Examples of positive psychology/8 examples
Positive psychology is a branch of psychology , which is based on the scientific study of the aspects that lead to well-being and happiness in people and society. In this article we will provide you examples of positive psychology.
This psychological branch focuses on character strengths and human virtues and their effects, rather than weaknesses.
One of the greatest contributions made by positive psychology is its preventive nature in mental health problems .
If we think about it, it is less expensive to prevent the onset of mental disorders through the development of less rigorous tools than those applied in all health sciences and focused on the potentialities of the human being, rather than treating diseases once they are developed.
Examples of positive psychology
Below are examples of positive psychology.
1-Self motivation
We must be our own motivator. That person who constantly encourages and encourages you to believe that you are capable of achieving the goals you set for yourself, to see the positive side when things don’t go according to plan, and to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. It is important that we use our internal dialogues to praise and encourage ourselves , instead of using them to punish and discourage us. Also, being compassionate and kind to yourself helps you to be kind to others.
2-Good sense of humor
Having a good sense of humor is therapeutic ; not only because it generates positive changes in our health, but in our lives.
Although good humor is related to happy people, it does not mean that they are always laughing. Rather, it refers to the fact that people with a good mood have a positive attitude in the face of adversity.
Having a good mood helps people face difficult situations with optimism, patience and a better perspective; and it is that humor relieves emotional tension, dissipates worries, favors creativity, and likewise the discharge of repressed fears and anxieties.
3-be grateful
Being grateful is key to achieving personal success and emotional well-being; and although there is a belief that to be grateful there must be a reason or a favorable event involved, this is not always the case.
We can feel gratitude even without something special happening; just the simple fact of being alive regardless of the circumstances we go through, is a reason to be thankful.
The happiest people live with this attitude; they appreciate things as intangible as a simple hug, a smile, or good weather; even for them, adversity is a source of gratitude, since they are aware that everything in this life leaves you with an apprenticeship.
However, if you are one of those people who has a hard time feeling gratitude; It would help you to make a list of things you should be thankful for each day.
This way you focus on the positives instead of the negatives; and you facilitate the flow of positive emotions in you and therefore the development of this ability.
Even use the word thank you not only with yourself, but with others; and giving notes of gratitude to those who have influenced you in a positive way, will generate a favorable change in your life.
4-Know how to forgive
Forgiveness is a liberating act, not only for those who forgive, but for those who are forgiven. When you forgive you allow yourself to leave behind the emotions that do not let you move forward (grudge, anger, sadness, etc.); and the thoughts that over and over again pierce your head.
Forgiveness brings with it peace and the possibility of living a fuller life; but if you are one of those people who find it difficult to forgive, try to see the person who caused you harm in its entirety, with its virtues and strength; in this way you manage to be more objective and empathic.
It is also useful to write a letter of forgiveness , where you try to put yourself in the other person’s place, to try to understand what could have caused the fact that caused you pain.
5-Do activities that you like
Dedicate part of your time to activities that generate enthusiasm, joy, and give you vitality; and it is that in general, the speed with which we live and the multiple occupations, fill our time, and we do not stop to do what we like, so we do not get to value, enjoy and feel satisfied with the activities we do .
Devoting time to doing what really fulfills us, makes us perceive life in a better way and helps us experience positive feelings. When we do what we like, we forget about time and what are usually hours seem like a few minutes.
6-Practice some physical activity
Practicing some physical activity regularly not only benefits your body but also your mind. When you do physical exercise, you release neurochemicals like serotonin and endorphins, which help you experience pleasure and happiness.
Another benefit is that when you practice we appreciate our body more, which raises our self-esteem.
7-Focus on what you like.
Focusing on the good things that we have and that happen to us, instead of focusing on the bad, helps us have physical and emotional well-being.
A good way to do it is by keeping a diary where you capture the good things that happen to you every day, that way, you focus on positive events and you can resort to them, in the presence of negative thoughts.
8-develop optimism
Optimistic people don’t deny their problems; Rather, they focus their thoughts on finding a way to solve them, hoping that they will obtain favorable results, but being aware that, if this is not the case, all adversity leaves you with a lesson.
To develop this ability, you can imagine yourself in the future and write about the ideal life you would like to have. It would also help you to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.
Positive psychology is not a vaccine against unhappiness. It does not make us immune to experiencing difficult situations, nor does it eliminate what makes us feel bad.
We hope that you have grasped the examples of positive psychology.