Personal functional texts characteristics and examples
Personal functional texts
Personal functional texts are those elaborated with the intention that they serve to fulfill a personal objective, indicating to someone an expected behavior or action. In these, an eminently appealing function of language is noted. A typical example of a functional text is a tutorial that indicates the steps to follow to achieve something.
Sometimes these writings even indicate the materials necessary to achieve the stated objective.
Functional texts are usually very present in human everyday life, although sometimes it is not noticed. However, in the case of personal functional texts, these are writings that someone makes to satisfy their own need.
In these, the author exposes reliable and very his own data, in order to obtain something very specific. They do not have a defined format or extension. Its language is clear and it can use any graphic element that contributes to the issuer’s objective.
Characteristics of personal functional texts
- They are personal: in them the issuer reflects experiences, knowledge, evaluations, thoughts or feelings about himself or his environment.
- The receiver is the sender himself: that is, the information in the functional text is not addressed to another person other than the same person who recorded it.
- It does not have a defined format: the extension or language of the text will not have a defined form, but each one will use the one that sees the most agreement.
- It usually contains sensitive information: in general, the information contained is very personal and is not developed for a general public. It may also contain information about other people that should not be exposed publicly (phone book).
- They serve as a reminder: both for simple things and of little elaboration (note the extracurricular schedules) to lived events of great importance (notes, memories).
- – They can include graphic resources: such as photographs, drawings or collected visiting cards.
Examples of personal functional texts
1- The notes made in class
These are the notes that the student takes during the teacher‘s explanation or presentation on a specific topic.
It does not have to be the verbatim transcription of the teacher’s oral presentation, but rather a series of key ideas for the subsequent review of the subject, so necessary for the establishment of knowledge.
There are those who recommend that these ideas be put into the form of a list of keywords or mind maps, so that their writing is easier and more effective.
Such ideas should be stated clearly and in order, along with the date, examples, and other meaningful details to help you remember the rest of the important information in that class.
2- The blog
It is a descriptive writing of the passing of an academic, research or recreational activity.
In this, all the activities carried out are recorded in chronological order and with as much detail as possible. The doubts and discoveries that have arisen in the process are also included.
In the field of scientific research, these texts become extremely important because they become guides on what to do and what not to do, for example, during an experiment.
They can also serve as a supporting document to support or disprove theories about an area of the natural sciences.
3- The agenda
It is a list of things to do in a certain time. They are usually written in notebooks or notebooks specifically formatted for this purpose.
This format has the space identified with the dates and times when the tasks are to be done. They usually include one or more calendars as well.
The notebook or notebook where this is written is called an agenda. The size, design and complexity of an agenda depends on the tastes and needs of the person.
School agendas include some pages prepared to post the school schedule.
4- Family letter
It is a very personal type of text. In this you usually place information that is interesting to make known to relatives, friends and / or trusted people.
Plain and colloquial language is used in a letter, full of sensory images and opinions.
5- The memorandum
It is an official document in which someone is informed or notified about a certain situation.
Normally it is an institutional document, but it becomes personal when a boss writes it directly to a subordinate to indicate crucial information for their work.
6- Request
It is a type of letter in which one person makes a formal request to another, whether for commercial or other purposes.
It usually uses a formal, direct, clear and professional language. As for its structure, it usually presents the same as a letter.
7- The autobiography
It is a text in which the person tells his own life experience; their experiences, their memories, their fears, among other elements.
They usually have an expressive purpose, but they are also made with the aim of becoming testimonies of a historical moment or event, such as the Confessions of Saint Augustine .
8- Circular
It is an official document with which it is intended to inform several people simultaneously of an important matter.
It is usually made up of the company letterhead, the “circular” title with its corresponding number, the date, the body, the closing and the signature of the issuer with his position in the institution.
9- The diary
In these texts the author narrates what happens to him in the day with all the impressions and emotions that these things generate.
In a journal you begin by writing the date, followed by prose about your experience on the day.
They can also be functional because they become a record of a person’s life, which may become relevant in some area of society or can serve as a testimony about how an important historical process is lived.
An example of the latter is represented by the Diary of Anne Frank .
10- Telephone directory
It is the support where the contact details of a series of people with whom a personal or work relationship is maintained are recorded.
These days they are often the most precious section of an electronic device for many people.