Exclamatory pronouns with examples
Exclamatory pronouns
Exclamatory pronouns are those words that replace the noun in exclamatory sentences. The exclamatory sentences are those that express enthusiasm, surprise, anger or some other intense emotion, as in “How beautiful is that girl!” or “What a bummer!” Exclamatory pronouns elaborated with examples
Like all pronouns, exclamatory pronouns do not make sense by themselves, but refer to a noun that must already be known, the antecedent or referent. For example, if we say “How beautiful she is!”, The referent could be “that girl”, or someone mentioned before the exclamatory sentence.
Exclamatory pronouns, like interrogative pronouns, always carry an accent to differentiate words from other uses. For example, it has an exclamatory use when you say “ Who would say it!”, But not in “It was Marcos who said it!”.
It is also common that exclamatory pronouns can be confused with exclamatory adjectives . For example, in “How fast!”, What is a pronoun, but in “How fast!” It’s an adjective. In the first sentence, fast is an adjective and the what replaces the antecedent noun; and in the second, speed is a noun, so what works as a demonstrative adjective.
Exclamatory sentences are easy to identify because they are generally framed in exclamation marks (!), Although, as in interrogatives, there may be indirect exclamatory sentences, as in ” How much should you have invested to achieve this”, which can be written without signs exclamation mark.
What are exclamatory pronouns?
- How. Example: How have you grown!
- How. Example: How beautiful it is!
- How much Example: How many have they found.
- How many. Example: How many did you collect today!
- How much. Example: How much did they get tonight!
- How many. Example: How many arrived in less than an hour!
- Where. Example: Where has such a thing been seen!
- What. Example: What will they say when it is known!
- Who. Example: Who would have thought!
- Who is it. Example: Who wouldn’t want to!
It should be noted that in Spanish the exclamation point is used to open and close sentences. It is wrong to place only the final sign.
Examples of sentences with exclamatory pronouns
- How they have blossomed this spring!
- How they are presented at this time of the morning!
- How come loaded still they fail!
- How they knew immediately they were not them!
- You know how things are here. Exclamatory pronouns elaborated with examples
- How they get when they are teased!
- How to spend the days when you’re having fun!
- How flies that pair of hawks over our heads!
- He was surprised by how he had behaved in that situation.
- How will be sold when the holidays arrive!
- How big is what I feel for you!
- Imagine how beautiful it must have been for her to decide to live there.
- I don’t know how foolish it must be to believe Pablo.
- How serious must be testament to talk about!
- How ridiculous ended up being all!
- He had no idea how far away the castle was.
- How wonderful to be traveling the world without worry!
- How deep it came in his first try!
- How naive must be to believe that will happen!
- How intelligent must have felt to solving such a problem!
- How green and fertile Was My Valley
- How far is my country!
How many / how many
- How much fell last night while we were sleeping! Great snowfall.
- Much you do not want to see you singing!
- There is too much fruit. How much has not been lost without being collected!
- Much was his joy to see that Raul had returned!
- Think how much we can get if we start looking now.
- How much you have drunk! Sodas can hurt you.
- Look how much he brought! We can make bread all week.
- Many people found out here that there would be no concert. Much wasted trip!
- There are more poor people since last year. How much will there not be this year!
- I have homework for a while, how much for one person!
- There are a lot of sardines. Much swimming in shoals!
- How many came this year! The herons are recovering.
- How many have not escaped dangerous situations!
- The rose garden full of roses. How many open and splendid!
- There are thousands or more. How many should be counted!
- How many we caught this year!
- How many mourn his death without having known it!
- I’m going to add the tablespoons of flour. Tell me how many !
- The sky full of stars. How many impossible to count!
- How many awake praying for their recovery!
- Questions and more questions. How many without answers!
How much how many
- Many have missed him since he left. How much they ask for their return!
- How much this boy loves his dog!
- How much his people have changed in twenty years!
- They tried hard. How much they wanted to win the competition!
- How much they must have spent on that ostentatious marriage!
- Much it will have passed since the last time we met!
- How much you have changed with experience and years!
- No matter how much I loved her, over time I even forgot the name.
- How would I not have seen that scene!
- How much a good friendship is worth! Priceless.
- How many will come when they find out about your arrival!
- How many think you are wrong!
- It amazed him how many fans followed him.
- How many must get sick before we begin to be cautious!
- How many will not want to go out with Laura now that they know that she is separated!
- Miguel meets tomorrow. How many will come to your meeting!
- Complaints about the service are coming. How many arrive throughout the day!
- How many looking for a way to solve their life!
- See how many are running after the offers!
- How many did we eat before we were satisfied! Too many.
- How far will you go with your impertinences!
- Where if you do not find the latest novel by Vargas!
- He was surprised where some stories end.
- Look where we are going! Exclamatory pronouns elaborated with examples
- Let’s see where they are hiding now!
- What are you saying!
- ! How quickly this year went with everything and a pandemic!
- How silent is the home of Alvaro in the morning!
- What smooth moving car on the pavement!
- What could happen now!
- What nice when we could see each other without masks!
- What good you’ve come early!
- What a remarkable way to play the saxophone!
- How beautiful was that night!
- What will be done under the rain so intense!
- What they did with so little time!
- But what did they mean by all that jargon!
Who who
- Who does not know of a lifetime!
- Who could imagine that would go so far!
- Who would have thought that swimming would succeed so much!
- Who of us would want to take over!
- Who would have thought that Diana would take the initiative!
- Who would have believed that the world would be paralyzed by a virus!
- Who better than you to take on this challenge!
- Hear who sings that song!
- And they exclaim who can defend them, like Chapulín.
- Who can walk on water! Not just anyone.
- Who could try! Exclamatory pronouns elaborated with examples
- Look who’s arriving right now! Your friends.
- Who fear the vaccine Covid-19 at this point!
- About sow hope for a better future!
- About acting on such a miserable pay!
- Who will bear another year like the one just passed!
- For whom are we willing to fight!
- Let’s who you can play the lottery!
- Who can be so happy!
- Who they have lost everything to Hurricane!