would consider freedom restricted in the East; however, each country has its own conception of freedom according to its beliefs and ways of life.
Importance of cultural values
Cultural values, although they are abstract and intangible concepts, are goods and heritage that protect people’s identity. In the same way, they shape the way of thinking of nations and allow to build feelings such as roots and belonging.
In other words, cultural values are important because they constitute the characteristics of all human beings. In addition, they are elements that differentiate us from other living beings and demonstrate the complexity of life in society.
Mexico’s cultural values
Mexico is a country rich in artistic manifestations, especially in the area of painting. For this reason, art is one of the most important cultural values for this nation. Mexico stands out for protecting its mural painting, a tradition that continues from Mayan paintings to the appearance of renowned artists of the 20th century, such as José Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera.
Likewise, Mexicans attach great importance to the family. They are very close to their relatives and often put the family ahead of every other vital aspect; They are also characterized by their companionship and cheerful nature.
It is important to highlight that Mexico has several cultural values, where pre-Hispanic, colonial and modern aspects are mixed. Language is a very important value in this region as it is a country where several indigenous dialects are used.
For Mexicans, tradition is also very important. They have several institutions and museums that protect the objects of their pre-Hispanic ancestors.
Colombian cultural values
Colombia‘s cultural values are built on the heritage of indigenous peoples, along with certain Spanish traditions and African customs. It is a nation that, like Mexico, values artistic manifestations; Colombia stands out for its local rhythms, such as vallenato, a musical genre much appreciated by this society.
He also famously distinguished himself in the field of literature, having important writers such as Gabriel García Márquez, Eduardo Caballero Calderón and Álvaro Mutis. In addition, it was the first country in America to open a Spanish language academy in 1871. For this reason, the language is one of the most influential cultural values in the region.
Argentine cultural values
Argentina is a region that highly values tradition, memory and art. It is also characterized by its patriotic notions. It has a well-developed and protected folklore; for example, Argentines greatly appreciate their artistic expressions, such as tango and literature.
Some researchers claim that the sport has become an Argentine cultural value, as this country has stood out in football for several decades. This means that sporting events are part of the cultural identity of Argentines.
Likewise, Argentina values freedom and is characterized by its tolerance, as it is a nation formed by several waves of migration.
Venezuela’s cultural values
The Venezuelan territories are characterized by their patriotic devotion, where the figure of Simón Bolívar, together with that of the other heroes of Independence, built a large part of the national identity. For this reason, in Venezuela, the most cherished cultural values are freedom and homeland.
Some artistic manifestations are also valued, such as traditional dance and joropo. Likewise, in Venezuela considerable weight is given to gastronomy, which most Venezuelans are proud of. It is a mixed culture, where Western traditions are joined to indigenous and African elements.