
Homogeneous diphthong characteristics examples

Homogeneous diphthong

The homogeneous diphthong is one formed by the union of two closed vowels (i, u). In general terms, a diphthong is the combination of two vowel sounds in the same syllable. The order not important, the important thing is that the two vowels are weak. Homogeneous diphthong characteristics examples

It can be any combination of open vowels (a, e, o) with closed vowels (i, u) or only weak vowels, which is the case of the homogeneous diphthong.

At the linguistic level, the problem with this class of diphthongs is to determine which of the two vowel sounds is the nucleus of the syllable, and which is the semiconsonant or semivowel.

This differentiation allows us to establish whether a diphthong is ascending or descending. When it comes to heterogeneous diphthongs, the closed vowel plus open vowel combination is considered ascending.

The combination of descendants is the reverse: open vowel plus closed vowel. Open vowels are always the syllabic nucleus.

Thus, in the above cases, the closed vowels become semi-vowels or semi-consonants. The latter cannot form the nucleus of a syllable because they occur with some obstruction in the vocal tract. But, when it comes to a homogeneous diphthong, it becomes difficult to determine which of the two vowels is the nucleus.

Characteristics of the homogeneous diphthong


The homogeneous diphthong follows the established stress rules. In the case that it corresponds to place a tilde, it must go in the second vowel. Thus, this occurs with acute words ending in vowels or in n / s consonants and esdrújulas.

This homogeneous diphthong is also not spelled accentuated in cases where it is part of grave nouns or adjectives ending in vowels in consonants n / s (for example: gratuitous ).

Geographic or social change

On some occasions, a homogeneous diphthong gives up its function of limiting syllables. Instead, a hiatus forms. That is, the two weak vowels are separated into two syllables. This change of function can be given for reasons of the geographical or social origin of the speakers.

Thus, for example, the word flow under certain conditions pronounced flow (as diphthong) or flow (as hiatal). However, for the purposes of graphic accentuation , in both cases they are considered to be diphthongs. Homogeneous diphthong characteristics examples

Examples of homogeneous diphthong

Here are some examples of that kind of diphthong:

1. Caring

2. City

3. Caring

4. Neglected

5. Include

6. Inclusive

7. Widow

8. Daytime

9. Flow

10. Ruin

11. Native

12. Citizen

13. Triumph

14. Meddle

15. Bedouin

16. Vulture

17. Nightingale

18. Ruin

19. Diuretic

20. Confluence

homogeneous diphthong characteristics examples

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