Language and Linguistics

Simultaneity definition in different fields


The simultaneity occurs when two or more elements, actions, or events that relate match. These events usually happen at the same time; therefore, they are coincident in time. This relationship applies in various more complex fields and in different areas of knowledge. There is simultaneity in economics, music, physics, communication, and mathematics. In this article we will  provide you definition of Simultaneity in different fields.

Simultaneity in different fields

1-Simultaneity in the economy

In economics, this term is applied in the area of ​​services, since the production of the service and its consumption occur simultaneously.

2-Simultaneity in music

Simultaneity in music is perceived when more than two tones or voices sound at the same time and can be differentiated from each other.

It is important to note that simultaneity only happens when all the elements sound at the same time and not in succession.

3-Simultaneity in communication

Simultaneity in communication occurs when immediate interaction occurs, also known as feedback.

This mainly occurs when the sender transmits the message live. Thus the receiver receives the information immediately.

In this way, a reciprocal reaction is created between who sends the message and who receives it, since all this is happening at the same time.

4-Simultaneity in mathematics

In this field, simultaneity is visualized in simple equations or in simultaneous equations. They share a variable and to be solved all the equations must be solved at the same time.

5-Simultaneity in physics

There are two meanings for simultaneity in physics. First is Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity of simultaneity. Simultaneity its relationship with different fields

According to this theory, simultaneity does not occur with an absolute relationship between the facts. What is really simultaneous is that the facts or events are occurring at a precise moment.

However, it cannot be perceived that way from all parts of the world due to the laws of physics.

Another theory of simultaneity is that of Isaac Newton. In this theory, it is stated that all events programmed to occur simultaneously will coincide as long as the synchrony remains.

6-Simultaneity in interpretation

A visible example is when a speech, interview, or news is being broadcast on television, and an interpreter has the job of carrying out the translation by signing or orally.

The interpreter has the responsibility to reproduce the words at the same time as the person speaking.

The interpretation must be done simultaneously so that the receiver can understand the message; if there are pauses it is possible that the sense of what is being seen is lost. This type of simultaneous interpreter is often used for live and direct broadcasts.

7-Simultaneity in History

In History, simultaneity is made up of those events that took place in one area or several in the same period of time.

For example, while in 1898 the Spanish-American war was taking place in Cuba, in Paris the Treaty of Independence of the Philippines was signed. The country affected in these events was Spain, which lost two of its last colonies.

8-Simultaneity in social networks

Social networks have promoted simultaneous communication since while viewing profiles of other users or official pages of companies or institutions, you can chat with another user who is online.

9-Simultaneity in  a text

In a text, the sentences can maintain a simultaneity achieved thanks to the connectors (as well as, at the same time, meanwhile, in the same way …). Two events are extracted from the text that has some more or less close relationship. Simultaneity its relationship with different fields

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