
Difference between oral and written communication

Oral and written communication

The differences between oral and written communication refer to the way in which human communication is established. When we write we do so following laws and regulations that we often ignore when we speak. That does not mean that we do not know how to speak the language correctly. It means that we obey the internal rules of both codes, and we use them as appropriate.

Through language we can store and transmit information, it allows us to establish relationships with other human beings on multiple levels and build learning and survival networks.

Currently, a human being maintains permanent contact with his social environment through various communication platforms, although the two basic forms continue to prevail: oral and written communication.

In communication, different elements that have an influence on each other take center stage: the sender, the receiver, the message, the code, the context, the communication resources, etc. If any of these elements is changed, the communicative action itself is transformed.

One of the most determining elements for communicative action is the mode of transmission. Given the incessant advance of new technologies, we could base ourselves on different classifications regarding transmission modes; In this post, we have chosen to delve into the differences between oral communication and written communication.

Difference between oral and written communication

Below is the table

How is it established?

It is established by the spoken word.

It is established by writing.


Its basis is dialogue.

Its basis is the text.

Permanence of the message

The message disappears when broadcast.

The message remains when broadcast.

Type of language used

Gestural language is used.

Grammar and figures of speech are used.




Unidirectional or multidirectional.



It is necessary to know how to speak to communicate a message and to hear to receive it.

It is necessary to know how to write to send a message and to read to receive it.

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