
Features of English pronunciation with examples

Features of English pronunciation with details

The organs of speech are arranged in the same way for all peoples. However, each language has its own characteristics in the sound system, its own ways of pronouncing sounds and phrases. Each language is characterized by a certain way of speech organs and has its own characteristics in the intonation of the sentence. The same applies to English pronunciation. in this article we will elaborate the Features of English pronunciation with examples.

voiced consonants in English at the end of words and before voiceless consonants are not stunned. Voicedness – deafness in English is a meaningful feature, i.e. distinguishes one word from another:

bad (bad)   –   bat (bat)

Voiceless consonants at the end of words are pronounced very energetically. Voiced consonants are pronounced less vigorously, especially at the end of words.

Most English stop and stop-gap consonants [  t  ] , [  d  ] , [  n  ] , [  l  ] , [  s  ] , [  z  ] , [  tʃ  ] , [ d ] are formed when the tip of the tongue touches the alveoli.


shadow –  tin [  tin  ] – tin
day –  day [  dei  ] – day
years –  late [  leit  ] – late
no –  name [  neim  ] – name

In English pronunciation, the tense and drawn-out articulation of some vowel sounds and the relaxed and short pronunciation of others are clearly distinguished. For example:

[  nib  ] – [  ni: d  ] nib – need edge – need
[  luk  ] – [  lu: p  ] look – loop look – loop
[  kʌm  ] – [  kɒ: m  ] come – calm come – calm

Longitude in transcription is indicated by a colon after the vowel. Longitude – brevity distinguishes one word from another. For example:

[  ful  ] – [  fu: l  ] full – fool complete – fool
[  liv  ] – [  li: v  ] live – leave live – leave
[  kʌt  ] – [  ka: t  ] cut – cart cut – cart

And also for deafness – voiced :

way – be

tom – house

cathedral – fence

In English pronunciation, consonants are not softened .

In English, there are diphthongs (di – two, phthong – sound), which are indivisible sounds . The first part of the diphthong “core” is pronounced quite clearly, the second part is a slide in the direction of the sounds [  i  ] , [  ə  ] or [  ʊ  ] .

[  ai  ] [    ]
[    ] [  ʊə  ]
[  ɔi  ] [  əʊ  ]
[  ei  ] [    ]

Most English vowel sounds are pronounced with a flat lip , i.e. the corners of the lips are slightly pulled to the sides, and the lips are not rounded or bulging. For example:

pen [  pen  ] – pen
sieve [  siv  ] – sieve
coat [  kəʊt  ] – jacket

Interdental sounds [  ð  ] , [  θ  ]

For example:

thick [  θik  ] – thick
thin [  θin  ] – thin
they [  ðei  ] – they
the this [  ðis  ] – it

labio-labial sound [  w  ]

For example:

wait [  weit  ] – wait
we [  wi:  ] – we
why [  wai  ] – why

nasal sound [  ŋ  ]

For example:

sing [  siŋ  ] – to sing
song [  sɒŋ  ] – song
writing [  `raitiŋ  ] – letter

sound [  r  ]

For example:

write [  rait  ] – write
wrote [  rəʊt  ] – wrote
river [  `rivə  ] – river

sound [  ɜ:  ] F

early [  `ɜ: li  ] – early
girl [  gɜ: l  ] – girl
turn [  tɜ: n  ] – turn

In English, articulation, i.e. the pronunciation of vowels is almost unaffected by consonants. The vowel sound is the leading one in articulation. In this regard, it is recommended to combine as many different consonants as possible with the vowel when setting the English pronunciation .- led; nose – carried.

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